Hunting trip

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(Video to left of the picture)
I was on my way to the closest cheap motel in Bisbee, Arizona on my 1947 Indian Chief Motorcycle.
My sister Megan is driving right behind me on our 1967 Ford Mustang.
I was thinking about how Megan said she set up a hunt with two of her friends. But she hasn't told me what we might be hunting.
We pull up to a run down motel, Megan and I park our vehicles. I then look up to see a 1967 Chevy Impala. I immediately fall in love with it.
Later on after my admiration of the vehicle Megan and I check in and go straight to our rooms.
Once I enter the room I throw my bag onto the floor and fall onto the bed.
"Gosh why are you so tired?" My sister asks.
"Well Megan, believe it or not I get tired from all that monster killing and ghost hunts." I say to her.
"You're on your period aren't you?" Megan then asks the question.
"Yes and it's a bloody mess." I then start to giggle, "huh, get it?"
"You're so immature." Megan says.
"I'm more mature than you'll ever be," I say with exhaustion. "I just also love to act like a child some times."
"Anyways I'm going to take a shower. Don't get into any trouble."
"Since when do I ever get into trouble?" I shoot back at her, and she gives me this 'are you serious look'.
"Alright, Alright I'll stay out of trouble." I say to her.
After a few minutes into her shower I pull out a small stereo and start blasting some music. The first song that came up is "Face Down" by the Red JumsuitApparatus, and I start rocking out
I start to hear banging on the door and pretend that I don't hear it. But who ever it is doesn't stop banging on the door.
I start to growl, and get irritated. So I get up stomp towards the door and slam it open.
"May I help you." I yell at the person.
"Yeah can you please turn down your sweet ass music, my brother and I are trying to sleep." The man says.
"Bitch I'll turn it down, when the sun goes down!" I yell at him and slam the door.
The banging starts up again.
"What the fuck do you want!?"
"Turn down the God damn music."
"Look bastard I don't know or care who you are but it's not even dark out yet and I'd love to listen to my music in peace."
"Well I would like to sleep in peace, you son of a bit-"
I then slam the door in the mans face. And go back to my bed and listen to my music.
After forty-five minutes Megan gets out of the shower, drying her hair.
"Hey is everything alright?"
"Yeah everything is good, just some jackass was at the door."
"Alright then, well anyways we are going to meet up with the others tonight at the bar. So make sure to get enough sleep until then, Alright?"
"Alright, then we'll good night." I say to her turning off my music and getting some shut eye.
~~~~~~~~unknown man~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hear the music turn off and I am so God damn grateful that bitch came to her senses.
"About damn time she turned it off, I'm exhausted," i say to my brother.
"Leave her alone you, would've acted the same way if it was the other way around."
"No I wouldn't!" I say to my brother, as he gives me an are you serious look.
"Anyways, I'm going to sleep finally. Wake me up until we have to go." I say to my brother.
———————-5 hours later————————
~~~~~~~~~~My Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We were in the car, driving. I was just a little girl and I was sitting looking out the window, Megan was sleeping in her car seat and my parents were up front talking about financial stuff.
We were on our way to our to grand fathers cabin, leaving Nevada and going to go to California. There were trees everywhere turning red, orange and yellow. They looked so beautiful. Later on we make it to grandfathers house. It's dusk right now and so mom hurried us inside.
Later that night grandfather tells us stories of myths and legends about vampires, ghosts demons and all that. Then all of a sudden the lights go out. I look around and a candle is lit. Then I see it. A wendigo, I hear my parents screams and I look in the mirror and see my younger self . I blink and see myself today. I looked terrified. The lights turn on, and I see Megan still as a babe crying on the ground. I go over to her and pick her up trying to comfort her. I then see my grandpa, and he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Lysandra always remember. Dont ever run away, fight back, face your fears."
Then I see the wendigo take him too.
I wake up gasping, and shaking from fear from my dream.
"Hey you okay?" Megan asks
"Yeah, I was just having night terrors again."
"Well, Alright then. Anyways we have to go, we are about to meet the others."Megan tells me.
"Alright, let me get our keys and we'll get there."
———————-20 minutes later——————
We arrive to the bar, I ride my motorcycle into the parking lot and I see the impala from earlier.
"Just look at this beauty!!" I say to myself.
I park babe, right in front of bars entrance and Megan parks the car by me. And we head inside.
I buy four beer mugs of corona, then Megan leads us to a table booth all the way into the corner.
As we get there I see a tall man, look at us and smile.
"Hey Megan, you made it." The man said.
"What's up Sam, hows it goin."
Then a man sitting across from him turns around. It's the guy from earlier.
"Oh no not you again!!" The man and I say in unison. I grip my fist and raise my hand, until Megan stops me.
"So I see you already met Dean."
"Yeah he's the bastard from earlier!" I say raising my voice.
"Oh I'm the bastard! How about you yelling at me and slamming the door in my face!"
"Well that wouldn't have happened if you weren't banging on the door."
"I was banging on the door just so you could hear me!"
"Oh yeah well I-"
"Alright guys calm down, it sounds like you both got off on the wrong foot." Sam says.

"yeah, alright well lets restart this," Megan says. "Lysandra?"

I stare at him with daggers, "No, i wont apologize to him."

"Lysandra, stop acting like a child, and acting as stubborn as an ass." Megan says, and Dean laughs. Megan and Sam both shoot daggers at Dean shutting him up. "Winchester your'e not helping the situation either, also acting like a child." Megan always sounds like a mother and it always scares me.

"Anyways we need to talk about the hunt, " Sam says

"Alright well first where exactly are we going, all i was told was that i was meeting with you here." i say.

"Well, I guess its to Crestline, California." Sam says.

"And exactly what are we hunting?" i ask.

"I dont know, but there have been 3 unusual bear attacks."

"well lets get back to the motel and get some sleep." dean says, grabbing his coat about to leave.

"Good idea, see you guys back at there." Megan says saying her goodbyes.

I stop Dean in his tracks, "Alright im will work with you only this one time, but after this i wont see you again, got that?" i say to Dean before I follow Megan.

"Alright, princess!" Dean yells to me,

"What did you call me?" I turn around and look at Dean.

"I called you princess, what are you going to do about it... Princess." Dean has a grin in his face and I then walk away with frustration.

I walk out with Dean following behind me. I see Dean then walk towards the impala and i was so shocked.

"Like what you see? Shes a beauty isn't she?" Dean says to me still with that same grin.

"Was a beauty. " I then say to him, seeing a shocked looked on his face, as i walk over to my ride babe. I look back and his face is very humiliating.

I get on babe and speed away fast towards the motel.

I get to the motel and have Megan and I pull in. I come inside our room and pass out onto the bed not even bothering to change, until im about to sleep.

"Goodnight Megan, I love you sleep tight."

"Goodnight Lysandra, I love you too."


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