Best Birthday Ever

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Metanoia• change in one's way of life through a conversation •

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• change in one's way of life through a conversation •

"Where are we going Theo?" Liam asked as Theo drove him onto a bumpy dirt road. "Away from he craziness to celebrate your birthday." He said then stopped the truck and got out Liam frowns and gets out. He runs to catch up with Theo who keeps walking.

"Come on Theo where are you taking me?" Liam asked making Theo turn to him and stop him. "Look." Theo says gesturing to the place they had been walking toward. Liam turned and looked to where Theo had been pointing.

"Holy shit... it's so pretty." Liam asked there was a picnic blanket was set up at the edge of the cliff that looked over Beacon Hills right as the sun was setting. "Do you like it?" Theo asked making Liam smile and nod. They went over to the blanket that was laid down on the ground.

"This is so amazing." Liam said turning to Theo who smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. Liam turned back to the sun set and smiled. "It's so beautiful don't you think?" Liam asked but Theo just watched his boyfriend and smiled at him fondly.

"Yeah. It definitely is." He said more talking about Liam than the sun set. When Liam turn to Theo he saw that his boyfriend was staring at him with a smile. "You weren't talking about the sun set were you?" Liam asked Theo shook his head then reached up and put his hand on the side of Liam's face.

"No, I was talking about how beautiful you are. In this light particularly." Theo said making Liam blush and look away but Theo just brought his eyes back. "I love you." He said making Liam smile and lean forward. Their lips danced together in sync, it was amazing.

Liam ran his tongue along Theo's lip asked for entrance and was granted. They licked into each other's mouth feeling like they were the only ones in the world at the moment. Liam pulled Theo forward so the older boy was on top when they laid down.

"Mhmm... Liam..." Theo said as Liam ran his hand up Theo's shirt rubbing his abs. But they were startled by a sound coming from where Theo had parked his truck. They stood Liam holding Theo's arm for comfort. "You heard that too?" Liam asked making Theo nod and hold Liam behind him a bit. They walked toward the truck slowly Theo was checking all around them for any threats that could hurt his mate. When they got to the truck they saw the pack standing there smiling.

"Happy birthday Liam!" They all yelled making the two of them jump. "You scared the shit out of us!" Theo yelled making some of them laugh.

"Thanks guys." Liam said smiling and got hugs from everyone as did Theo. But before anything else could happen Derek let out a growl directed towards the trees. They stopped looking toward the trees to see a shine. Then James stepped out of the shadows and smirked at them.

"Aw, happy birthday Liam." He said then Hayden stepped out from behind the trees as well. They frowned wondering why she was here, and on his side! "Hayden?" Liam asked she looked at him and smiled softly.

"Hey, Liam. Do what he says." She said making them think she was his hostage but she wasn't. "I'd step away from Theo." He said then pulled out Kira's sword making the pack growl.

"Hayden why are you with him?!" Liam asked making her glare at Theo but then soften her stare when she looked at Liam. "Because you should be with me not him." She said making Liam glare at her and shake his head.

"I will never be with you again. Not after what you did." The pack frowned but didn't look away from James and Hayden. What had Hayden done to him all they thought she did was move away. "It was an accident." Hayden said looking like she was going to cry but no one bought it.

"Oh, really?! Tell me Hayden how do you sleep with someone by accident?" Liam asked making the pack members understand now. She'd cheated on him. "How do you do that exactly? Did you slip and fall on his dick?" Liam asked some of the pack members had to bite back their laughter.

"Alright that's enough." James said making the pack turn their attention back to the man with the sword. "Goodbye Theo." James said putting the sword into the ground making everyone go wide eyed.

The ground cracked and a hole started to open up at Theo's feet. Scott ran over to James and kicked him away while Malia dealt with Hayden. Derek and Alec tried to get the sword out of the ground but it wasn't working. Liam pushes Theo away so he wasn't over the hole that was opening up.

"Break it!" Scott yelled as he fought James Malia ripped Hayden's throat out and went to help Scott. Derek broke the sword and the ground started to close up. But Tara grabbed Liam by the ankle and pulled him down. Theo went to help Liam but the boy shook his head.

"Stay back!" Liam yelled at Theo who didn't listen and grabbed Liam's arm. The younger boy didn't want to bring his boyfriend down with him so he pulled away. "I love you too." Liam said then got pulled all the way down and the hole closed up.

The pack stood there shocked at what had just happened. Scott and Malia had knocked James out and were staring at the ground where Liam had just been swallowed up. Lydia and Stiles looked like they'd just seen the impossible. Mason and Corey looked like they were going to cry. Alec and Derek looked like they were going to kill who ever was responsible. Theo was in tears sitting against his truck.

"No, no, no, no." Theo said he went to stand but fell. He waited to hit the ground but opened his eyes to see Stiles was holding him up. "We'll get him back. It's okay." He said but Theo shook his head balling up the humans shirt in his hand tears running down his face.

"Nothing's okay." Theo said then his eyes caught James unconscious form. His eyes burned bright yellow and he pushed Stiles away. He ran toward the man but was stopped when Derek grabbed him and Scott got in front of him. "Killing him is not the answer Theo!" Scott said but Theo only glared at him with his glowing gold eyes. He just continued to growl and try to get out of Derek's grip.

"It won't make you feel better Theo! It might in the moment but it won't afterwards." Scott said but Theo only growled at him. "You don't know that." He snarled out but then Scott finally got through to him.

"What would Liam think?!" He yelled making Theo stop. He stopped struggling and his eyes stopped glowing. Scott looked at Derek and nodded telling him to let go. He carefully stood Theo up and released him. "We have to get him back. Please I... I can't live without him." Theo said making Scott nod and bring Theo into a hug with the boy returned.

Theo broke down tears falling from his eyes and sobs raking his body. He couldn't bare the thought of Liam in hell. He wished he could switch places with the boy he loved.

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