~Chapter 2~

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The Question

Getting up is officially the worst thing ever on a school day. You have to get up so early and then you have to actually get out of bed. You can't just stay in your bed for a half hour. Or atleast I can't. I just layed in bed for another thirty minutes, I would be late to school.

Its been a week since I first started school.

I got up out of bed and went to my bathroom. I straightened my hair and then I put on some light makeup. Then, I put on a black flowy skirt, beige tanktop, and a beige lace jumper.

I slide on my black and white converse and then head down to the kitchen for an apple. I placed the apple in my bag for lunch and I also grabed a cold water from the fridge for throughout the day.

I grab my phone off the charger and then I go out the door and down to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

A few minutes passed and the bus arrived. I climbed on and sat down.


The bus soon arrived at the school and I went straight to the library to meet up with Danielle, Dameon, and David.

"Dameon someone likes you!" I hear as I enter the library.

"Who!Who!Who!" Dameon exclaims.

I walk over to the table they are seated at and I sit down. "Who likes him Daneille?" I ask.

"James Reed" Danielle answers.

"No way!" Dameon says shocked. "How do you know?"

"He told me dumbass!" Danielle laughs. "He came up to me on my bus this morning and he talked to me. He said that he liked you and he wanted me to ask you and see if you liked him."

"Of course I like him! I've liked him since junior high!" Dameon exclaims excitedly.

"Go ask him out!" I say.

Dameon quickly gets up from the table and runs out of the library. Moments later he comes back in.

"Danielle, do you know where he is?" he says.

"He's on the patio."

Dameon, once again, runs out of the library.

"So how are you and your girlfriend, David?"

"We sortof... broke up. " David admits with a half smile.

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that." I say and Danielle agrees.

"She's all the way in New York anyway, so it was bound to happen," David says.

The bell rings for first period and we stand up and I go to my locker, David follows.

I put a few books that I will have for the later periods into my locker and close it. David and I walk to first period together.


I go through the first half of the day and then lunch hour comes. Dameon, David, Danielle, James, and I all have the same lunch.

I go to my locker and from my bag I take out my apple and the water that I took from home. I wait at the lunch line checkout for Danielle and David and we go find a table for us all to sit at.


We eat lunch and then we go out to the patio.

"Stop!Stop!" I say giggling as David tickles me.

"Say mercy!"

"Mercy!" I exclaim.

David stops tickling me and we laugh for a minute or two.

"Danni could I have a minute alone with Melody?" David asks.

"Yeah sure. call me back over when your done!" Danielle says and then skips off and over to Dameon.

"Melody, I have a confession. " David says.

"okay.. go ahead." I respond.

"I lied. I never actually had a girlfriend. When I first met you last week, I fell head over heals for you. I like you a lot. haha"

"I like you too.." I say shyly.

"Do you want to go on a date sometime? Ill let you think about it if you want. Text me with Your answer?" david asks and he writes down his number on a peice of paper abd hands it to me.

"Why would I need to think about it? The answer will still be yes."

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