Part 7

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        The Whispering Woods seem awfully close to Adora when she first enters into it. Her eyes scan the entire place. It seems kind of peaceful to her, but a part of Adora wonders why she even feels like she's been there before in the first place.
       She examines every part of the Woods. The trees lower their branches towards her like the hands of a body. Yet they didn't seem like they are going to attack her like the Horde said they would. Adora just stands there looking at the scenery for a few minutes, letting the aroma sink inside of her.
"This place actually seems kind of nice," Adora calmly says to herself, putting her mind to ease.
Then her mind fixes itself back to her memories and all that happened. She remembers the concern on Shadow Weever and the shockingly angry glare from Catra when she believes she isn't looking. Adora quickly goes back to her mission and proceeds into the Whispering Woods.
The Woods remain a bit haunting to her, and her feet do wince a little. Her eyes look across the entire area. She knows the place form before, which can help her get through the place, so she isn't complaining. Yet a part of her is wondering how she even knows this place in the first place.
"The princesses are just messing with my head," Adora coldly tells herself while panicking a little, and heeding Shadow Weever's words. "They just want to trap me again. This feeling inside of me is just their magic telling me what to do,"
Adora quickly turns around, ready to head back. Her feet start to return her to the Horde, but then, they stop. Adora slowly turns back to the Woods, almost as if it's calling for her come to them.
Adora softly closes her eyes, yet she still sees the forest. She feels the rush of the wind blow onto her face. Her hair swiftly moves along with it. Above her are vines happily dangling on the tree branches. Suddenly, she hears the screams of Catra calling out to her in fear.
Adora quickly darts her eyes open, only to see no one near her. Her eyes widen in shock as she glances around the Woods, only to find out that Catra was no where near her from the start.
"Catra," Adora quietly says to herself as her body freezes in place.
Just then, a bright light shines in her eyes. She quickly presses her hands against them and rubs them, trying to get the blinding light out of her eyes.
        Adora peaks a little though, and the light isn't very far from where she is. Her jaw drops open and she takes and a few steps closer towards the light. A part of her begs her to leave and forget this ever happened. Yet she keeps going, but she doesn't know why.
She finally comes across the source of the light. A large gust of wind blows in her face, and her hair rapidly flies everywhere.
Her eyes are wide with shock as she watches the light glow brighter and brighter. She quickly covers her eyes with her arm, and her back leans a little to the side. Her feet are spread apart from each other and her mind is full of terror.
The light still shines brightly into her eyes in spite of her arm covering them. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to block it off, but it is no use.
"Why did I do this?" Adora asks herself, as she clusters her mind with negative thoughts.
Just then, the light starts to vanish. Adora slowly opens her eyes and removes her arm from her sight. She can clearly see the forest now, and she sighs in relief.
"What was that light?" Adora asks herself as she looks upward towards the sky.
She then looks ahead of her with her head tilted down. Her eyes widen in a bit of shock to see a large sword trapped in the solid dirt. The sword as a golden handle that looks a bit like a unicorn's horn. Her reflection is clearly shown through the metal blade.
Adora slowly heads towards the sword in a hypnotized way. Her feet slowly move one step at a time even without her consent. Her eyes peer towards the carvings on the sword, and the writing seems to be gibberish, yet she somehow understands it.
Her hand clasps onto the sword, and her lips start to tremble. Her eyes are wide and they twitch a little. Her hands shake as she slowly pulls the sword from its resting ground.
It feels familiar to her, but yet, she can't tell why. She knows that something is up, but she isn't sure what she did.
She finally lifts the sword from the ground. A bit of dirt splatter across the ground, but it doesn't really matter. Her eyes grow huge and she holds the sword up in the air.
She looks at the reflection of the blade to see herself once again, but this time, she isn't banging against the glass. She's only smiling at Adora, completely knowing what's going to happen next.
Adora takes one long and soothing breath. She imagines the words that dwell in her mind over and over again. She softly closes her eyes, and firmly holds the sword up in the air as high as it can go.
"For the honor of Greyskull!!!" Adora yells out so loud that all of the Whispering Woods could hear.
Suddenly, her body starts to glow and her eyes are wide full of fear. She feels her body starting to change, and she watches in shock.
Just then, something appears in Adora's mind. Memories flood her mind. Every memory with Glimmer and Bow. The Princess Rebellion, and the Horde's true nature.
She then remembers Catra when she first found out about her own betrayal. Her eyes are dim and full of sorrow and anger. Her ears are lowered a little and her tail no longer flaps around in joy whenever she's around. Instead, anger fills her, and Catra slowly retreats back with the Horde.
"I'm sorry Catra," Adora sadly says as tears roll down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to hurt you,"
She completely transforms into She-Ra. She stares out into the Woods in shock and fear. She now knows everything that happened, but now, she isn't sure which side to choose.
She sighs as she only watches her surroundings. Her body shakes and trembles. Her eyes stayed into a trance like stare.
"I have to get to Brightmoon," Adora tells herself as she dashed through the woods. "I hope the others made it,"
She quickly runs towards Brightmoon without thinking twice. Guilt drenched her with every word she said to Glimmer, and she squeezes her eyes shut, trying to stay with her goal.
"Everything makes sense now, how could I be so blind?" Adora asks herself as her mind sends negative feelings inside of her.
It takes a while, but she finally makes it to Brightmoon. The castle shines upon her, she a sign of relief fills her. Yet something seems off about it, and she watches in dismay as the people around the castle start to panic.
She walks through the place, unaware of what happened. She watches the people preparing to leave, and almost everything they have is packed up.
She looks up towards the castle, and her eyes are full of fear as she runs inside of it. The place seems empty, nothing like what she saw just a few days ago.
The guards aren't even relevant and there. They just seem souless, like all hope is gone. They didn't even notice her when she walks by.
She continues to walk around the castle, trying to find any of her friends. The throne room is empty, and Queen Moon isn't there.
"She turned herself in," Adora sighs out as she's drenched in sadness. "Only to keep her daughter safe,"
Just then, she hears a familiar voice. She quickly turns around to see who it is. Her eyes are full of a little joy, but nothing can replenish what has happened in a few short days.
"Adora!" Bow happily says out loud as he runs over to her and gives her a hug. "I feel like I'm going to die from happiness right now,"
"Bow," Adora happily says as she transforms back to Adora. " I can't believe your still alive. Where are the other princesses?"
Bow's happy cheer turns to a little sorrow as he glances out of the palace window. Adora only watches in dismay, wondering if they all died.
"Most of them are here, helping the people pack up and head towards Frosta's kingdom. It's mostly safe for them there," Bow sadly says. "As for Entrapta..."
He couldn't finish his sentence, but instead, tears roll down his cheeks as he hugs Adora once more.
"She didn't make it, we tried our best but the Horde has her," Bow says in chunks, crying in between every few words.
"Wait, the Horde has Queen Moon, Glimmer, and Entrapta!" Adora yells out in shock. "This is my fault,"
Bow only watches Adora in shock, and he slowly pulls away from the hug. Adora sighs out as she wraps her arms around herself and looks out towards the broken kingdom.
"It's not your fault Adora," Bow sadly says to himself. "I don't know what happened, but you escaped the Horde, and now we can come up with a plan to save them both again,"
"No," Adora coldly says to Bow. "All of this is my fault. I could have saved Glimmer and stopped Queen Moon from ever going there in the first place, but instead, I stayed. If anyone should go to save them, it should be me. The Horde doesn't know I have my memories back, so I should be fine. Just go with the others Bow,"
"I can't let you return to them!" Bow yells out. "It's too risky. They won't even trust you to save them because of you joining us!"
Bow tries to block Adora to prevent her from leaving, but she only pushes him out of the way. Bow lands against the palace wall, and he watches her in heart breaking tears.
"This is the only way," Adora sadly says to Bow as a few tears roll down her cheeks. "I won't risk anyone getting hurt again,"
She leaves the room and Bow tries to chase after her, but she's too fast. He ends up loosing her along the way, and he stares out into the kingdom, knowing there is another way. Yet he just stares out into the Whispering Woods.
"Good luck Adora," Bow sadly says to himself, realizing no matter what he does, she will return to the Horde. "I hope Shadow Weever doesn't get you,"

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