~All That Matters~

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  Eliza gazed out at snow steadily falling out her bedroom window. Pretty soon the ground would be laden with a thick white blanket, and no carriages would be able to travel. They would be stuck inside, unable to buy more firewood or candles if they ran out. Eliza got a cold chill up her spine just thinking about it. 

  They didn't keep many backup supplies in the house simply because they couldn't afford it. Firewood didn't grow on trees- well, actually, it did, but they certainly didn't have the luxury of buying an abundance to store in case of a winter storm. Now her poor little children might go to bed cold. 

  The thought of this made Eliza take a gasping breath and clutch her chest. She saved every penny she could, but they were still just skimming by. For a girl who grew up never knowing want, this was terrifying for her. Sometimes she lay awake at night just worrying about the next day, week and year. 

  What if we're shut in for days and we all freeze?

  What if Alexander loses his job and the children starve?

  What if someone dies?

  Eliza ran her fingers through her dark brown hair, forcing down her worry. Be strong, Eliza, be strong! Her husband and her children were counting on Mamma to be strong and take care of things. She couldn't let them down. But being strong was so hard...

  "What are you thinking about, Betsey?"

  Eliza turned sharply to see Alexander standing in the doorway. 

  Eliza's face became warm with a guilty blush. "Oh, n-nothing..."

  "'Nothing.' I highly doubt that." Alexander gave her shoulders an affectionate squeeze as he planted a kiss on her head. "I came to tell you that you are cordially invited to a winter's ball."


  "Mamma! Come dance with us!" Phillip bounded into bedroom with Angelica at his heels. He and his sister made the exact same face when they were excited. Alexander helped her up from her chair, and the two of them followed the children out to the parlor.

  "I thought we'd dance away the cold," Alexander said. 

  "But I thought you were working..." Eliza remarked, confused. 

  "I took a break. Just like you're always telling me." Alexander grinned, his eyes sparkling in a way that still made her blush even though they had been married for years. "My lady," Alexander crowed dramatically, bowing deeply as he offered her his hand. She let out a little laugh, slipping her pale hand into his, and Alexander began to hum a waltz. Eliza was stiff at first, but she soon fell into step with him, and they glided across the room. It brought Eliza back to the day they first met, when things were simple. They were young and carefree, without constant money counting or worrying about the future. 

  She gazed into Alexander's eyes. He really hadn't changed a bit in the years.  Through everything, Alexander was still Alexander. The little ones were nearby, their hands clasped as they spun around in circles, giggling away. Eliza found herself smiling. This was her life, these three people around her. They renewed her strength, just like they always did when she felt helpless.  Laughing, she stood on tiptoe and gave her husband a kiss. He caressed his cheek as he sweetly kissed back. The two of them started to chuckle as they heard Phillip and Angelica groaning in disgust behind them. 

  When they pulled away, they smiled at each other for a moment, their foreheads resting against each other's. Eliza felt at peace for the first time in a long time. She had this man in her life, and she got to wake up beside him every morning. And each morning was new and special; she ought to cherish them. 

  Take life one day at a time, Eliza, she said to herself. You're here, and he's here. That's all that matters. 

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now