Good ending.

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      (Sorry that this is really late.)
  "I'm sorry for what I did to you," Adora begins as her eyes fill up with tears. "I didn't mean for all of this to happen,"
     "Well look what you did anyway Adora!!!" Catra hollars out to her with her voice completely full of rage. "You just had to leave us for those puny pathetic princesses!"
"I couldn't just let the Horde continue to masacre these innocent people!" Adora screams out to her as tears pour down her face. "And I won't be a part of what they did to Etherium. What they did to us,"
For a seconds, Catra's eyes are full of sorrow as she stares at Adora. Yet over time, they slowly narrow as her claws begin to reveal themselves from the shadows that once concealed them. Her ears lower themselves and soon enough the only reaction Adora can see on her face is pure hatred.
Catra's voice was stiff and cold when she spoke her next words, leaving Adora shocked from head to toe. A part of her thought that she could at least get her close childhood friend help fight for Etherium, but that glimpse of hope soon fizzled outt of existence.
"What they did to us..... what they did to us....." Catra slowly laughs out to herself before her voice grows more vile with each words she speaks. "They never ruined a single thing. We would have had it all if you just stayed put and fought for us but nooo. You just had to run off and play princess with your new so called friends,"
"Come back to the Horde Adora," Shadow Weaver intterupts all of a sudden, shoving Catra back behind her without care of the amount of force she uses against her. "This place is your home. You grew up in these halls with me. I know what's best for a naive girl like you, and this is where you truly belong child. Don't make the same mistake again,"
Shadow Weaver reaches out to Adora, attempting to stroke her cheek to comfort her, but Adora quickly jumps back. Fear clutches Adora with an iron grasp, but a stern and confident look is on her face. She lifts her sword up right to Shadow Weaver's chest, but she shows no reactions to it.
       "Just do as she says," Catra sighs out to her. "It'll be easier for everyone,"
      "I won't do it Catra!!!" Adora yells out in rage as her sword begins to glow in radiant colors. "All of my life has been a lie, stuck inside of these halls while being treated like machines. Everything about the world seemed so simple but as soon as I got out of the Frightzone, I realized that things are insane. All tthe Horde is doing is destroying Etherium and this sword wasn't just my destiny. It was my choice, and Bow and Glimmer helped me every step of the way. I was able to find so much about myself, and you can too Catra. Please, all I'm asking for you to do is to trust me just this one time. We can make the world a better place,"
      "I don't care about this world!!!" Catra yells while rage consumes her. "All you ever did was leave me, so I can't ever trust you again. Everyone loves Adora. Everyone talk about how great Adora is!"
     Adora nearly stumbles back as Catra's anger erupts on her. Her eyes are wide with fury as her claws were launching themselves right to her skin. If it weren't for Shadow Weaver quickly swiping her away and slamming her against some metal crates, Adora may have found herself dead. They both stare at Catra for a few seconds, but only Adora worries for her.
     "She was always so petty," Shadow Weaver coldly says to Adora before turning her head right back to her. "I suppose if you still wish to keep your position as a princess, then I must remove you from those standards as well, but this time the sword must be destroyed in order for your memories to truly deplenish,"
    "Wait, what?!" Adora speak out right before getting strangled by some shadows.
    "Don't worry child, you won't feel a single thing, in fact, you may feel a bit better, knowing that the rebellion is captured once and for all," Shadow Weaver speaks out to her with a bit of glee in her voice.
    Adora's arms thrashed and kicked against the shadows, but they only held tighter against her skin. She attempts to use her sword, but the shadows quickly take it away, causing the sword to fly across the room. She couldn't even speak the words anyway. Her screams of torment and plee for help felt unheard, meaning that everything that she once knew about herself would slowly be removes just for the happiness of some shadow lady. Every ounce and fiber of her body winces in pain, but there wasn't anything she can do about it. Her once fighting spirit went dim as well as her eyes, and a part of her slowly gave up.
       All of a sudden, somethinf sparkly dashes across the room and pounds against Shadow Weaver's face, causing her to loose her focus and Adora to get freed. She quicjly looks up with happiness in her eyes to see Glimmer standing right before her with a smirk on her face.
     "I couldn't save you last time Adora," Glimmer says to her with a bit of remorse. "I'm not letting her get you again,"
     "Thanks Glimmer," Adora happily says to her as she turns around to face Shadow Weaver, whom is already sending multiple shadows to attack them.
    Adora and Glimmer smile at each other before charging at Shadow Weaver. Adora heads down to the other side of the room, trying to get her sword back while Glimmer was shooting glitter ball after glitter ball right at Shadow Weaver's face and teleporting before the shadows could reach her. Soon enough Bow joined the fight and started holding back the Shadows away from his friends.
     "Best Friend Squad is back in action!!!" Bow happily yells out before shooting another arrow.
    It didn't take long for Shadow Weaver to be pinned against the corner with only a few shadows left, but a small smile can be seen on her face.
   "Did you really think a few arrows and some sprakles can defeat me?" Shadow Weaver chuckles out to them as the entire room is covered with shadows.
    "Oh ..." Glimmer begins right before her attack freezes both her and Bow.
    Shadow Weaver quickly turns to Adora, and her eyes widen in shock. Adora is almost at her sword as her pace quickly hastens, fearing for her friends' and her own life. Just when she was about to grabs the sword her body freezes once more, causing fear to fill her veins. She comes face to face with an angry Shadow Weaver, but her eyes quicjly dart around for anything useful.
    "Now Adora, where were we?" Shadow Weaver asks her.
    In the blink of an eye, Shadow Weaver's body is filled with electricity as a banshee before collapsing to the ground. Right behind her was Catra with a stern look on her face while holding the taser, but it was pointed at Adora this time. The shadows quickly vanish, freeing all three of them from Shadow Weaver's spell. Adora however, kept staring at Catra with hope in her eyes.
    "Just go already," Catra hisses out to her. "This is not because I like you,"
    At first Adora wished to say something to her, but she stays silent as she picks up her sword and runs towards Bow and Glimmer.
    "What about Catra?" Bow asks Adora as they were heading out of the room, leaving Catra alone.
    "She may just need some time like I did," Adora reassures Bow before looking back to her and waving. What she didn't notice was that there was a small little wave back at her.
      They quickly left the castle with the Queen and without Hordak, things ran normally. He really didn't do that much and some of the captains formed a leadership with eachother, including Catra.
    Adora still tries to get Catra to join her, but she still hasn't yet. For now she has Glimmer and Bow by her side, and she is by their side, restoring peace to Brightmoon and saving Etherium with help from the other princesses.


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