Ch31 The Girl I love

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"Im going to do the same to you!"

"(Name, get out of here,go tell lady tsunade" Kakashi demanded.

"Go tell her what? That you're friend you left to die is back for revenge, because you killed the girl he loved right in front of him?"

"N-name" Kakashi stutters

"Hell no!  Im not telling tsunade shit, until you tell me what going on here.  What else have you been lying to me about  Kakashi!?"

"Hahah" obito laughs evilly, "I think this might just be better than killing you Kakashi. Me watching the one you love the most slowly turn their back on you, it pleases me to know you're suffering!"

"Hey Tobi, shut the hell up!  You're coming with me!"  You grabbed tobi before  he could resist. "You owe me an explanation!"

"Fine, its the least i can do."

As you were about to leave with Obito Kakashi stops you.

"(N-name)! Where are you going!  Don't go! He's dangerous (name), please stay with me!"

"Oh he's  the dangerous one?  Atleast he isn't lying to me, and hasn't left anyone to die!  i-I just need sometime to think Kakashi.  I need to get away for a while..." you begin to cry

"Im not letting him take you!  I'll get the entire anbu to hunt you down if i have to!  I'm not losing you either (name)!"

You begin to turn back to Kakashi, you love him so much regardless of what you have heard.  You want to go back to him so bad, but right before you do Obito stops you.

"Enough, you're leaving with me regardless. Just a minute ago you hated him, now you want him back!  You filthy scum! You're as worthless as him!"

You try to reach out for Kakashi ,but you're sucked into to Obito's kamuia before vanishing with him. 

While you were vanishing you and Kakashi  managed to brush fingertips. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep you going. You could feel all his love for you with just that small touch...

Hey guys it erika. I feel so bad bc I haven't updated that much!  Ive been so busy! Y'all are probably tired of hearing it but its true! My english. Teacher ia making us read over break ugh.  I'm sorry! I love you guys!!—erika

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