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Every turn of a story dives us into a new world -
                             Erinola Akinfoyewa.

Playlist: Bang my head - Sia.


Eighteen years had pass since the Great war between the humans and Gayoyls, a war that left the Kingdoms doomed , the Western kingdom broken,the Northern kingdom in absolute detriment without hopes of recover.

Not only had the Gayoyls chattered their homes, they had left their King on a swing of Madness. The mystery still hung In the air like a silent sin, Where was the Queen and Prince?.

The Queen had disappeared without a single trace just before the War taking with her the Prince and leaving her new born behind, who isn't a new born anymore.



I stare at the traders in market square and how relentless they worked at getting someone to buy their goods, what intrigued me was how dedicated they where and methods they used to attract people. A memory flashed, was quick to come and as fast to leave.

I have been having these flashes for years and i couldn't decode them,neither could I put any sort meaning to them, I had consulted the Solomon clan, a small clan of people who held wisdom beyond man kind, they kept ancient scrolls and had recipes to unspeakable potions and sometimes they couldn't easily be understood and that includes me, consulting them had only left my mind raging in darkness and it had only got worse lately. Flashes of a woman running, two silhouettes in a corridor,a demon and blank eyes with hair of the night. I felt somehow drawn to them, sometimes I felt crazy and but I know it's more than that, it's too accurate to be false.

As I headed down the road that lead to what I and my mum called home, some memories too painful to reach, I felt a sense of dread. Having left home for eighteen years and pronounced by a kingdom to be dead left me feeling empty sometimes. It was best I thought as I continued my journey down the hill to the house.

" James ,can't you walk any faster I swear my eighty year old granny walks faster" yelled my best friend Anna.

Anna and I had our moments as children,Anna was southern blessed with the touch of the Sun spirit. She drew energy from the Sun and could conjure fire. An elementalist. Anna's father accommodated us when we left the palace to seek protection,although I have some glitches in my memories ,I do remember we left the palace avoid something, but I couldn't figure what it was.

" Anna last I remembered you do not have any grand mother" I say to her as I smirked at her sarcasm

" Yeah yeah whatever, Granny or no granny you walk excruciatingly slow, I might just grow old and die waiting for you".

"Now you're over exaggerating" I chuckled at the only person who makes me smile despite my rather conflicting personality.

" Ouchhh, you hurt this poor girl's heart, see it's bleeding, how could you"

Anna was anything but a damsel in distress, she is strong willed and motivated,some would say being Southern made you that way, but I had watch her grow and it's not just a certain attribute the southern share, its an Anna attribute. She calls me James because of her knowledge of my rather confusing history and knows to be discreet about it.

We had gone to the market together to buy items for tonight. The Moon festival is tomorrow in honour of the tragedy that befell the Moon clan, it was one of the most heart wrenching part of the war. A whole clan wiped out by demons. Eighteen years didn't seem so long any more, the Northern land was soaked with blood of thousands, the land cried at a specific day hence the Moon eclipse tomorrow.

The Festival was held in commemoration of an extinct clan,but it was not a feasting festival, it was one were children are told to hide under their beds and women and men locked the doors and avoided taking a glimpse at the Moon for fear of the tragedy that would befall them. Last festival four people went missing, rumours they had been dragged away by the blood drowned moon because they looked . So this year wouldn't be any different everyone had started to leave for shelter soon dragging along with them thick curtain materials and a hand full of local enchantments made for protection .

Do I believe these things? Maybe I do and maybe I don't, living here over the years could take a toll on you and drag you out of your reality if you ever had one. But I doubt those enchantments every worked. Just a devious means for merchants and 'enchanters' to exploit people.

" James take a look at Miss Robins, she has with her two whole sack of enchantments what on earth does she wants to do with all that, drown her house?"
I couldn't miss the look of amusement that crossed her face and the one growing on mine.

" A bag would cost at least three pieces of gold, least I remember she couldn't even afford to pay her hand maid"

" Well I cannot wait for the drama that would unfold tomorrow "

Her Hand maid would not let her hear the end of it, Mrs Robins was as irresponsible as her husband, they continued to dig their graves in debts from merchants and they do not take their goods and golds lightly .

Mrs Robins spotted us and snarled she must have felt Anna's stare penetrating her soul. She isn't exactly fond of us and No it's not now, we have our history together.

"Anna , you stare any longer she might as well end up on our door step tomorrow blabbing on how disrespectful you are and how desperately she thinks you need to get married" I told her with false caution in my tone as she giggled.

" I would tell her, I was already taken by my Prince, what do you think? Anna said, but I detected it in her voice, the longing and it scared me .

But what scared me most was that the only thing I longed for where a pair of blank eyes.

"Com'on Anna lets go, we wouldn't want to keep my mother waiting ,she's rather impatient". I try to cut the direction of the conversation, anything but hurt Anna. I couldn't miss the look of disappointment that flashed through her face which went as quick as it came.

" Yeah she would be raging by now and I am too old to get on that side " Anna said .

It didn't take long for us to get there, and there she was, outside the door stamping her feet on the floor. I could feel her heat all the way from the door as Anna shrieked slightly at the intimidation my mother created.

Just then I felt a sharp twinge in my head, as I saw flashes of images that dragged me in and out of my consciousness, they were so painful and yet constant and the last thing I heard were Anna cries that felt so distant as I fell into the darkness.

That's when I saw her .


Hello lovely hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please do comment if you feel the need to express your opinion and observations.

Thank you so much for reading.💃
By the way if you haven't noticed, my playlist is Sia all the way. Who else is a die hard fan🙋.

With love from


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