The Parallel

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Parallel• side by side and having the same distance continuously between them •

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• side by side and having the same distance continuously between them •

It's been a month since the Liam getting kidnaped incident. Theo and Liam got in control of the power they had together. They learned to control the white light that apparently could kill people. They both have to be focused and happy with each other. Right now that wasn't the case though.

All Theo said was that he couldn't come to Liam's game. How bad is that? Well Liam didn't like it. He was mad but Theo did have a reason for not going. He was getting something for Liam. It now sat in a small bag in the passenger seat. Theo knee he wouldn't make it to the game if he drove there right now. He was across town he wouldn't make it. So he pulled over hiding his truck and closed his eyes.

When he opened them he was standing beside the bleachers on the lacrosse field. Theo watched Liam play till the end of the game, they won and Liam scored 2 of the 7 goals.

When they finished Theo was still there waiting for Liam to get in Mason's car and get home safe. But before Liam got into Mason's car he spotted Theo. He told Mason he'd be a second then ran over to Theo.

"Wow, you came in non physical form." Liam said making Theo roll his eyes and shake his head. "Listen Liam there's a reason I didn't come today. I couldn't do this thing any day but today." Theo said making Liam scoff and look away.

"Sure." Liam said not believing him one bit. Theo shook his head grabbing Liam's cheek and turning his face so they looked into each other's eyes. "Come home and I'll show you. I promise babe." Theo said making Liam look at him with sad eyes.

"Please." Theo said making Liam smile slightly. "I can't stay away from you." Liam said making Theo smile and wrap his arm around Liam's waist walking him to Mason's car.

"I'm in my truck on the other side of town. I'll be like 15 minutes tops. Alright?" Theo said making Liam nod as he got into Mason's car. "Hey Mason." Theo said Mason gave him a quick smile then started the car. Liam watched Theo through the rear view mirror as they drove off. He watched as Theo disappeared in what looked like purple mist.

When Theo got back to Liam's house which he now lived in because Liam didn't want him living in his truck. Liam's parents knew about him, Liam had told them after the war. Theo went inside and immediately up to Liam's room. He saw the boy sitting on his bed waiting for Theo.

"Hey baby wolf." Theo said making Liam look up and smile slightly. "I have something for you." Theo said holding up the bag as he closed the bedroom door. He walked over sitting beside Liam on the bed. Theo passed Liam the bag making the boy look at him confused.

"Did I miss something? Is it like our one month anniversary or something? Because you know I don't care about those things right?" Liam said making Theo chuckle and shake his head. "No, I did it because... I did it as a thank you." Theo said making Liam frown as he opened it.

"What are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything." Liam said as he grabbed the small box out of the bottom. "What's the point of the bag if there's just a box?" Liam asked making Theo smile and shrug.

"Just open it. I promise there won't be another box." Theo said making Liam smile putting he bag aside and pulling the top of the box off. Liam's heart stopped when he saw a ring inside the box.

He looked up at Theo with wide eyes. Theo heard his heart beat speed up and smelt his anxiety. He shook his head and put his hands on the sides of Liam's face.

"It's promise ring. Calm down." Theo said and Liam's heart immediately started to calm and the smell of anxiety left the room. "Good." Liam said making Theo frown.

"You'd say no if I asked you to marry me?" Theo said making Liam look up at him and shake his head. "I mean I'm still in high school. But if you did when I wasn't in high school, like later, then I probably say yes." Liam said making Theo smile and lean over kissing him softly then leaning back.

"Okay, this is a promise ring I have one two." Theo said holding his hand out so Liam could see it. Both the rings were silver and had been engraved on the inside. "Read what it says." Theo said making Liam take it in his hand and read what it says out loud.

"You're my light in the dark." Liam said making both of them smile. Liam looked up at Theo putting his hand behind the chimeras neck and bringing him into a kiss. "I love you so much." Liam said making Theo smile and take the ring slipping it onto Liam's finger then kissing him again.

"I love you too baby wolf."


A boy was walking looking in Liam's window watching Theo and Liam look talk and kiss. The boys grip tightened on Kira's sword. The sword she sent Theo to hell with. It shimmered in the light of the almost full moon. Two more days and it would be full.

'That's when I'll do it.' The boy thought to himself as he continued to stare at the window. Liam closed it and caught the site of the boy. His glowing blue eyes went back to normal and Liam could no longer see him since it was too dark. "That's when I'll kill him. Right in front of his pack." The boy said as Liam closed the blinds then went back to Theo. The boys eyes glowed once the blind was closed. He was angry. No furious. No vengeful.

He's gonna kill Theo Reaken.

As the boy walked away he smiled. He's disturbed the peace in the town. It's only been a month since the last problem. Now another is is coming. A big one. Good thing Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Lydia hadn't left yet.

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