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"Don't cry it's over, smile because it happened"
-Dr suess

Playlist: Black and Blue - Sia


After seeking counsel with King Tobi, Lord Aryan was despatched on orders by the King to search the Northern Kingdom for survivors, the Gayoyls had left a big impression and it was heard loud and clear.

Lord Aryan could hardly look any more as crows and vultures had begun to perch on the remains of the Moon Clan,the Gayoyls had successfully drowned the Northern land with blood, not a single soul was seen or felt.

" Lord Aryan, we found absolutely nothing, every one of them have been laid waste to, the healers can't feel a single soul"

Lord Aryan had expected the report, from what he could see, no one was left out of the mass slaughter, but he felt drawn towards something here,it was quite irresistible.

" Horton please tell them to continue the search and leave no stone unturned, something is still here, I can feel it"

Horton tried not to show any emotion of doubt, his friend was probably still trying to find his feet around this, but the sooner he accepted it,the  better. The warriors had been searching for hours and some couldn't stand seeing the carcasses. The healers had been despatched to make arrangements for the incarceration of the bodies. It was indeed a terrible sight.

" Yes Lord Aryan" Horton bowed and left.

Lord Aryan could feel the doubt dripping from Horton, but he stood firm on his decision. Someone, anyone had to be here. Just then he felt a pull from the woods,it was stronger this time , he looked towards his comrades and saw how thorough they were searching, and he looked back towards the woods. He pull his horse to a halt and descended as he walked towards the woods.

    The pull was intoxicating and he feared his sense of judgement might be his death. Sighting a broken twig , his hunter instinct took control as he went in search of the likely prey. Suddenly he stopped,the source was right were he was, it had to be as he gauged his surrounding.
         He looked around and then proceeded towards the deepest part of the bush, he then found a patch covered with dried leaves, it was there. Whatever pull he felt was right there, he began clearing the leaves. And that's when he heard it,the soft cries that would only be that of an infant, he stopped and saw its eye, blank and he wondered for a moment if it was blind, but it looked at him like it could see every movement it made. So slowly he proceeded to pick up the infant and thats when it confirmed it was a girl, she giggled and he heard a name.

As he was drawn into a memory of what likely to be her's, a woman  cradling the baby in her arms, as she chanted her name and prayers.

He was then suddenly pulled out by the Horton voice.
"Lord Aryan, Lord Aryan, where are you "

Aryan could hear the panic in Horton's voice.

" Gather your girdle I am here, in the woods".
I heard Horton steps as he walked towards me and suddenly heard his gasp as he proceeded to see the child in my hand. I knew what he was thinking, every doubt he had about my persistence completely vanished.

"O my Aryan, how, just how. How could it had survived, this is unbelievable".

Horton must have been very surprised to be rendered this speechless, but the only problem now was what to do with her.

"Lord Aryan,what do we do with her? We can't take her back to the palace you know?".
Horton said completely reading my mind, I had felt a rather ire aura at the palace. Something was not right there, Horton had confirmed it also and I had tried to talk to a member of the council about it who told me to never mention a word of it again. Whatever was there would put a end to this child like how it wanted to put an end to a whole clan. This was just a suspicion for now but it's so strong I had made it a conclusion.

"Horton, not a word to the others, we have to be extremely discrete about this. No one must know we found something here, not even the King.  You'd report that absolutely no life was retrieved from here"

Recalling the last time he had been at the palace to seek council with the king. King Tobi seemed as anxious meet him as he had heard of the slaughter in the North before he was  despatched to search for survivors. The King was someone worthy of his throne but the council he surrounded himself  with were not worthy of his presence. They were called the council of four, filled with the powerful men from every kingdom in the realm but strangely absent of the Northern kingdom. He could feel the poison they had planted in the King's mind and his home. Something grave was lurking near and he could smell the war from miles away.

" Yes sir, right away"

Aryan saw understanding dawn on Horton face as he bowed respectful and proceed towards the others to carry out the order and ordered them to stop all search and prepare to return back to the South as healers rounded up their work as they performed rituals for passage of the dead.

While he prepared a place for the child who held a sort of important. He smiled down at Alisha and heard her giggle as he wrapped her in her shawl, cradled her and mount his horse and rode away from his comrades.

The Sun had begun to set as warriors had begun to make movements towards the South,they had been as anxious to see the Moon the Moon clan praised, the Moon here was legendary, it reflected fully and wonders of how bright it was told by travellers. The Moon didn't hesitate to rise as the Sun had set, the anxiety to behold its sight had turn to fear as the Moon turned blood red.


Drum rolls(∩_∩).....The end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for reading,I'd appreciate your comments.

I would be going back and forth in time to unveil the mystery in this story to you..
Once again Thank you💖🙈

Lots of love

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