Chapter 10

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We woke up really early and Ben
and I decided to go see the sun
rise from the beach. After the
sun was up we went to IHOP for
breakfast. We were sitting there
eating when Ben started to talk.
"Ellie, what do u have planned for the future? Like after highschool?"
"Well I really wanna take a year
off and travel. I wanna see places,
I wanna do things. I dont wanna
be stuck here forever. And I
wanna go to school in St.Augustine so I'll probably be there for college and I might stay after college. I don't know yet. But I'm not staying here. What about you? What are your plans? You only have 3 years left."
"I don't have a set plan in mind.
I might go to college I might not.
I might stay here I might not.
But I know one thing for sure.
I wanna be with you. I wanna
wake up every day with you in
my arms and I want you to be the one I grow old with and I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side in the future." Tears came to my eyes when Ben said that. I swear to god this boy is the love of my life
"Benjamin Parker Stones, i
swear to god I love you more
than anything in this world and I
wouldn't trade you for anything.
"Ellie Jade Carter, I swear that I
am in love with you and letting u
go was the stupidest thing I ever
"nah its fine u had to lose me to
know u don't want to"
After that we went to the movies.
There were only like 5 people
there and they were all up front
Ben and I sat in the back. About
halfway through the movie I got
up to go to the bathroom but Ben
pulled me back onto his lap.
"Ben want the fu-" he cut me off
by kissing me. And before I knew
it we were making out again
All of a sudden I realized that I
wanted him again. I started to
unbutton his pants but he stopped me
"We can't do this here there are
people" he whispers. But no
sooner did he say that, the group
up front got up and left. The man
was complaining about it being
a bad movie. and then Ben and
I were the only ones there. We
started making out again. I really
wanted to make Ben happy. Last
night was amazing and I felt like
I needed to return the favor. I
unbuttoned his pants and tried to pull them down. It took a minute but once they were down I got on the floor on my knees. Ben didnt even try to stop me, he just sat back. I could tell Ben was enjoying it.
After that he put his pants back
on and I sat in his lap with his
arm around me for the rest of the movie. When we got back in the car Ben started to laugh.
"What's so funny" I ask.
"I can't believe u gave me head in
the movie theater.I swear you're
wild as fuck baby"
"Haha babe I just thought you
would like it after what you did
last night." He laughed again
"Babe call your parents to check
"Okay" I call my mom
"Hello" my mom picks up
"Hey mom"
"Ellie, where are u? Dad said u
went with a friend?"
"Yeah I was with hasley, Tim, and
Ben at the beach yesterday then
I went to hasleys, and today Ben
picked me up and we went to a
"Oh okay what day is Ben leaving?"
"Um idk. Ben when are u going to
colorado?" I ask Ben
"Next Sunday morning were
leaving" he says
"Next Sunday mom, why?"
"I was thinking. Maybe he can
come over for dinner tonight with mamaw and papa and mamaw said something about taking you guys to the mall to go ice skating and ill ask her if u can take Ben."
"Okay I'll talk to him mom. What
time do I need to be home?"
"I don't know like 3ish cause you
need a shower."
"Ben and I were gonna go to his
house to watch TV for a while. Can I get a shower there?"
"Do you have clothes"
"Yeah I got clothes mom"
"Okay that's fine just be to
mamaws for dinner at five"
"Okay I love you"
"Love you too. Bye"
"Bye" I hang up the phone
"We gotta go to your house and
shower babe"
"Okay but you need clothes tho
"I left my leggings at your house
last time I was there. And I'll just
put your hoodie on."
"No babe I'll give u a shirt"
"Okay well let's go'" Ben starts the car and we drive to his house. when we get there he gets out and runs over to my side
before I can open the door. He
opens it and grabs my hand as I
get out. We held hands all the way in. When we get inside he notices his dad isnt home and neither are his brothers.
"Do you wanna get a shower?" He asks. I look at the time and its
already after four.
"We need to hurry cause we gotta
be there by five" I say.
"Well we better get a shower
together so it takes less time"
"Okay" I say. Ben gives me that look and I melt.
We go into the bathroom and
I sit on the counter as he turns
the water on. He come up to me
and kisses me. I wrap my legs
around him and lift my arm as
he pulls my dress of. He unclips
my bikini top and I take his shirt
off as we continue to make out.
I wasn't wearing the bottoms of
my bikini so he took of his shorts And picked me up and carried
me to the shower as we continue
to make out getting more intense.
The warm water felt good on
my back and bens kiss felt even
better on my lips. He pushed me
against the shower wall and lifted my arms above my head. it was getting super intense and then we heard a door open and shut. Then there was his brother Brandon's voice.
"Ben?" He called
"Ellie did u lock the door?" he
"Shit" Ben jumps out of the shower
to lock the door. And as soon as it
locks Brandon knocks on
"Ben you in here?"
Ben slowly walks back to the
shower and spoke
"Yea what do u need?"
"Nothing just didnt know u were
home. I'm going back with Eric
I just had to come get my phone
"Okay ill see u tomorrow or
whenever man. I'm going with
Ellie in a little while"
"Okay bye" Brandon walks off and a second later we hear the front door shut.
"shit that was close" Ben says
"Yeah" Ben turns to grab a loofa
"I guess the spark is gone now
huh?" I say. Ben puts soap on the
loofa and turns to me,
"Who said it was gone?" He
starts to wash me with the loofa.
Starting with my shoulders and
down my back and up my side
he made his way to my chest and
down my front. When he got to
my waist he dropped the loofa
and grabbed my thigh. He lifted
It and wrapped it around him.
We start to make out again. After
a minute he finishes washing me
and then washes himself. Then
he turned off the water kissed my forehead and got out. He grabbed a towel wrapped it around his waste and handed me one. I wrapped it around me and we walked to his room. He shut and locked the door. I sat on the end of his bed and he walked over to me.
He unwrapped my towel and put
me up on the bed more. He stared at my lips and his lips slowly found their way down my body. He spread my legs and began to massage me. Kissing back up my body he slowly inserted his finger into me. I started to breathe heavily as he began to thrust his finger
in and out of me. Then he inserted a second finger and started to thrust faster. When he inserted the third finger I arched my back and let out a loud moan of pleasure. He pulled out after a second and then got on his knees. His face quickly found its way down there.
He started eating me out. This
time was even better than last
time. His tongue game was strong as hell. I couldn't help but moan loudly during this part. After a few minutes he came back up. Wiped his face on the towel and kissed me. I looked at my phone and it was after five already.
"Shit" I said sitting up. I grabbed
my leggings which were on the
floor halfway under bens bed
"Babe whats wrong" he asks.
"Its after five already. We gotta go"
"Fuck" He grabs a shirt and hands me one. I go to put it on and realize i don't have a bra.
I go get my bikini top from the
bathroom. I put it on. When l get
back Ben is already dressed. I put
on the shirt and we go to the car.
Its five thirty when we get there.
"I'm sorry we were late we got
caught I traffic and my brother
was in the shower when we got
there. Please dont be mad at Ellie
its not her fault" Ben tells my
"Its fine dear yall just have a seat'
mamaw says. We sit down to eat.
"Ben Ellie, kids, When we get done Ellie is gonna help mamaw do the dishes and you younger two are gonna go watch TV and Ben u can come to the garage with me. Ellie your parents are gonna have a night alone. And we can go ice skating after the dishes are done"
papa says.
"Yes sir" all four of us say
Ben and I hold hands under the
table as we eat. When were done
We say bye to my mom and dad
and we all go our separate ways. Mamaw was dong dishes and I
was cleaning up the kitchen. Ben
and papa were in the garage aka
the papa bear cave. That's what
mamaw called it.
"So ben, you Like Ellie do you?"
Papa asked Ben
"Yes sir I like her a lot.'"
"That's good. Ellie is my little Cupcake. When she was little she used to ride the horses on my fathers ranch. She would milk the goats and get the chicken eggs herself.
One time she dropped the basket
and all the eggs cracked. She cried for an hour." Papa told Ben.
"Haha. Ellie is special I have never liked a girl like I do Ellie. I really haven't. I didnt have my phone for a couple of days and I couldn't talk to her and I'm not lying on the second night I was in tears cause I missed her." Ben explained.
"Well thats good. Ellie is special
and I don't ever wanna see you
hurt he-"I walk in
"Papa were ready to go" I say.
"Alright c'mon Ben let's go ice
We walk to the Car. Mamaw and
papa sit up front. Me and Ben in
the middle and the two kids in the third row. Mamaw and papa were laughing and telling Ben stories about me. Ben was holding my hand and listening to them.
When we got there ben and i
skated. The kids tried to skate
but couldn't. My sister got it after
a while and then helped my
brother. Ben caught me when I
fell and we were laughing and
holding hand and kissing the
whole time. Mamaw was taking
pictures the whole time. Papa
went over and got hot cocoa and
cake pops from Starbucks. the
skating rink was in the mall but
the place looked like and out
door rink. The architecture was
amazing. They even had a real fire place. Honestly it was one of the best nights I have had in a while. after that Mamaw and papa took us to get ice cream.
"Ben do you have to go home
tonight?" Papa asks ben in the car on the way home
"No sir my dad wont be there till
"Okayif u want u can stay with
us tonight, you and Ellie can
take the room that Ellie and her
sister usually share. And the two
younger kids can have the other
one. But Ben I want you two in
separate beds please."
"Yes sir" Ben said
That night Ben and I didnt sleep.
We stayed up all night just talking about the future. And we watched TV. And we kissed, but we didnt wanna risk getting caught so we kept our distance in case Mamaw or papa came in. But it was a really good night. I was happier than I had been in a while.

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