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Hello you have been selected to be apart of the gamer system

This is what I saw while I was in the middle of mowing my lawn



Before I could finish my sentence I got hit by a stray bullet which immediately killed me and made my vision go completely black

After a few seconds of darkness I open my eyes to see I'm in a room which has a orange outline where a pop up open infront of me

Hello again gamer if your wondering what happened you were killed by a stray bullet sadly

Y/n:yeah no shit it's sad since out of all things that I could have been killed by it was a goddamn stray bullet

But don't worry since you were selected to be apart of the gamer system before you were killed you get to have a chance to live a new life as a gamer

Y/n:a gamer? ... I don't know if I should be happy or worried

Now then before you get your life as a gamer started tell me what ability do you want?

As I heard that I started to smirk at knowing the answer to my question

Y/n:ok I want the ability to do anything I can think of

... are you sure you want this ability

Y/n:yes definitely

Ok you asked for this

As soon as I was done reading it I was covered in a bright glow that covered me completely

When it was done I was now 6'4 feet tall, have short f/c hair and eyes, a black shirt, white pants and shoes, finally a long black and white coat which has a f/c grid around it

Y/n:heh gotta say I kinda like this new look

While I was checking myself out another pop up open infront of me that showed my stats

Name:y/n l/n

Title:the gamer



Lv:beyond infinity

Hp:beyond infinity/beyond infinity regen:whatever you want

Mp:beyond infinity/beyond infinity

STR: infinity

VIT: infinity

DEX: infinity

INT: infinity

WIS: infinity

Luck: -10

$: infinity

[Gamer Mind -Level MAX] (Passive)

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effect.

[Gamer Body -Level MAX] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP and heals all temporary status effects.

[thinker-level MAX] (passive)

The user can do whatever they want no matter what

Y/n:well that explains how I got hit with a stray bullet but hey at least now it won't effect me in any wa-

Before I could finish my sentence a giant pop up appear infront of me which made all of the color drain from my face


Y/n:wait wait wait wait I didn't say anything about changing the difficulty and I didn't even know that was a thing!

If you make the ability you want be
"can do anything I think of" you will make the gamer system go into impossible mode where you have to not just fight enemies from the world you want to be in but also you will be able to fight non beings enemies which are known to be so powerful that not even the gamer system itself can hold them back

Y/n:the fucks a non being!?

As if the universe was answering my question The room suddenly shattered to pieces to revel a endless white void and a lone figure

He was 7'9 in height, is wearing a pure black armor which resembles a knight, his helmet cover his face and replaced it with a mask which has blood red eyes, on his back were a endless pairs of wings which were made completely out of swords, in his hand was a pure black sword which is 6'10 feet long and 2 feet wide also it was covered in a black aura

Ferrum:I am a non being well a general to be more specific you pathetic weakling

Story quest made

Welcome to impossible mode

Before you can go into any place in fiction you have to defeat Ferrum nigrum one of the many generals of the non beings

Objective:defeat Ferrum

Reward: new ? Item obtained

Failure:you die

Y/n:... is it to late for me to change my ability

My only response was a fist suddenly punching me into the white void

(So what do you think)

The gamer (male gamer reader X highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now