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Endings• an end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie •

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• an end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie •

Theo and Liam stood on the Nameton facing each other. Not touching, just staring into each other's eyes. The pack stood with Deaton directly to their left.

The first was silent. Almost deadly silent. All you could hear was the sounds of nature around them. The birds singing, the trees swishing, the wind blowing but only slightly. But then the peace was disturbed by the man who had helped every one of them.

"Liam, Theo this isn't a pleasant proses. It's painful. Not physically but emotionally." Deaton said making Theo shift a bit on his feet but never look away from Liam's blue eyes.

"You sure about this?" Liam asked seeing Theo's nervousness. "No." He said making Liam's heartbeat falter but before he could say anything Theo spoke again.

"But I want to. I want this because I love you. I'm just nervous." He said giving Liam a small smile which Liam returned.

"For this you need to tell each other everything. I'm going to ask you three questions each and you're going to answer them truthfully. Alright?" Deaton asked both Theo and Liam nodded. "Okay now put your hands together linking fingers." He said and the two of them reached up and linked their fingers. They were both nervous for this especially because the pack was also standing there.

"Now boys whatever happens, whatever is said, I need you to never break eye contact and never let go of each other's hands." Deaton said making both of the boys nod again. Everyone took a deep breathe ready for what could be ahead. They weren't exactly sure, neither was Deaton but he had a pretty good idea.

"Theo. Did you ever do anything to to help Liam before you went to hell? If so what was it?" Deaton asked and Theo almost broke eye contact right then and there but he didn't. He kept his composure.

"Yes, when Liam and Mason were being chased through the school by I wolf..." he paused not sure if Liam would hate him or love him for this. Or both. "I was the wolf. At that point in time I wasn't sure of my emotions for you and I felt like helping you. So I thought that was helping." Theo said making Liam go wide eyed and he blinked.

"Liam, why did you bring Theo back from hell? The truth." Deaton said knowing that what he had told the pack before wasn't all truth. "I uh... I tried to convince myself that it was because we could use his power and that was half the reason. But I also felt drawn to it, like I was supposed to do it. I know now that those were my feelings pulling me toward you." Liam said making Theo note back a smile.

"Theo, when you were helping Liam with the ghost riders in the hospital. You were thought to be dead but you came back to help Liam, why?" Deaton asked Liam was curious about what Theo would say to this question as well. "I was taking down as many ghost riders as possible. But when I was finished I was conflicted on wether to leave or to save you. I almost left but I couldn't leave knowing you might have died.... You were the only one who cared, even a little bit matter to me. I couldn't let the you die. I cared to much about you. I still care so much about you." Theo said tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Liam smiled at him happy with the answer he got. Then at Theo's feet a blue and green spark of light appeared. It was glowing at his feet.

"Liam, when you were at the hospital you said you wouldn't save Theo. But you did. Why?" Deaton asked making Theo also curious and Liam shifted a bit uncomfortable.

"I saw he was about to die and it felt like... I was about to die. But I didn't do it because I felt I was about to die. I did it because I cared," A spark of green and blue was now at his feet too. "and I didn't want you dead. I liked you at that point. I thought of you as a really good friend. But I realize now it was much more than that, I just didn't recognize my feelings then. But I do now. I liked you a lot." Liam said smiling at the chimera who almost let the tears spill out of his eyes.

"Theo, when you were in the hospital with the hunters Gabe shot at you and you pushed Liam ahead of you to shield him. Why?" Deaton asked making Liam and some of the others in the pack frown.

"You shielded me from getting shot?" Liam asked making Theo nod and bite his lip. "Yeah. I did it because I didn't want to see you hurt. I felt this pull telling me to protect you at that moment. I wanted to protect you. Because at that point I figured out that I liked you. No actually I loved you. I still do and I'd do anything for you." Theo said a tear going down the side of his face as Liam smiled. The light started to crawl up Theo's body slowly.

"Liam, when you were about to kill Gabe you stopped when Theo spoke to you. When you almost killed Nolan you paused and then Theo stopped you. Why?" Deaton asked making Theo look from Liam's left eye to his right searching for the reason. "Because he's my anchor." Liam said simply. Theo almost look away but he didn't. Being an anchor meant a lot. It meant no matter what Liam would need Theo to calm him.

"Because I love him. I'd love you no matter what happens." Liam said squeezing Theo's hands. Those words meant everything to the chimera. "I love you too." Theo said making Liam smile. The blue and green light growled up Liam's body all the way to his hips stopping there like the light Theo had. Then it got brighter. Both they boys were smiling at each other widely as the tears on their cheeks sparkled under the colourful light.

Then the light got so bright the pack had to look away. When they looked back Liam and Theo had locked lips pressing their bodies as close as they could get to each other. The pack smiled at the happy couple. When the two parted they smiled embracing each other in a bone crushing hug that neither wanted to stop. Liam pulled back slightly connecting their foreheads and closing their eyes.

"I love you so much. More than I've ever love anyone in my life. You are my life. My world." Liam said making Theo smile and put his hand on the side of Liam's face. "I love you too Liam. You're the love of my life and you're my future. My world." Theo said and they shared a kiss that was so meaningful that the pack just had to clap and cheer which made the two smile into the kiss. The kiss that let both of them know it be each other. Forever.

A/N: You made it people. Last book in The Connection series. Thanks for reading! Love you all! Byeeeeee!

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