It's Not Real

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Nepenthe• something that makes you forget grief or suffering •

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• something that makes you forget grief or
suffering •

Theo drove Liam to the loft the next day after he was done with school. They had a pack meeting today. It was silent but it was a comfortable silence that they both liked. But then as they drove down a road which no one is ever on Liam saw something. He saw the boy had had last night. He'd seen the figure of the boy but not his face. As they passed him Liam followed him ugh his eyes. He turned in his seat to look back at the boy who was gone. This had been happening all day.

Liam had seen him in the hallway. When he was in class he saw the boy outside in the parking lot through the window. He'd seen him behind the bleachers when he was in practice. This boy had been following him, he had been at his house, his school, the road he was driving on to get to Derek's loft. He was a wolf. Or something with glowing blue eyes. Liam was scared. Really scared.

"Liam!" Theo said grabbing Liam's arm softly to get his attention. Liam jumped turning toward Theo and nodding really fast. "Liam, are you okay? I can smell your fear." Theo said as they parked at the loft. Liam felt relief when he looked at Theo. And just for a moment he forgot everything, only Theo was in his mind. But then that moment was over and he was pushed into reality.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine I'll talk about it later." Liam said making Theo look at him worriedly as the both got out of the car. Liam tried not to think about it. But it's all he could think about.

That boy. That wolf.

Liam gulped trying to stay calm so Theo wouldn't smell his fear. So as they stood in the elevator facing the door Liam decided he needed his anchor. So he grabbed Theo's hand and intertwined their fingers. Theo smiled bringing their hands up and kissing the ring on Liam's finger.

"I'm here, Liam. Always." Theo said making Liam smile and turn his head to look at his boyfriend. "Thank you." Liam said kissing Theo's lips softly. They parted stepping out of the elevator and walking over to Derek's loft door. They opened it to see the pack talking with each other. The pack greeted Theo and Liam who sat down on the couch hands still connected.

"What's that?" Lydia said pointing to their hands making Liam and Theo frown. "People call it holding hands." Theo said making her roll her eyes dropping her arm.

"No, what's with the rings?" Lydia said making Liam and Theo's face fall. She thought they were engaged didn't she? She did. They panicked letting go of each other's hands, Liam sat on his while Theo put his behind his back. "Don't know what you're talking about!" They both said making the pack raise an eyebrow and look at them weirdly.

"It's not anything important." Liam said making Theo look at him hurt. "That's not what I meant. I- um... I meant for them to know they don't need to know!" Liam was panicking and Theo smiled at him. He was cute when he panicked.

"I know. I was just playing with you." Theo said making Liam give him an angry look which made Theo smirk. Theo went to kiss Liam but he turned his head away from his boyfriend smiling slightly.

"I saw a ring on each of your fingers." Lydia said Liam looked back at Theo who shrugged. "Tell 'em whatever you'd like sweetheart." Theo said making Liam smile slightly and turn back to the pack who looked a bit sceptical.

"It's a promise ring, Lydia." Liam said making Lydia smile and hold out her hand wanting to see the ring. "I want to see it." Lydia said making Liam roll his eyes feeling like a girl. He put his hand in Lydia's and the pack all looked at it.

"It's just a silver band Lydia nothing special." Theo said making Lydia look at him and squint then went to take the ring off but Liam jerked his hand away. "No." Liam said making Lydia narrow her eyes at the boy.

"What does it say on the inside?" Malia asked making Liam and Theo shake their heads. "It's personal." Theo said it wasn't that bad but they liked that only they knew what it said.

"Is it something sexual?" Stiles asked making the pack snicker. "No!" Theo and Liam said at the same time.

"Can we drop this? Something happened that I want to tell you." Liam said making Theo look at him frowning not knowing what he was talking about at all. "What happened?" Scott asked Liam was digging his finger nails into his leg. But before his claws could come through and pierce his skin Theo grabbed his hand. Liam's heart immediately calmed and he smiled at Theo.

"There's someone following me. I saw him last night out my window, at school in the hallway, outside my classroom window, and on the way here I saw him on the side of the road staring right at me. He had glowing blue eyes." Liam said Theo squeezed Liam's hand for comfort making the beta feel a bit better.

"I don't know Liam. We haven't seen anyone." Derek said Liam hated that they didn't believe him. "I've been with you all day man haven't seen anyone." Mason said Liam looked to Theo making everyone else look at him too.

"You saw him right? When we were driving here?" Liam said Theo didn't see him but he didn't want Liam to freak out. "I don't know Liam. I was focusing on the road I-" Liam stood abruptly going over to the window.

"Liam we believe you saw something it's just we didn't see it." Scott said but Liam was to busy looking out the window. He saw the boy standing by Theo's truck staring up at him. "He's right there." Liam said making them all stand up and go over to the window. Liam looked away for a second to see if they were coming over and when he looked back the boy was gone.

"There's no one there Liam." Stiles said but Liam shook his head then looked up at the pack. "No, he was there! Standing by Theo's truck." Liam said then caught something in the corner of his eye near the door of the loft. He looked back and saw the boy.

"He's right there." Liam said looking at the loft door like he saw a ghost standing there. "I don't see anything." Stiles said but Theo was looking at it just like Liam was.

"I see him too." Theo said making them look at the two boys confused. The two boys started firing questions at the boy wanting answers.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you following me?"

"Why can we only see you?"

"Woah, woah, now boys. I'm like you. But more powerful. I've tapped into all the powers the connection can give someone." He said then snapped and the whole pack could see him. "We can see him now." Scott said making the boy chuckle.

"Scott McCall. You're a big name where I come from." The boy said making them all frown in confused but before they could ask he spoke again. "Actually all of you are. Especially you Stiles. King of the supernatural world with Derek at your side." The boy said making them look even more confused.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked the question they were all wondering. "I'm not... a king." Stiles said making the boy chuckle once again.

"I'm from ten years in the future."

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