Lady in the Attic

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~~~~~~~Lysandras POV~~~~~~~~~~
After I finish my shower, I get dressed and brush my hair teeth and start repacking my bag for the trip.
I look into the mirror seeing my tan face littered with freckles and my stormy ocean eyes. I then start to hear a piano above me.
"She's back." I whisper to my self.
I quickly get up run out the door and up to the attic. As I bring the ladder down I hear someone behind me, so I turn around and I see Megan and Sam talking.
I then start to climb up to the attic and turn to the old piano in the corner. I see a white figure playing cords and keys and I just sit the watching and listening to the music. Then all of a sudden the music stops and she disappears. I then climb down the latter and put it back into the ceiling.

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