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A/N: Based on the song from The Greatest Showman, takes place in the wake of the Reynolds Pamphlet.

Eliza wanted to reread the pamphlet for another time, to try and find that this was some sort of mistake, but her heart couldn't bear to. Besides, deep down, she knew there was no mistake. Her beloved husband Alexander had had a long-standing affair with another woman, and he had let the entire world in on the secret.

People told her they were sorry. That it was horrible what had happened to her. Her big sister came all the way from London just to be with her. But all their words, all her sister's hugs and affection just deflected off of her like she was made of stone.

Alone in her chair, by the light of a single candle, her mind took her back to when she was young. When she and Alexander were first married. Some would say it was gamble, others a disaster, to marry a man without a dollar to call his own. Especially when Eliza and her family were so well-off in both title and fortune. But Eliza was willing to risk everything, to throw comfort and wealth to the wind if it meant being with her Alexander. And he had promised her that she wouldn't be disappointed.

"We're like an unstoppable team, Betsey," he had told her, his eyes sparkling with warmth and confidence. "There's nothing we can't do together."

And she had believed him.

She wondered how many women he had given that speech to.

Through the ups and downs of life, Alexander's successes had been her successes, and his failures had been hers as well. They were one heart, and life was a constant adventure. She felt like they were hand in hand, walking across the tightrope of life. It was beautiful, dangerous, exhilarating and frightening all at once, but she knew she would be safe as long as his hand holding onto hers.

But he had let go.

And she took the fall for it.

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now