Hearing Things

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Missing• not able to be found because it is not in its expected place •

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• not able to be found because it is not in its expected place •

The pack sat in Scott's living room. They had the sheriff put James away for a very long time. But now here the pack was in Scott's living room thinking about Liam. The pack member they had lost earlier today. It was tragic. Liam was such a loved member of the pack. The pack thought of him as a puppy. So sweet, kind, caring, and wouldn't let anything happen to any of the other pack members. That's why he's not with them anymore too.

So now they sat in silence. There wasn't a sound in the room. Everyone was silent not knowing what to say. It was kind of surprising that Theo wasn't screaming at them to start looking for something to help. He just sat on the couch staring at the ground. His cheeks were stained with tears that he didn't care to wipe. They all wanted to comfort him but they didn't know how or if it would hurt him more. But then Lydia took a chance, he wouldn't hurt her. He kind of liked the banshee, she was a good friend.

"Theo? We're gonna get him out. We'll find a way." Lydia said but Theo shook his head not looking up from the stop on the ground. "No... no we won't. He's gone. And there's nothing we can do about it." Theo said his voice was so calm it scared everyone in the room.

"No, Theo we could-"

"NO WE CAN'T! He's gone and we can't do anything about it!" He screamed standing up his eyes glowing bright gold. Scott stood up but Theo growled at him then ran off pushing through the people who got in his way. He ran out the door and out into the preserve. He just kept running anger running through his veins. He thought of Liam the whole time. His smile, his eyes, his laugh. He felt tears go down his face as he thought of his boyfriend. He got so caught up in thinking about Liam that he didn't see the tree in front of him. He ran straight into it so hard he got a bleeding nose and a cut on his forehead. He lay unconscious on the forest floor.


"We need to find him before he hurts himself. Or someone else." Stiles said standing up and going to the door but then looked back to see no one was following him. "What?" He asked looking at all the people who were staring at him with raised eyebrows.

"We didn't think you cared about Theo." Scott said making Stiles look away and let out a breathe. "I care about Liam. And if anything happens to Theo, Liam will kill us." Stiles said making some of them look away as he looked up.

"If we can get him back." Malia said but then they smelt the anger on Stiles. "WHEN we get him back. Let's go." He said making them nod and follow him out the door.

They looked for Theo all around the preserve. When they found him he was unconscious beside a tree. He smelt like blood, sadness, and anger. He had blood on his forehead and his nose. The cuts must have healed. Scott and Corey shook him trying to wake him up.

But when he opened his eyes they were glowing gold. Corey and Scott were pushed backward and Theo pressed his back up against the tree. His eyes darted between all the pack members like they were threatening him. He looked scared and angry at the same time. His breathing was also so harsh and quick.

"Hey Theo. It's okay." Stiles said stepping forward making the pack go wide eyed. What the hell was he doing?! Liam is Theo's anchor and Liam wasn't here. "Stiles no!" Derek said grabbing the boys arm and pulling the younger boy into his chest.

"It's okay Derek. I'm fine." Stiles said giving him a reassuring smile but Derek didn't feel any better. He didn't want Stiles to get hurt. Stiles stepped out of Derek's grip and toward Theo who growled at him. He wasn't in control right now. He needed his anchor. He needed Liam.

"Theo? It's Stiles." Stiles said softly to the chimera who continued to claw at the tree behind him. Stiles stepped closer to the chimera hoping he wouldn't get scratched or bitten. "It's alright Theo. We're going to help. It's going to be alright." Something about how Stiles spoke got to Theo. The humans calm voice wiggled it's way into Theo's brain and calmed him slightly. The pack saw it too. How Theo's shoulders visibly relaxed. Not a lot but just enough for them to notice.

"Keep talking Stiles." Scott said making Stiles nod and smile at Theo. "Hey Theo you gotta calm down okay? For-" Stiles pausing thinking about saying Liam's name but he thought it would anger Theo to much.

"For me. Please." Stiles said Theo's breath calmed, his eyes stopped glowing, and his claws and fangs disappeared. He was calm again. "Sorry." Theo said he tried to step forward but collapsed, before he could hit the ground though Stiles caught him. But he just fell as well Theo on top of him.

"Sorry." They both said blushing bright red while Derek growled. Theo jumped off Stiles and sat on the ground beside him instead. "Theo lets go home. We can-" Scott started but Theo cut him off with his hand and a 'shh' noise.

The pack went silent and Theo narrowed his eyes at the ground. He could hear a voice. It was faint but he could hear it.

"I hear a voice." He said softly and lowered his head to the ground. He pressed his ear to the ground and could all of a sudden hear it so much more clear. It was a boys voice screaming for help. For someone to save him.

He recognized that voice. He would be able to point it out anywhere. It was Liam's voice. He was screaming for help.

"It's Liam." Theo said making the pack frown. They didn't believe him but Scott took a chance. He went over to Theo and bent down putting his ear to ground and his eyes widened.

"I can hear him too."

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