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(Tower bell rings)

"Lord Aryan two of our Lands have been conquered by The Gayoyls we need to act at once, its a matter of utmost importance,The Gayoyls have found a way to penetrate into the Kingdom "

Lord Aryan takes a broad view of the seeming endless mass of land taking in the fact that some wasn't in his possession any more but a view to be admired from afar.

"How many has the guards spotted so far Horton?"

" Six my Lord"

Lord Aryan rubs his head in worry and confusion, he had being taking his medicines as directed by his physician but it seems the throbbing pain in his head couldn't quite lessen and no amount special medicines made by the healing elves could cure his predicament. How did the Gayoyls work so fast with precision? he pondered before being distracted by the persistent knock on the door.

"Come in and state your business"

" Lord Arryyann siir I,
the North ,the North sir ....."

"Quit blabbering and say it already I have more important issues at hand"

"The Gayoyls have conquered the North ,killing every man, woman,infants and animals , not a single soul was left out of the mass slaughter"

Lord Aryan stared at the messenger like he was an hellhound sent from the underworld to taunt him to no end, and at this point Lord Aryan knew all hell was let loose and the Gayoyls would stop at nothing to make sure the Kingdom of Azoral was buried to ground and burn to ashes to the point of no return, and they knew it, the treaty couldn't last for long they are blood thirsty beings with higher power, beings that walk in shadows and are born of darkness, daemons that's what they are, with the ability to summon fire from hell itself.

" Get the horses ready"

"Yes sir".

After the messenger left the room Horton looked at the Lord questionably with his eye brow perk up. He wanted to know what wheels were running in the Lord's head this time.

"Lord Aryan what do you intend to do?".

Lord Aryan looked at his Loyal friend with a deep frown
"Horton do you trust me?".

Horton knew he could trust Aryan but he couldn't trust the results of his actions.

"Yes I do".

"Then go pack whatever necessary,we are heading to the King's headquarter". The Lord said.


(  Meanwhile in palace)

"Philip, come take a look at your baby brother"

Philip looked down at the tiny being cocooned in a blanket protectively in the arms of his mother staring back at him curiously, it's has such large eye you could almost mistake it for a candy.

His mother smiled down at his curiosity and awe, expecting a response " Isnt he beautiful Philip? ,he would grow to be just be as lovely as you"

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