Evil ending.

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          (Evil ending may be a bit gursome. Even a bit too much since there's death. Sorry.)
       Her head constantly scolds her for everything she's done. How could you have done this? Why did you betray them from the start? The Rebellion never cared for you. The Horde was always there for you and you turned your back on them.
      "But Glimmer, Bow, the princesses, they were all there for me," Adora tells herself, only to have another dark thought tread across her mind.
      "The were using you. Why can't you see it? Where were they when you got lost in the woods right after the people chased you out? Where were they when Shadow Weever captured you? They only left you there to rot," the voice quietly echoes in her head, causing a bit of anger to flourish Adora.
      "I told them to do that," Adora tells herself, hoping the trail of negativity would end. "They wouldn't have escaped if they came back,"
    The voice begins to sound more and more like Shadow Weever, making Adora cautiously eye her. Shadow Weever stands perfectly still, having the only sign of movement be the Shadows stalking  under her garments.
     "The Horde was there for you ever since you were a child. All of the things they did were to bring order in a world full of chaos. You saw what happened when Entrapta began tampering with First One's tech. She was freely doing it and because of that you nearly perished. The Horde is only trying to do good. The Resistance won't stop fighting against this destiny.
      We can do great things together Adora. Your pet can join us too if you desire. All you have to do is come back to me," Shadow Weever whispers to Adora as those words constantly echo in her head.
      Despite all of the resistance Adora can muster up and all of the manipulating that Shadow Weever is doing, she finally realized one thing. Shadow Weever is right. None of this would have happened if she stayed put.
Adora watches Catra in pain as her head begins to tear. Water forms in her eyes as she tightly grips onto her own arms. She looks at Catra and Shadow Weever in guilt. Tears start to stream out of her eyes like a waterfall.
"I'm sorry," Adora weeps out while her voice is full of sorrow.
Catra's eyes widen in shock. She glances over to Shadow Weever, who seems to have no reaction at all. Adora quickly runs to Catra as she wraps her arms around her shoulder, hugging her.
"I just wanted to do the right thing," she weeps out some more, and her tears fall onto Catra's shoulders. "I now realize that I only want to be with you?"
Catra listens to every fragment of Adora's sentence. She couldn't believe what her own ears were hearing. Her hands slightly shake as they slowly begin to wrap around Adora's back. The hands ruffle up Adora's shirt, causing to reveal a tiny bit of her back. Her tail lowers to the ground, and her ears slowly fall to the surface of her head.
     "D-do you really mean it?" Catra asks Adora as her voice stutters a little.
"Of course I do," Adora says to her as her hug tightens. "I love you,"
    Shadow Weever glares at Catra with hate-filled eyes, but both Adora and Catra never notice. She walks up to Adora while her hands clasp onto each other. Her dress hangs just above the ground while shadows dance below them.
      "We must finish the Rebellion off right here and now," Shadow Weever coldly says to Adora. "They have tainted the Horde long enough with their chaos. You must put a stop to this Adora,"
Adora thinks about Glimmer and Bow. She ponders about all of their adventures. All of the people they met. Could she really kill them after all they've been through.
Shadow Weever takes out a long pole that seems to catch Adora's eye. She sighs as she looks at the pole that she once used to fight with in training. She really didn't have another weapon since her sword is still in the woods, so it'll do.
"I will do what I can for the Horde once again," Adora says with devotion grasping her voice and she tightly clings onto the sword.
"Come on Adora," Catra happily purrs out to her, trying to conceal all of the glee in her eyes. "The Princesses won't annihilate themselves,"
She grabs Adora's hand and drags her off to the battle. Adora nearly screams out as Catra hardly yanks her through the place, and her eyes are wide with shock. Shadow Weever smiles to herself as she watches them run off.
Most of the Horde shooters are down, and their bodies lie unconscious. They groan in pain as their limbs refuse to move any more. Glimmer smirks as she grabs one of the lasers and begins firing at the remaining soldiers. Most of them are misses though since she sucks at aiming.
Purfuma hides behind a chunk of rock and brick. Her knees are planted on the ground. She grunts and bites onto her teeth as she tightly clutches onto her arm. Scorpia's tail managed to cleave her arm, causing poison to flow through her. Her head is woozy, making her grip on her arm loosen. She nearly falls over only to be hoisted up by Mermista. (the lady I called Nebula a few chapters ago. Sorry She-Ra fans for getting it wrong)
Frosta is holding back the Horde with a giant ice wall, shielding both Mermista and Purfuma. The Horde soldiers shoot, causing holes to appear in the ice. Scorpio's remains in a giant ice block, completely immobilized.
    Bow is shooting as many arrows as he can, but there are too many Horde soldiers to take down. One of them charges towards him with a large smirk, but he quickly knocks him into another soldier.
    He glances over at the crowd of Horde men, and hops fills him head to toe once he sees Adora. But to his surprise, Catra is there as well. He oddly looks towards her at first, but he quickly shrugs it off. He cheers out in glee as he waves out to her.
    "Hey Adora!!!" Bow calls out to her, shocking Adora a little. "Is Catra with you too?"
    Adora happily looks towards Catra with a smile on her face. Catra exchanges the same glance but a little more smug and an intent to kill. The other Horde soldiers don't even notice what's going on as they try to attack the other princesses.
     "I have two more teleports," Glimmer says to Bow as she run up to him while dragging Adora's sword across the ground. "Shadow Weever and Lord Hordak must have my mom in maximum security, and Adora doesn't even have her sword. We have to get that sword to her and once she frees mom then I'll teleport them out. I can't let my mom pay for what I did,"
      "I'll get her the sword," Bow says to Glimmer as he takes the sword out of her hands. "And don't worry, you're mom will be fine. I'm sure Adora already has a plan to stop them,"
       He places the sword along his back and thoroughly atoms his bow and arrow to the ceiling. He shoots one of his arrows and it turns into a claw with a long strand of rope attached to it. Cracks appear as the claw roughly grasps into the roof.
      "Set me up in the air Purfuma," Bow yells out to her as he quickly runs up to her.
Purfuma only nods as her arm twitches in pain. She raises her hands in the air and her eyes nearly squeeze shut. A giant stack of vines wrap around each other as they lift Bow in the air. His eyes widen in shock and fear at first, but they quickly turn into excitement. He shortens the rope a little before jumping off.
He jumps off the vines and swings across the entire army with the rope. The army starts to shoot at him, but every shot they take misses. (So they are as useful as Star Troops or those dudes in the White Uniforms)
He dashes towards Adora and Catra with a smile on his face. Hope shines all across his face as he reaches for Adora's sword. He takes it out and holds it out to her. He huffs out in exhaustion, but that doesn't stop his cheerful smile.
"I found your sword in the woods," Bow happily says to her. "I can't believe you got Catra to join us too!"
"Yeah...." Adora takes a smile as she reaches out for the sword.
A malicious smirk appears on her face, causing that smile on Bow's face to turn into confusion. She takes the sword and holds it in her hands. The reflection shines in her face and that same reflection that she once saw pounding for freedom is there as well. It pounds against the metal with tears in her eyes, causing Adora eyes to narrow.
    "I've made my choice," Adora tells herself as her sword starts to point upwards.
    Catra smiles as she glances towards Bow, and she crosses her arms. Her tail lightly wraps itself around Adora's waist, causing Adora's eyes to widen.
     "We have to get going to save the Queen of Bri....," Bow says to both Adora and Catra, only for his voice to cut off.
     His eyes are full of betrayal as his body shakes and trembles. Glimmer gasps in shock as her eyes widen with fear. How's head looks downwards and his hands come close to his chest.
     "Why..... I thought we were friends," Bow tried to scream out to Adora, only to choke out drops of red liquid.
     "My home is with the Horde," Adora sternly says to Bow, trying to hide the heart-break in her voice. "I'm sorry Bow,"
     Blood flows down his body like a river. Every drop  splatters on the ground, having it spread. His bare skin on his stomach is drenched with blood and his cloths are stained with red essence. Tears come to his eyes and each tear drop lands on Adora's sword which pierced his chest.
      His body then drops to the ground. Adora's sword smoothly slides out of his chest as he does so. His eyes remain open. The metal flooring is replaced with a red pool of blood. His lifeless, dull corpse rests there, and slowly decays.
     "Rest in peace old friend," Adora whispers to herself, and a single tear drop falls from her face.
    Glimmer screeches in rage as her eyes are full of hatred. Her fingers slowly reach out until they are claws and she teleports to Adora. Her eyes are full of tears as she punches Adora in the face. Catra stays in the side-lines, savoring every second of Glimmer's misery.
    "He was your friend and you just slaughtered him!!!" Glimmer shrieks out as she continued to attack Adora.
     For some reason, Adora doesn't attack her like she did with Bow. Instead, she drops her sword and takes out the her old training pole. She tried to deflect Glimmer's punches as much as she can, but instead gets knocked back into a wall. She grunts in slight pain and smacks Glimmer right in the face with the pole, causing her to fall to the ground. She quickly gets up, letting the God of War fills her soul as she continues to avenge her friend.
     "He was one of the most special people in my life. He was kind and always had a bright spirit. He helped you find out who you really are and now this, this is how you repay him?" Glimmer shrieks out to Adora a bit more, letting out all of her anger.
   She smashes Adora into the ground, and quickly takes her sword. She holds out Adora's sword and gazed into the reflection with hatred.
     "You never deserved this from the start," Glimmer coldly says to Adora as she points the sword right at her neck. "I never thought that it would come to this, but it seems I have no choice,"
     "Glimmer...." Adora whispers to herself in shock, but she really shouldn't be. "What I did had to be done,"
       She lifts the sword in the air, ready to strike Adora down. Adora squeezes her eyes shut, ready to take the blow, but nothing happens. Her eyes peak open, and then widen in shock. Catra stands right in front of her with her long and sharp claws out. Glimmer's eyes widen in shock, but no noise comes out of her. Her head is perfectly cleaved off of her head, and her limp body falls right next to Bow's.
       "Truth be told, I was expecting to keep those two prisoner, but I guess this will do," Catra smoothly says to Adora as she chuckles a little. "With the princesses at our disposal nothing can stand in the Horde's way. I can't believe we get to conquer Etherium,"
       "Me too," Adora happily days to Catra, mostly relieved to be alive.
      The other princesses watch in horror as they watch two of their fellow comrades die right before them. Tears fill Perfuma and Mermista pats her on the back. Frosta only watches in shock as she forms an entire ice barrier to block them from the Horde. They quickly retreat, realizing they are useless with She-Ra on their side.
       "Hey guys, what did I miss," Entrapta asks Adora out of the blue, causing her to jump in shock.
     "Where were you Entrapta?!" Adora nearly screams out to her.
     "I left during the presentation to find the rubber ducky Scorpio was talking about ealier," Entrapta says to her with curiosity lit in her eyes. "Of course we'll need to wire your brain in it in order for test one of Hypnosis Hybrid to commence,"
     "Adora is fine. She's mine now," Catra says in slight annoyance to Entrapta. "Go test your machine on Scorpia. She's in a block of ice as we speak,"
     "..." Entrapta mutters to herself as she glances across the place. "What happened here?"

    ~timeskip because I'm lazy~
-Years later-
      The Horde finally conquered Etherium at last. The princesses are now powerless since their crystals are taken away, leaving them helpless. The legacy of She-Ra quickly faded into nothing but a myth, but Adora didn't care about She-Ra anymore. Once in a while she would still get a vision from Light-Hope telling her to join the rebellion, but she would normally ignore it.
     Shadow Weever disappeared without a trace, leaving the Horde in the hands of Catra, Scorpia, Entrapta, and Adora's. Adora is quite shocked of how well Catra is doing. Things must have changed while she was gone.
     Adora heads down the hall of the once city of Brightmoon. The walls are replaced with metal now, and there are little to no windows in sight. Fellow Horde soldiers salute Adora as she walks down and she gives a cheerful wave in return.
     She continues down the hall until she comes across her old room. She opens the door and heads in to see Catra fiddling with some of her stuff.  Adora's eyes widen in shock when she sees Catra. She doesn't even know of how she knew it was her room.
    "These princesses are sure into the color pink," Catra eerily says to Adora as she looks through some of her clothing. "What kind of clothing are these?!"
     "I'm really not sure myself," Adora admits to Catra as she looks at the dress that they danced together in.
     The dress is still fresh and hardly has any tears, which shocks Adora since it's been years from the last time she has been here. Memories fill her mind about the night they were at the ball. The blush on her cheeks as she held Catra's hand. The soft and gentle music as they danced across the ice platform. She dreamily sighs to herself and her hands tightly clutch onto the clothing. She awkwardly glances at Catra who is flirt-fully watching her.
       "Do you want to go for another dance?" Catra sexually asks Adora as she wraps her hand around her shoulder and nuzzles her tail around her hips.
    Adora only smiles in return.

(That's the end of the evil ending. Yeah!!! Three more to go. Sorry it took awhile to make. I have exams coming up so I had to study. I still have exams, but here I am instead. Thank you all for your support. I can't wait to finish the other endings. Here is the list.
Good ending:
Alternate evil ending:
Alternate good ending:
Everyone wanted the evil ending and nobody voted for the other three. Hello darkness my old friend.)

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