Chapter 6

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Over the next few weeks I knew Ben
wasnt over Ellie but he didn't like to
talk about it so I didnt. Ben and I had gotten really close. We talked on the phone and texed a lot. I was so happy everyday he text me good morning and good night and he always hyped me up and i cant even remember how many times we hung out.

Ben: good. Morning beautiful
Me: beautiful?
Ben: I just thought I would remind u that u are beautiful
Me:oh well good morning😊
Ben: what are u doing today? U wanna chill
Me: let me talk to my mom
Ben: let me know I can come get u if u
Me:OK one sec

"Mom can I go to bens and help him
babysit his brothers? he said he can
pick me up?" I ask my mom hoping she won't see through my lie.
"OK as long as you are back by 10" "OK thanks" I say and I text Ben right away

Me:hey she said I have to be back by 10. But I can go
Ben:OK awesome let me put a shirt on
and I'll be over in 20
Me:OK text me when u get here
Ben:OK see ya

I rush to get ready I plug in my hair
straightener and then I take off my tank top and shorts and slip into a strapless crop top and some shorter shorts. I put on mascara, eyeliner, concealer, fill inbmy eyebrows and add some finishing power. Then I grab the straightener, I straighten the bottom half and put the too half into a braid and let it sit on top of the straightened Part. Just then Ben
texts me.

Ben:I'm here

I grab my bag slip on my Flatt's and
walk out the door. I get in the passenger side of bens car. We drive the 3 miles to Bens house and as we walk in he grabs my hand. I shudder because I didnt realize what he was doing at first. We went straight to his room. He put on Netflix and we sat on his bed and watched big mouth.
After a few he grabed a blunt and
asks if i wanna smoke. I of course sauf yes and we smoked it. We just sat there for a few. I got cold and he put the blanket over Me. And he took the other half. Then he handed me a comfy thin hoodie. I was trying to avoid eye contact cause I didnt want him to catch me staring. But all of a sudden he put his hand on
my thigh and that was it. He began to
stroke my thigh. Be for knew it I was
getting so wet. I looked at Ben and he
just smirked at me. Then he leaned in
and I thought he was gonna kiss me
but instead whispered in my ear "do
u want me?" I didnt know what was
about to happen. I shook my head and
said "more that anything" and he said
"as you wish princess" then he took his hand from my thigh and started to slide it up my shirt. my heart began to race as his hand reached my bra. He slid one hand behind my back and pulled me up so I was sitting. He unclipped my bra and pulled it off my shoulders and out of my shirt. I slowly reached for his pants to unbutton them. As I was pulling them off of him I realized how much I wanted him. I didn't know if he really wanted me or if i was just his Rebound after Lina. But either way I wanted him to be my first. He slipped my shirt off as I pulled his off. His Abs were so fucking sexy. I bit my lip as he grabbed my left boob. He squeezed it fiercely and it hurt but at the same time it felt amazing. He unbuttoned my shorts and yanked them down my legs.
I kicked them off and grabbed the hem of his boxers to pull them off. We were both completely naked in his bed. It was like a dream come true.
Then my phone rang. I looked at it abd said
"Shit. Its my mom shh" I picked up my phone "hello." ben continued kissing my neck which made it hard to pay attention to my mom especially since thats my weakness.
"hey Ellie I'm going into town so I might not be home when u get back do u have your key?"my mom asks "yea."
"OK i love u" she says
"I love u too bye mom"
"bye" I hang up and I throw the phone
"ready princess?" Ben ask
"yes"I say. Then he begins to kiss
me from the neck down. Before
i knew it, the thing i wanted most
Afterwards I looked at the time and it was only 2pm so we fell asleep. He spooned with me until we woke up at about 5pm
"Hi" he said
"hey'' I smiled.
"Do u wanna get up?"
"What time is it?"
"About 5 when do u have to go?"
"10" he just pulled me close and hugged me. All I was thinking was how much l wanted to kiss his Abs. I turned so i was facing him and he was under me and I kissed him from his neck to his pecks and down to his Abs. He giggled and said
"Come her you" he hugged me
again and we finished watching season 1 of Big Mouth be for he took me home.
"Good night Ellie sleep well."
"Good night Ben" be for I got out he pulled me in and kissed me. I was wearing his thin comfy jacket.
when I got to the door i waved at him and he pulled out of the driveway. I went inside and ate some pizza. I changed into some clean panties and put his hoodie back on and
went to bed.

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