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"Hungry man, reach for the book; It is a weapon - Bertolt Brecht.

Playlist: Eye of the Needle - Sia

She stared right into the blank eye of her new born as a spotless white eye stared back at her, with hair as dark as night and skin as the noon time she heard her child's first cry, she had given birth to a moon medium.

     Moon mediums connect to spirits that aligns with the Moon, every moon medium had its  special connection that distinguishes them, some could wield spirit weapons , some could call forth the Moon spirits, while some drew energy from the Moon to control elements and they were one of the most respected in their clan. Usually Moon mediums are raised by the Moon priestess in the temple and are taught how to control and subdue their powers.

     Her joy crashed ten folds that she'd only have her daughter for a brief moment and she wanted nothing more than being selfish and have her way with the law, her child winced and she looked closer to see her tear drop on her face,she had named her Alisah in comparison to her compassion.

   The Mid wife smiled at Alisha but stared at her with warning of the wheels running in her head, she had to give her baby away,to fight would only make it harder on her child and her. To sacrifice her only happiness.

  She cried harder as she drowned her child with her tears, kisses and prayers that the Moon would guide her and protect her,putting her family pedant around her neck and sealing her faith she turned to hand over her happiness to the Mid wife.

Just then the Bell rang.
  The look on the Mid wife face confirmed her horror, danger was lurking close, too close.

"  Tami stay here with the child while I go look around, if anything at all you have to hide and protect that child".
The Mid wife said with a trembling tone.

She nodded as the Mid wife when out of the hut. She panicked, thinking she'd lose her child to the Priestess she might lose her to something worse, lose her to an abomination. Panicked was an understatement, she was terrified, horrified and right now petrified. The Gayoyls would take it all, they would destroy them.

  Suddenly the tent was flooded with sounds and horrifying screams, they were here, close ,too close. She stood up immediately ignoring the sharp pain on her abdomen, she wrapped her baby in thick garments and tried not to look her in the eye for fear she would see their death.

She crept closer to the edge of the tent and felt an aggressive pull as someone grabbed her hand, her heart leapt as she saw the Mid wife with eyes that spoke stories of absolute detriment.

"Tami we have to leave now,they are here" . The Midwife, Ayo said as she dragged me across the huts towards the trail that lead to the river, just then we heard horrifying cries that weren't cries people make rather demons.

They weren't going to make it, she knew, Ayo knew and the Moon knew. She stopped abruptly and got a fear filled questioning look from Ayo.

" Ayo there nothing we can do we'd only put her in danger, they can sense us but not her, I can't let her die, I can't lose her Ayo" She said..

" What are you saying, if we don't keep moving now we would end up dead, and I CANT DIE,I CHOOSE NOT TO, so please stop and let's go now".  Ayo said almost yelling.

Tami saw vanity in trying to escape the Gayoyls they loved to play this game ,Hide and Seek.
"Tami I can't do this if you wanna wait here and die with your child suit yourself, am gone".

Tami saw Ayo run towards the river , the river that she thought would be her salvation, but she knew better. She took the other path that lead toward the woods a pleasant path for the Gayoyls.
This time she stared at her child's eye as she let her tears fall, she dropped her in the thickest part of the bushes and covered her with dried leaves leaving a silent pray to the Moon praying for the safety and redemption of her child.

   Minutes later she heard petrifying screams which was cut shut fast , she winced at the realization it was Tayo's and she was next, she ran deeper into the woods and thought to play a lost game. She came face to face with death with fire in place of the eye as it grinned at her last moment, it opened its mouth as its jaw increased in width and size displaying hazardous canines that would tear her to pieces and her soul to shreads. She had given her last tears to her child, she wouldn't cry over her death but keep praying for her child's safety .

Then everything went blank.

I hope you're loving it so far, if you have an issue or an observation please do comment😄, I am open to them.

I figured I might have left some confused with how my fantasy world works and I would make sure to clarify them immediately. 
Here are some of how the KINGDOMS runs 👇.

Eastern Kingdom - The land of the War lords and warriors, advanced sword wielder protectors of the four kingdoms.

Northern kingdom - Home to Moon worshippers and Moon mediums, they have strong connection to the Moon spirits and are often known as peace makers. They help keep the kingdoms together.

Western Kingdom - City of the Great Kings and King Tobias and his Queen, often know as the Kingdom of all kingdoms filled with clans from different races.

Southern Kingdom - As the Northern is to the Moon, the South is to the Sun and are Sun mediums, known for their temper and ambitious mind, are one of the strongest clans and the first to encounter the Gayoyls and yet survive with  minimal damages. Some believe they conjure the demons and others otherwise.

Gayoyls - Demon with eyes of fire and raging thirst for blood. Are known as by different names across the kingdom and are feared by all?.

Thank you so much for reading.
Much love

All images are from

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