Y/n vs Ferrum

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After getting blasted back for a few feet I then made some wings appear on my back so I can finally stop

Y/n:ok buddy if it's a fight you want then A fight your going to get!

I then flew straight at who I'm guessing is Ferrum then try to punch him only for him to grab my arm and put it behind my back

Ferrum:hm is that really all you got

Y/n:no not really Since we barley started our little fight

I then made him let go of me by kicking his gut and quickly kicked him down to the abyss only for him to recover and try to cut me in half with a swing of his sword only for I to dodge it in the last minute and retaliate by knocking his sword out of his hand which he watch as it fall into the abyss, when he couldn't see his sword anymore he looked straight at me then cracked his knuckles

Ferrum:if you wanted this to be a fist fight then all you Have to do was ask

While he was talking to me I made some ground under us so I don't have to keep flying or worry about going into that abyss

Y/n:I'm pretty sure you wouldn't drop your sword if I asked since knowing you swordsman you won't ever replace your sword for fisticuffs cause you're not that good una-

Before I could finish my sentence Ferrum suddenly appear right infront of me then choke slam me onto the ground I just made making a giant pillar made of dust rise up, in retaliation I kneed him in the gut making him let go of my throat then sweep his feet from under him making him fall to the ground with a thud

Next I raised my right leg then dropped it onto his chest making a small dent to his armor and sending him through the ground I made, not letting him have time to recover I made two hands made out of fire grab him and start to crush him, after a while of doing that I made the arms throw him up here so I can kick him across his face which made him skid across the ground

After a while of him skidding the ground he suddenly stopped then quickly charge straight at me while I do the same

When we were close to each other I tried to punch him only for him to kick me in the gut making me fall to the ground but not before I grabbed his leg and smash him to the ground making a crater

Before he could move any part of his body I quickly got on top of him then started to give him a barrage of punches which never seemed to stop

After a few hours has passed I then raised my hand and made a sword which was completely f/c then use it to stab Ferrum, as soon as my blade touched Ferrum's armor it went straight through it after my sword was stabbed straight through him, suddenly he kicked me off of him making my sword get out of him to show a giant hole in his chest that I can see through he then made his sword appear to his hand and stretched out his wings

Ferrum:gotta say I'm impressed that you were able to do this to me but sadly for you this is where your life ends permanently

Y/n:oh yeah well let's see about that

Not letting him have the first move I charged straight at him then clashed with his sword which made our blades get out sparks of energy

After a while he suddenly tried to stab me by using one of his wings only for I to dodge it then cut off a couple of his wings which I regretted immediately when they came apart then stab them selves into me


While I was distracted Ferrum used this chance to stab me through my chest making me barf out blood

Ferrum:hm is that really all you can take? pathetic Just one hit with my blade and your already barfing out blood like your going to die but oh well it's expected so tell me do you have any last words before you die?

Y/n:y-yeah just a few ... don't let your guard down when I'm still breathing

As one last effort at killing him I wielded my sword in a reverse grip then use it to cut off his arm, as soon as it was off I then grabbed his sword by its grip then pull it out of me and point it straight at him

Not letting him have a second to retaliate I quickly stabbed him in the head making his body fall to the ground motionless, as soon as it did I collapsed onto the ground and watch as the sword I made shattered to pieces and Ferrums sword started to shrink until it was 5'8 feet long and 1 feet wide

Mission complete

Welcome to impossible mode

New equipment obtained

black blade

Rarity:one of a kind

This sword was originally used by Ferrum nigrum of the non beings to slay countless things over the many millennium, after you beat him the blade is now bonded to you to wield as your own

The blade was known to be fast as it was deadly and be able to cut through anything that gets in its way even existence itself

Y/n:well at least I get something out of fighting that guy

I steadily get on my feet then grabbed the sword and put it on my back while a pop up open infront of me

Now that you defeated Ferrum you can finally pick a universe to go to so out of these which one do you want to go

Highschool dxd



After seeing the options I got to chose from I raised my hand then pressed a random one since before I can do it I passed out

(Ok your first fight with the non beings has been done also before you say it yes the fight with non beings are always going to be there own separate chapters anyway what do you think

By the way if you want to know why you didn't get any health points reductions it's because when your fighting a non being they don't make you use your health instead they actually hurt your body ... if you don't understand that I basically said

When fighting a nonbeing they won't hurt your gamer body but your actual body which actually gives you permanent wounds which only heal in time and medicine)

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