First Job with the Whinchesters

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WARNING this chapter is sensitive and has cutting. This chapter is still important so just skip the flashback if you don't want to read that part.
~~~~~~~Lysandras POV~~~~~~~
After I put the attic latter up, I go back to get my bag and head outside. I see Dean on the phone with someone and Sam still talking with Megan. My uncles were also waiting on the porch to say their goodbyes.
"So are you guys going to be staying here until we get back?"
"Well maybe, it depends if anything comes up at home."
"You guys just live across town. Uncle Shane are you guys going to be okay do I need to go pick up something real quick?"
"No sweetheart, no need to worry about us. Now go on and have a trip with that hunky man of yours."
"Uncle Mark don't say that, he's the opposite of who I want in my life."
"Mhm we'll see."
"Anyways you better get going."
"Okay I love you both."
"We love you too, watch your sisters beg her home safe."
I nod saying "of course I will."
Megan and the Winchester's say their goodbyes and I watch my uncles wink at both brothers and say something to each.
"Alright so do we need to make a seating arrangement with cars." Megan asks.
"Why would we?" Dean asks.
"Well I want to catch up with Sam and I thought we could switch our usual car buddies."
"Nuah, that's a HELL NO, I'm not riding with this bitch ass over here." I say to Megan
" For once in my time knowing her, I agree."
"Would rather share rooms?"
I turn and look at Dean, both of us grinning and know what we were both thinking.
"What's going on?" Sam asks.
"I can see the gears turning in their heads."
"What if-" I start out.
"If you both do stay on the same room?" Dean finishes, "better yet the car ride as well." I say
"Why, what are you both thinking about." Megan asks.
"Oh nothing for you to worry about, except that Dean and I will just put up with each other for the time being."
"Alright well you both are acting strange." Sam says.
"Sam we hunt ghost and monsters for a living, nothing can get any stranger."
"That's true bu.-" "but nothing Sammy now get in the car." Dean says.
Sam does as he's told and they into Our with Megan following, then Dean and I get into his.
"As much as I despise you, I hope they hit it off well."
The beginning of the ride was silent but it wasn't awkward, until Dawn broke it.
"How long have you been hunting?" He asks
"My whole life, why?"
"Well why is because I'm trying to start conversation and I've been hunting basically my whole life too."
"Oh yeah, why do you hunt?"
"Well it's a family business, what about you."
"I hunt because it's the only thing I'm really good at."
After a few hours or so of conversating I decide I was going to take a nap.
~~~~~~~Deans pov.~~~~~~~~~~
Lysandra decides that she wants to take a nap so she puts her seat back and put her hands behind her head and a hat to cover her face. I then look over and notice some faint white lines on her wrists, but I thought it was nothing so I stayed focus on driving.
~~~~~~Lysandras POV~~~~~~~
I can hear my teardrops hit the sink or missing then hitting the bathroom floor. I try hard to keep my sobbing quiet so I don't wake up Megan in the next room and worry her. I take the blade in my hand and start drawing lines and pictures into my skin.
The first cut was burning but it felt good, and after a while I stopped the crying and focused more on the cutting. I draw pictures of hearts and trees everywhere along with mountains. I then look down at my arms and see blood and a masterpiece. I also see layers and layers of previous scars all over each other and not healed. I felt empty inside, along with worthless and unusful. All I wanted to do was die but I know couldn't and wouldn't kill myself because I have to take care of Megan. Besides I can't do that to her. We're basically orphans and I'm the only family she really has besides our uncles.

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