cranberry sauce

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The Onceler had just swallowed Sans and had an incredibly sore tummy. His stomach growled and swirled before...


The Onceler laid an egg. The egg was large and pure white. Then the top of it cracked and out poured blue smoke (and the Megalovania soundtrack). As the music filled the room, so did the stench of cranberry sauce. Lo and behold, out of the egg came Sans. 

"Lmao why was the egg filled with cranberry sauce, honey?" said Sans. 

"I just like cranberry sauce." replied the Onceler. "Also wtf?"

Sans was covered in cranberry sauce, and it low-key smelt delicious.

"How did you fit inside my mouth? And how did you get through my throat? And how did I just digest and then birth you through an egg? I am not a female nor a bird, I don't--"

Sans then pressed a solitary finger to the Onceler's lips. Then Sans untied the Onceler.

"Do you know about Stockholm syndrome?" inquired sans.

"Is it when you poop out eggs?"

"It can be if you want it to be" ;) ;) ;)

"mm no thx"

"Do you want a drink, oh Oncery one?"

"u got cranberry juice?" 

"Sure bb, but why do you like cranberries so much??"

The Onceler then brushed back his hair and adjusted his posture... "Well, according to my doctor, it is very good for preventing UTI's."

"what does that mean, my lovely?" owo-ed sans

"Urinary tract infections"

"it's okay, I don't have any diseases we can do it raw."


"just like cranberry sauce" ;) ;) ;)

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