~The Other Side~

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A/N: I was inspired by this beautiful Who Lives Who Dies animatic! Ziksua is AMAZING! 


  That's how Eliza felt as she opened her eyes. A minute ago- or a lifetime ago- she was lying in her bed as her beloved children said goodbye to her. She had felt so cold; in her old age, she had been cold almost constantly. But here, her skin was washed in the warmth of the sun. The grass was soft against her, and the sky was endlessly blue. In the distance was a city surrounded by great, pearlescent walls. 

  She stood up and took a look at herself. She was wearing the periwinkle dress with a sky blue sash that she had owned as a much younger woman. Her hair was its deep brown color once again and fell over her shoulders. Gone were the aches and pains of her muscles and joints. She could move without wincing inside. Unable to control herself, she held out her arms and twirled in the sunlight, beaming. When she stopped, her smile faded. Was she all alone?


  She turned around, and standing there were two people who hadn't been there before: her parents. 

  "Mamma! Papa!" Eliza threw her arms around her parents. "It's been so long," she whispered. 

  "I know," her father murmured, caressing the back of her head. "You've made us so proud, Eliza." Her parents finally let go, and the sound of squealing rose up in the otherwise silent meadow. Zooming past her parents were flashes of yellow and pink. Peggy and Angelica barreled into her in a hug, knocking her to the ground. 

  "Liza!" Peggy exclaimed. "Welcome home!"

  "We've missed you, sister," added Angelica. Eliza laughed. That was all she could do. The three of them held onto each other and laughed with joy. The Schuyler Sisters were reunited once again. At her sisters' sides were some little children Eliza didn't recognize, but they had the Schuyler face. She realized with a heavy heart that they must have been the children her mother had miscarried or lost at infancy. Eliza took the children in her arms, welcoming them as her little siblings. Seeing these children here made her wonder if-


  Eliza was ready to cry. She turned around, and there was Phillip, her beautiful son. As he approached her- god, she had forgotten he had been taller than her- Eliza reached out and ran the tips of her fingers over his chest, feeling for where he had been mortally wounded. 

  "You're... you're..."

  "I'm okay, Mom!" Phillip laughed. He hugged her tightly as Eliza sobbed. "I'm okay!" 

  After Phillip came some great men from the war- President Washington, Hercules Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette, and John Laurens, all thanking her for letting their stories be told. Eliza was polite, told them it was an honor, but her thoughts were on another. Where was he? Was he here? 

  "Now, I'm sure you don't wanna stand around talking to us," Laurens said with a playful smirk. Hercules and the Marquis chuckled along with him. 

  "Oh yeah, he wouldn't stop talking about you," Hercules chuckled. 

  "He missed you, Mama," Phillip added sweetly. Then he was here! But where? 


  The cluster of people parted, and slowly walking through them was her Alexander. He looked just how she remembered- those eyes cast the same spell on her as they did the day they met- but looked nervous, unsure of himself. Like he was wondering if he should be there at all. But when Eliza smiled at him, all his worry washed away. Eliza ran into his arms, and he twirled her around like he used to do. 

  "You're truly incredible, Betsey," Alexander finally said. 

  Eliza squeezed her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. "I thought about you everyday." 

  "I did as well. So much so that the others would tell me to shut up sometimes." Hamilton laughed. He took her hand. "Let's go home." 

  So together, hand in hand with her husband, with Phillip at her side and the rest of her family all around, they all made their way for the city where they would all be together forever. 

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now