Y/n vs the orc

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Right now I was in the track field facing Rias, akeno, sona, tsubaki, koneko, yumi, and issis with a bored look on my face

Rias:alright we are here so tell me what's the bet?

Y/n:the bet is simple me vs all of you if I win then I don't have to join either of your peerages but if you win I have to be apart of one of your peerages

As soon as I said that Rias and sona started to giggle can't believing that a human would dare to challenge them of all people which made a tick mark appear to my head

Y/n:hey what's so funny

Sona:no offense but your just a human trying to fight against devils unlike you we have experience fighting people of the supernatural and if you think you can hurt us let alone beat us then it's kinda expected for us to laugh

Y/n:oh really well if your so confident then why don't you send in your weakest person

Rias:fine then

Immediately issis started to walk up to me and stop when she was close and made her boosted gear appear around her arm

Issei:sorry about this y/n but You asked for this

She then charged at me with her fist pulled back ready to end this quickly only for I to duck under her punch then knee her in the gut and slam her to the ground face first knocking her out and made everyone look at me surprised at how I beat her so fast

Y/n:so ... who's next

I say while cracking my knuckles which was responded by koneko charging towards me and try to punch me only for I to duck under her fist and kick her in the face making her get knocked down letting me follow it up by lifting my other leg and dropping my heel onto her gut which made her gasp in pain which quickly stop when she used the opportunity to punch me away making me roll across the ground for a while until I immediately recovered from it and jump back to my feet


Y/n:Jesus she hits harder then any tank I fought ... which is kinda expected since she is a rook

With that in mind I then got out my sword and swing it a bit making it cut straight through the ground that tried to stop it

Not going easy on her any more I used darkness charge to get close to her and send us up into the air using Rising edge then started to give her a barrage of hard punches, when I was done I then send her down to the ground using diving darkness, trying to retaliate she tried to kick me away only for I to grab her leg then Throw her above me then hit her forehead with my swords pummel making her get blasted away from me and onto the ground unconscious

As soon as I was done with her yumi and tsubaki charged at me with there swords raised then try to hit me only for I to cut them both in Half and kick yumi back then take out tsubaki with a Rising edge then a kick to her head

When I was done with tsubaki. Yumi made two swords appear to her hand then started to give me a barrage of swings which I narrowly dodged, after a while of dodging I made five pairs of wings made out of swords appear from my back then use them to block both of yumi's  swords then kick her away from me

Deciding to end her quickly I fired a onslaught of swords at her which she narrowly dodged. As soon as she dodged the last sword I flew right infront of her then punch her to the ground knocking her out also and made me smirk at akeno, Rias and sona who had there eyes wide open

Y/n:sooo are you still going to fight me one at a time or is it going to be three against one?

In response akeno shot out a bolt of lightning, sona made a serpent made of water, and Rias fired a ball made of POD straight at me all of which I lazily cut through then flew towards them

As I was flying to them they fired a barrage of spells at me which I either cut in two or dodge. When I was finally infront of them I went passed all three of them and land behind them with my sword getting out a giant amount of black smoke

Y/n:say goodnight

With that said I suddenly disappear only to reappear back to where I was with my sword on my back. I then started to walked away while Rias, akeno, and sona fell to the ground with many cuts which suddenly appeared out of nowhere while a pop up open infront of me

Level up!
Now level 19!

Y/n:and like that the devils has Been beaten by a ordinary human

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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