~Happy Anniversary {Modern AU}~

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"I need help."

Time was ticking for Alex.

It was only, like, a week or so away.

And he wasn't ready.

He had pulled his wife Eliza's two sisters, Angelica and Peggy, outside onto the front porch, begging for assistance.

"You still don't have an anniversary gift for her yet, do you," deadpanned Angelica, her arms crossed.

Alex was too desperate to acknowledge his sister-in-law's snarky comment.

"She never asks for anything!" he argued.

It wasn't like he hadn't tried. He had tried prying Eliza open like a clam shell, but all of his attempts came up empty. It appeared that his wife was perfectly, utterly, impossibly content. Why did she have to do this to him?

"We've been together for ten years now. I wanna get her something special." Ten years. Ten beautiful, incredible years of being married to the love of his life. Being Alex, he wanted to do something over the top and extravagant. "I wanted to take her to Paris, but-" he heaved an overdramatic sigh. "We don't have the money." He and Eliza were both fluent in French, so it would be a perfect trip, but they weren't made of money. They weren't poor, but a vacation across the ocean was simply not possible.

Angelica looked over at Peggy, who gave a defensive shrug. "Don't look at me!" she said. "I'm not spending my hard-earned munz on this fool!"

"Thanks, Peggy, but I wasn't asking for handout," Alex said, growing increasingly annoyed with their teasing. "Has she mentioned anything she wanted to you guys?"

"Nope," Peggy said, lowering her eyes defeatedly. Then she quickly met his gaze again, a smile on her face. "Hey, maybe I could get Eliza to talk! I'll be like a spy!"

Alex and Angelica both audibly winced.

"You, uh, you sure about that, Peggy?"

"What, you don't trust me?" Peggy insinuated.

"No, I do," Alex backtracked. "But something like that would require you to be very... subtle. Don't let her catch on that you're trying to get her to drop hints."

"Hey. I got this!"

Alex stifled a sigh and nodded his head. He was running out of time and options. "Okay. Let's do it."


"So, 'Liza," Alex heard her say from his recon post in the hallway. The girls were in the living room, watching TV. Angelica went to the backyard to check on the kids: her five, Peggy's two, and Alex and Eliza's only boy, Philip. As far as Eliza knew, she and Peggy were the only two in the house. "I know you've got an anniversary coming up..." Alex resisted the urge to slap himself at Peggy's sheer lack of subtlety. "The big number ten! I'm sure Alex is gonna spoil the heck out of you, huh?"

But Eliza merely laughed. "No, it's not like that. I just want to have a quiet dinner home, just the three of us. Nothing fancy."

"C'mon, you can't be that boring!" Peggy teased. "There's gotta be something you want."

"I don't want anything, Peggs!" Eliza insisted. "I'll be happy with whatever he gets me, if he decides to get me anything at all."

"C'mon. We all know there's something you want. You can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

"'We?'" Eliza repeated.

There was a pause.

"Uh, I mean, like, the royal 'we'," Peggy finally said.

That Would Be Enough~ Hamilza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now