Chapter 4

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"Lina let's go" Lina's mom says. We
were leaving to go to the fall festival for her church. Linas mom was supposed to pick up the boys but we had been helping Lina's aunt build a hog pen all day so we were running late. We didn't have time to go all the way into town to get them.
"Mom you promised to go get the boys. They are gonna be mad." Lina says inthe car.
"Lina, lane and Ben will Understand
that I didn't have time to go get them."
Her mom responds.
"Ugh whatever." Lina says.
At first everything was fine me and
Lina were hanging out. We ate some
of the homemade deserts. And we
played volley ball. But Lina soon started talking to someone she knew from church. His name was Phil and he had a huge crush on Lina. She almost dated him but instead she got with Ben. Phil hated Ben. Well really it was Ben who hated Phil, Phil just envied Ben. But every Sunday Phil tried to get with Lina. He never asked her out but he did drop hints and he flirted a lot.
"Hey Ellie I'm gonna go with Phil he
has some gum in his dads truck. Be
backin a few." Lina said
"K" I said.
Lina was gone for 20 minutes before she came back. She looked upset.
"U OK?" I ask
"Yea fine. But I wanna go home. its late and I'm tired." She said.
"OK call your mom."
"I did she is coming" Lina said.
We sat by the fire till Lina's mom got
"Girls I got some ice cream and the boys are at bens house" Lina's mom tells us on the way to her house.
Once we got home we were in Lina's room watching Spongebob when she suddenly paused the TV and shut the door.
"I need to tell u something" she said
"OK what's up?" I was concerned
"I kissed phil tonight" she said.
"Really? Omg lina u have to tell Ben you can't ke-"
"No we can't tell him he will hate me.
And besides it was an accident and it
won't happen again. Please Ellie dont
tell him." Lina said
"OK fine. But if he asks then I'm not
Gonna lie to him Lina." I tell her.
"Ok" she said.
After that it was late and we went to
A few weeks later I was sitting at my
grandmas. We had just gotten out of
school for fall break. I was talking to

Ben:I can't wait to see Lina this
Me:she is going to come pick me up
Ben:she told me.

Just then Lina text me.

Lina: hey I need to talk to u.
Me:what's up.
Lina:dont say nothing to no one but bens mom just died
Me:what when?
Lina:idk earlier today. He is really
Me:I've been talking to him for an hour and he hasnt mentioned anything. Omg I feel bad now.
Lina: yea same but I gtg.

I text Ben back

Me:u ok?
Me:Lina told me about your mom. I'm sorry....
Ben:it isn't your fault.
Me:yea but I still feel bad. How are u
Ben: I just feel sick.
Me: yea ik how u feel. I'm sorry Ben
Ben:its fine but i gtg I'll ttyl.
Me:ok bye.

I didnt really do much after that but cry. I cried till Lina got to my house and we both sad in the car and cried on the way to her house. And when we got there we cried even more.
Neither of us knew her but we knew
that she was really important to Ben.
There wasn't anything we could do. We Both just cried our self's to sleep that night.

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