Home Surprise

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I was back on the road, heading straight for home.
I couldn't wait, I get to sleep in my bed again. We left early this morning with the Winchester brothers.
As I speed home with Megan and the Winchester's behind me, I feel happy ,and free when I'm riding babe.
I feel the wind blowing through me and I get excited -and I speed faster.
I wish right now I had wings and could fly, because I love this feeling. A feeling like everything disappears and I know I'm okay. A feeling as if I'm free.
Anyways we we're somewhat home and I can smell the amazingly fresh, dry Nevada air. Oh how missed that smell.
—————3 hours later———————-
Skull Creek, Nevada
A couple hours later, I start to see home. As we got closer and closer, starting to see it become clear , I get excited.
We finally get there and I get off my motorcycle. I then get my bag and a shotgun filled with rock salt out of our car.
Then I suddenly hear a crash in the house, and everyone freezes.
I start heading towards the house, when Dean stops me.
"Hold on, I'll go check it out."
I then give him a look of disgust and stop him by putting my hand in front of him.
"Alright sweetheart, No I own the house, I save the people, and I take the responsibility. Got that princess." I say to him, as I throw my bag over my shoulder.
I carefully bring the shotgun up, I go into the house.
As I slowly walk around, I start to hear some cussing.
"God dammit, mother fucking son of a bitch."
I then sigh and walk into the kitchen putting my gun down.
"Uncle Shane what the hell are you doing?"
"Oh Lysandra darling you scared me, I'm trying to make me self a sandwich, when I dropped the jar and everything else with it."
I sigh and put my fingers up to my brow. I then walk out and hand motion everyone to come in.
"Uncle Shane what are you doing here? And did you bring your husband with you?"
"Oh Lysandra Sweetie it's you. Sorry for barging in on your home like this, but we swear your alcoholic uncle and I came here for a good reason. Some, family business." Uncle Mark says coming into the kitchen.
"What kind of family business?"
"Business relating to your birth parents."
"My birth parents?"
"Uncle Shane And Mark, you're here!"
Megan yells, running to our gay uncles.
"Hey Lysandra, where would you like us to... whose this?" Sam asks
"Oh girls, we didn't know you were bringing a handsome man over." Uncle Shane says
"Oh honey, he looks to be like Megan's type." Uncle Mark tells Shane. I turn and look at Megan and Sam, blushing as red  as a tomato.
"Sam these people are our uncles, Shane and His husband Mark." I say to him and Dean then walks into the room.
"Whose these people." He asks.
"Oh look Lysandra also brought a handsome man for her self." Mark says.
"Uncle Mark! Stop." I say blushing as bad as Sam and Meg.
"Dean this is uncle Shane and his husband Mark."
"Uncle Shane, uncle Mark, Sam and Dean Winchester."
"Why you girls brought in some mighty fine looking men, though you Dean I see is not the sharpest tool in the shed and I see you were a funny looking kid as a child, couldn't have guessed that you were the same person."
"Haha, he read you're mind Winchester." I hear Megan say as Shane and Sam laughing in the back.
"Uncle Mark has esp, so I guess a psychic sixth sense person thang." I say to Dean, looking all confused from what just happened.
"So You have gay uncles?"
"Yes do you have a problem with that?"
"No I just didn't expect it. And the ESP."
"Hey Lysandra I thought you and Megan didn't have any other family." Sam asks me.
"Actually I have blood related family, I just had no place to bring Meg at the time when Shane was in prison and Mark was family friend."
"Huh? Meaning your half sisters?" Dean says.
"No I am adopted Dean."
"I had no idea." Sam says
"That's alright, I didn't tell you." I say to him.
"As children living alone, Mark took us in as children while Shane was in prison, again- Actually is that why youre here bastard, you came cause you're going back to fucking prison, I need to kick you ass if that's the reason why you're here!"
I say throwing a spoon at him. He quickly ducks and hides behind Megan terrified.
"No Lysandra. Actually we came because of your birth parents." Mark says in a serious tone. "Let go into the living room."
"You know why you're name was given to you right, and what it means?"
"No, I don't but what does that have to do with my- "
"Hush child and listen" uncle Shane says.
"You're birth parents gave you the name Lysandra, meaning defender of men."
"Defender of men?"
"Yes and you see another thing is, your mother and I you see are related to a man last named, Van Helsing."
"You mean the most famous hunter know to both man and monster, yeah I know that?"
"Yes and there is more. Before he died he wanted to make amends with an angel and so contracted that he would have his oldest great grand child, have a mark of heaven and save the world from the ten world apocalypse."
"And you see not only are you the oldest great grandchild, you're the only one."
"I am supposed to save the world if there's a tenth apocalypse?"
"Yes, And I have a feeling that a first apocalypse is coming soon." Mark tells me.
"Alright well what if that never comes and the first apocalypse fails kills everyone."
"Well I hope it never comes to that and not involving you to dying. But I believe the apocalypse is going to be the ten plagues from the Bible."
"1 water into blood
2 frogs
3 lice
4 mixture of wild animals
5 disease livestock
6 Boils
7 thunderstorm of hail and fire
8 locusts
9 darkness for three days
And 10- 10
10 is Death if the firstborn."
"What? First born? But I'm the only one born and Dean he's, he's."
I look at Dean terrified for his life. I can't have Sam loose his brother.
"I will not let this happen, I will stop it no matter what and yeah I will make sure no one does die on that tenth apocalypse." I say determined.
"I love you sweetheart, I know you can do this." Uncle Mark coming into a hug with Shane.
"Alright well I have a hunt I need to sleep in for, I'll talk to you both about this afterwards."
—————later that night———————
"Alright bitches, whose up for some uno!" Uncle Shane says in a drunken slurred voice.
" I Think it's actually time for you to go to sleep uncle Shane, you've had enough to drink, you too Mark."
"Hahahahaha, that's so funny Sam I need you tell me more about these these these, woah!!" I then see Uncle Mark drunk on the ground laughing his fucking ass off crying.
"Alright well let's get you two, to bed."
"Haha, she said bed" uncle mark says, I then see him smoke a cigarette, wait a minute.
"Wait a minute, is that pot?"
"I uh yes, no. Maybe"
"I told you if you smoke anything especially marijuana on my property it happens outside, I don't need you to get drunk and high on your ass, I can get in trouble."
I yell at him.
"Ah fuck em, bilsby she ain't going to do a thing." Mark says.
"And now you're seeing things, great!"
—————An Hour Later—————-
After an hour of putting to bed my gay ass uncles, I go to my room and change into a white tshirt and put on my hoodie and denim jacket. I see the Winchester's on the couches pull out bed and Megan is asleep in her room.
I start to head out at the door.
"Where are you going." Sam asks.
"I have to do somethings."
"Nun ya."
"Nun ya what?" Dean asks me.
"Nun ya business." I tell him
"Ha you walked into that one, so dumb."
Sam says.
"I'll be back."
~~~~~~~~Deans pov~~~~~~~~~~
"I'm asking Megan where she's going."
"I'm coming with you."
"Psss. Megan. Pssssssst. Megan!" I whisper yell to her.
"What you bitches and bastard want?"
"Where is you're sister going?"
"She's out running errands."
"Is that what she tells you?"
"No that's what I tell you, now bitch go and fuck off I'm sleeping."
"I'm the bitch?"
"Yes, not just any bitch. My bitch, so go fuck your self or something."
"I swear, I don't like her when she's grumpy. she's bitchy."
"I can still hear you Dean Winchester."
"Okay, okay gosh, I'm going."
"Don't think about following her either okay."
~~~~~~~Lysandras pov~~~~~~~
I was coming up to Ashley's house. My best friend also as a surprise but is a shapeshifter.
She's been my friend since we were kids and after she joined the police force along having a family, I'm not the only one who knows her secret.
I see Ashley and her kids (also shape shifters.)
As often as I can, since her husband died last year.
I try check up on her and help out around the house.
I knock on the door.
I hear her kids yell , before opening the door.
"Hi you lil rascals, hows it goin." I say embracing them into a hug. I see Ashley come to the door, holding her youngest little baby child.
"Hi Ashley, long time no see."
"Hi Lysandra, hows it going, I didn't expect to see you here for at least a few more days."
"Well the hunt got done quick but I leave tomorrow for another one."
"Wow so much more busy than I am, almost acting like a real adult" Ashley says laughing at me.
"Whose that?" She asks me, I then turn around to see the Chevy Impala.
"That Ashley is Dean Winchester. Someone who I have to work with in my next hunt." I say to her walking up to the car.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was checking to see you didn't have an under cover stripper job." Dean says.
"Get out, and follow me."
Dean comes out and I lead him to the Front porch.
"Dean meet my friend Ashley, Ashley meet Dean." I introduce them.
"Well its a pleasure to meet such a good looking lady."
"Thanks but I'm only borrowing the skin for now." Ashley says. Dean gives me a confused look.
"Dean don't freak out but you see Ashley here is a shapeshifter, but don't worry she won't kill you. Especially since she works for the Police."
"A shapeshifter working for the good guys?"
"Yep, got it right and has a family. Who knew a shapeshifter could have all these things." Ashley says.
"Yeah crazy." Dean says in disbelief.
"Lysa, Who is this man?" The three children ask.
"Children meet Dean Winchester, Winchester meet, Lizzy, Ricky, Don And the babe right here is Penelope."
"Nice to meet you Dean!"
"Alright children it's time to get ready for bed, you all have school tomorrow."
"But mom." They all whine. "Lysandra is here"
"Well next time she is here on a weekend, you can stay up longer, Alright?"
"Fine, goodnight mom, Lysandra, and Dean."
"Goodnight and don't forget to brush your teeth." I say to them.
"I have to head home to sleep to. It's nice to see you again Ashley."
"You too, Lysandra. Nice to meet you Dean."

Uncle mark, uncle Shane is all the way the top

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Uncle mark, uncle Shane is all the way the top.

Thank you for reading, HAPPY THANKS GIVING EVERYONE!!

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