Chapter 5

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"No wonder why you are crying the student said.

How can you stay in this hostel with this type of punishment," Fati said
"You called this punishment," the student asked. "Yes of course, it is a punishment" Fati replied. "Let me tell you" Nana began, sometimes these seniors would ask us to fetch water for them with big container that we could hardly carry.At times, they would ask us to wash their clothes and if one dared to refuse,they would seize that person's note books. Again, the senior would tell you to become their daughter, that is if you want to stay away from their troubles.They will ask you to be their daughter and if you refuse,the senior will be maltreating you"
"Do you have a school mother" Fati asked
"No,I don't" Nana replied.
"Why" Fatima asked
"It is very hard to see a good school mother" Nana replied. Thank you so much for your concern, Fatima said showing a sign of appreciation. "It's okay" Nana replied. They hugged each other and became friends there and then.
Fatima met Aisha when they were on break period, the two friends were very happy to see each other. "How is Hussaina" Fati asked. "She stays close to my corner in the hostel" Aisha replied.
"What of Maryam" Fati asked again.
As Hussaina was about to answer her,Aisha and Maryam called them from far distance. Fatima and Hussaina ran happily to meet them.
They were all glad to see themselves in the same school.Aisha, Maryam and Hussaina are in the same class while Fatima was in another class. At the end of the term,when the students got their results, Hussaina took 3rd position, Maryam took 4th position and Aisha took 2nd position,on their way back to the hostel,they met Fatima.
"Ha! Fati,have you seen your result? Hussaina asked after they had exchanged pleasantries.
"Yes", Fatima replied." What is your position then?,Maryam asked.Fatima winced her face and say,well,I came first in my class. They all jumped in joy."Congratulations "they all said to Fatima.then Fatima asked if they had got their own results." Yes",Aisha replied. They all showed their results to Fatima. After going through it,Fatima then said congrat to all of her friends. "We have to read very hard next term in order to maintain our positions or better still, come up to first and second positions next term". After that,they all left for their hostels.

~~~FEW MONTHS LATER~~~(after the second term holiday)
" Good morning students",the principal said
"Good morning sir" the students replied. "You are all welcome back from the holiday to a new term". The principal continued......"I want you to know that most of you did well in the last term exam while some failed. I want you to work very hard this third term because any mistake you make now will surely repeat.
It is only left for you to decide whether to enter a new class or remain you were. I also noticed that the teachers are teaching very well and also tried in completing your scheme of work. So,I don't see why some of you should fail in the last examination.
The teachers were not happy that some of their students failed. Secondary school is a crucial stage for any student who wants to become somebody in life. If you work very hard, you will succeed; your destiny lies in your hands. It all depends on how you make use of it,as you make your bed,so will you lye on it.Don't while away your time, make up your mind never to be a victim of failure. Endeavour to work hard because hard work brings about success and prosperity.
This is the chance to become what you want to be. Today is early but tomorrow may be too late.The headless housefly goes down the grave with the corpse(African proverb).
"A word is enough for the wise" the principal concluded. "The principal is not happy today", Aisha said at the end of the assembly." Yes,that was because some of the students failed in their last examination "Maryam replied. Let us put more effort in our studies so as to pass very well this term,Hussaina said.
" Yes,we have to, like the principal said, if we did not make it this term that person will not enter a new class "Maryam said. After the discussion, they all went to their classes.
At the end of the term, the students did their best and finally at the end of third term, those who did well were promoted while those who failed were made to repeat classes. Fatima and all her friends were promoted to J.s.s 2 because they all passed." I am happy to see myself in new class"Maryam said. "Me too,I am glad,Aisha said. Their hard work paid off because none of them ever got below sixth position. They also represented their school in junior secondary school quiz and debates competition....

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