Part 1

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Adora back is firmly planted against the metal table. Her vision is blurry as she watches makes out what she can see.
The room is dark and cold, with no sign of hope. The crystal next to her shines red like blood, sending bad omens in her mind.
She sees her friend Glimmer trapped in the magic prison that Shadow Weever put up for her. Adora's voice shatters as she calls out towards Glimmer. 
      "Glimmer!!!" Adora yells out, trying to get her attention. "Don't worry, I'll save us!!!"
     Glimmer's body remains still, and her pain courses through her body. The red bolts keep her from even moving now, and Glimmer remains still, never having one word escape her mouth. Adora couldn't even tell if she was conscious or worse, dead.
       Suddenly, shadows creep along the walls and throughout most of the room. Adora's throat clenches and small strands of sweat pours down her cheeks. Her teeth flatter against each other, but she keeps her mouth sealed as Shadow weever enters the room.
      "My sweet Adora," Shawdow Weever says in a soothing yet terrifying voice. "Did you really think you can run away from me?"
     Adora gulps when she sees her presence. She isn't sure if she is ready to face her yet, but now, she has no choice.
     Catra enters the room with a smirk on her face. The gleeful cheer shown clearly on her teeth disgusts Adora, but she remains silent.
      "Not so tough now without She-Ra," Catra smoothly says to Adora, trying to hold in a loud laugh.
       "I'll stay with you here willingly, just let Glimmer go," Adora sternly says our to Shadow Weever.
      She only watches her in dismay, and her eyes slightly narrow. The shadows in the room center around around Glimmer, and she screeches in pain.
Adora watches in horror as Shadow Weever heads towards her. Her hand extends towards her chin, and Adora's eyes widen as Shadow Weever grabs her chin. She moves her chin so they can seeeach other eye to eye, and face to face.
"You will stay here willingly, cause I'm going to wipe your memories, and you won't remember anything about being She-Ra or your pathetic little friends. And you'll be glad that a princess is captured," Shadow Weever says in a quiet voice towards Adora, sending more fear inside her. "You may go now, Catra,"
Catra's eyes widen and her mouth hangs open a little. Her ears drop all the way down, and her tail sways in a slow pace. The anger in her eyes are clear, but same with the intensity in Shadow Weever's voice.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Catra yells out towards Shadow Weever. "I get this one chance to see Adora in pain and you won't let me!!!"
"It's time for you to go," Shadow Weever says in a harsh tone towards Catra.
Catra growls at Shadow Weever's words, and her claws start to come out, but she holds her tongue as her head darts towards Adora.
Adora watches all of this. She doesn't know how to feel right now. Catra was her best friend, and now Catra wants to see her in pain.
She remembers the few times they met while she was She-Ra. She remembers the disappointment, the anger, the hesitation that lingers in her eyes.
    She remembers when they danced, and seeing Catra's smirks when she held onto her hands. She had a feeling back then that it is because of her kidnapping her own friends, but the more she thinks about it, the more she's not sure.
     She doesn't know what Catra would do in this situation, but a part of her wishes she was still with her. Yet times have changed, and she must resist.
"What ever," Catra scowls at Shadow Weever as she turns her back on both of them.
     Catra walks out of the room, with her hands in the form of a fist. She looks back at Adora, and she tilts her head down as the door slams downwards.
Adora press her body against the straps that kept her in place, trying to break free, but they wouldn't budge. She panics as her shoulders and knees try to move. Her body refuses to budge, and fear consumes her.
"Adora!!!" Glimmer yells out as she tries to teleport again.
The binding magic that Shadow Weever uses courses through Glimmer's body. She screeches in pain and tears flood down her eyes. Her body glows red as the electric like boots jab inside of her skin constantly, making her scream even louder.
"Glimmer!!! I can do this. There has to be a way!!!" Adora yells out as she tries to break free once more. "We will get out of here,"
"Why would you want to go?" Shadow Weever asks Adora as her hands start to glow in pitch darkness. "Don't you see my child, you're already home,"
"No I'm not, and I won't let you get away with this!!!" Adora yells out in rage as she tries to bring her head farther away from Shadow Weever's cold harsh grip. "I'll find a way. You won't win!"
       "Don't you think you've done enough already?" Shadow Weever asks Adora as her hands slowly clasp onto her cheeks. The darkness trails inside of her mind, and Adora is forced to watch as her friends disappear.
      Adora's eyes widen and she breaths in a rapid pace. She feels every memory of her friends disappearing in her mind. The outside world slowly starts to fade in her mind, and all she can see is darkness. The Horde appears in her mind, and all memories from when she is a child. Glimmer and Bow start to vanish, and she screams.
       The fear on Glimmer's face vanishes. Every time Bow made a joke or when Glimmer tried to make her feel better vanished into thin air.
        The sword that she once encountered is all nothing but fragments now, and even that will disappear soon.
       Shadow Weever only watches Adora's pain, and Glimmer tries to use her powers one more time. She uses every last once of strength inside of her, but the barricades are too strong, and she blacks out.
        Suddenly no more pain controls Adora, and all that she once knew is gone. All of her new friends. The sword. She-Ra. It seems like nothing but a forgotten nightmare.
        Her body lays on the table, and her mind is knocked out. Shadow Weever stops the spell, and can't help but smile.
       The shadows around her disband, and she heads off back towards the door. It slides up, revealing Catra against the wall, trying to hear what is going on.
     Her eyes widen and she slowly darts up with her back as straight as a pole. She smirks when she peaks behind Shadow Weever to see Adora knocked out or whatever dark magic Shadow Weever used on her.
      "I see you're here to bring Adora back to her room," Shadow Weever informs Catra.
      "Isn't she with the rebellion?" Catra asks Shadow Weever as anger runs through her veins.
      She crosses her arms and her ears twitch a little. Catra lets the anger get to her, and her claws almost strike Shadow Weever.
      "Does it really matter?!" Shadow Weever asks Catra in an angry tone. "Bring her to her room, and don't try to harm her,"
      Catra glares at Shadow Weever in pure anger. Her claws start to dig into her skin as she tries to hold her temper.
      Realizing what she must do, Catra walks inside of the room, and carries Adora out. She gives Adora an angry, yet relieved look.
      Catra brings her back into the room, and sets her on her old bed. She peacefully rests there, unaware of the weeks that have passed in her life.
      The scratched picture of them remains, and a small tear escapes from Catra's eyes. Her hands remains claw like as she watches Adora sleep.
      "Did it really have to take your memory to be forgotten for you to come back to us?!" Catra asks Adora in rage. "We were friends ever since we were kids and this rebellion is more important?!"
       Adora only sleeps there, not even aware of Catra's foul and painful words. She sits at the end of the bed, and places her hand on her ankle.
       "Forget it, either way you wouldn't care. It's always been about you," Catra whispers as she just waits for Adora to wake.

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