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Found• having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly •

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• having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly •

Liam started to breath harshly when he realized he was in a coffin. He now had tears rushing down his face. He wanted to get out, he hated this, he wanted Theo.


He could connect with Theo! He smiled at the thought of his chimera and closed his eyes. He thought of Theo, his smile, his laugh. Liam felt calm and a tear fell from his eyes which he quickly wiped away.


No answer.

"Theo, I need help. I'm in some coffin underground. Please."

Still no answer.

Why wasn't Theo answering him? Could he hear him? Was he mad? Why wasn't he answering?!

"THEO! HELP!" Liam screamed at the top of his lungs trying to get someone anyone to help him. But it was like he was underwater. No matter how loud he screamed he couldn't hear himself or anything for that matter.

But then he just stopped screaming. Instead he whispered still hoping that someone would help him. "please... someone help me..." he whispered his lip quivering as tears rushed out of his eyes and onto the wood of the coffin.

"I hear a voice."

Liam heard from above. It sounded like Theo. He smiled at the thought of someone finally finding him. "HELP!" He yelled banging on the coffin above him.

"It's Liam."

He heard Theo say and he sobbed out another cry for help. "THEO! HELP ME PLEASE!" He screamed out again his throat was raw from screaming for so long. He punched the coffin above him so hard it cracked. His eyes widened then squinted due to the dirt that fell. He could climb out.

He punched it again as hard as he could over and over until the top came crashing down. Before the dirt went over his head he took a deep breath. Then he closed his eyes and brought out his claws to dig himself out. He kept digging and digging until his hands broke through the surface. Once they did he pulled himself up and out of the grave. He stood up and took in a big breath. He looked around to see the pack standing in front of him with wide eyes. He saw Theo and smiled. His breath was harsh and rapid he was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen. Then everything went black.


Liam opened his eyes and jolted up off the cold table he had been laid out on. He growled but immediately calmed down when Theo grabbed his shoulders. He looked around to see the pack rushing in and he smiled sadly at them then looked to Theo. He turned to the chimera his legs dangling off the edge of the cold metal table. Theo had tears in his eyes as he looked at Liam. He put both hands on Liam's cheeks and wiped the tears from his face. Liam grabbed the boys hands that were on his face and smiled at Theo.

"I missed you bad boy." Liam said making Theo chuckle a tear making its way down his face and hitting the ground below. "I missed you too baby wolf." Theo said bringing the boy into a hug with Liam returned crying into his shoulder. Once they parted Liam looked around at the pack and smiled glad he could see them all without having to chose to shot one of them.

"I missed all of you." Liam said looking around as Theo put his hands on Liam's thighs. Liam gave everyone a hug but stopped when he got to Derek making the older wolf nod. He didn't expect a hug from the beta he barely knew. But the beta gave him one anyway. He wrapped his arms around the older wolfs torso burying his head into his chest. "I'm so glad you're alive. All of you." Liam said Derek looked surprised at first but then put his arms around Liam hesitantly. Liam pulled away from Derek and went back to Theo hugging him again.

"Liam?" Deaton asked making Liam look up not even realizing the man was there. He hugged him as well. He hadn't seen Deaton die but he was glad he was back in the real world with everyone who had helped them in it. Almost everyone.

"You hugging everyone? Does this have something to do with..." Deaton trailed off making Liam back away from him and lean against the table. "Hell?" He asked making the man nod. Liam looked away fearing their reactions to what he went through.

"I know what it's like Liam-" but before Theo could finish Liam looked up at Deaton ignoring Theo trying to help. "I'll You what happened but I want to know why it didn't work?" He asked making them look at him with confusion.

"The connection thing. I was in a coffin under ground why didn't it work when I called out to Theo?" Liam asked making Deaton frown and look away for a moment. "When one of the two who are connected die the connection between them is lost. It's like this because if you were connected to a dead person that's all you'd see. The person who is alive would only see their death over and over again. So the tie is severed." Deaton said making Liam nod looking away from Theo. He thought that it was over. They based their relationship off of this connection right?

"Hey Liam?" Theo said picking Liam's chin up and looking him in the eyes. "Just because the stupid connection is gone doesn't mean our love for each other is gone. Right? You still love me? Because I still fucking love you. I'd walk to the ends of the earth for you." Theo said making Liam smile and connect their lips in a sort but meaningful kiss.

"Yeah, I love you. I love you so damn much." Liam said making Theo smile at him lovingly. "There is a way to reconnect each other. It's not very pleasant though." Deaton said making them all look at Deaton. Theo and Liam with a particular hole in their eyes. They wanted this connection. They loved seeing each other no matter how far away they were from each other.

"We'll do it."

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