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Playlist: Midnight Decisions - Sia




     I jerked up abruptly causing my heart to skip a beat. I'd seen her again,the weeping woman. I saw her the nights when the moon was full invading my sleep like a nasty dream demon,only she was not. She cried for me and chanted prayers, I felt her fear and love and hate. She always left me conflicted when she chant my name.

Who was she?

Last eight years when I started having this nightmares concurrently. I had told father who consulted a Solomon. The Solomon informed dad she was part of a memory,a spirit trapped in my dreams. I was drowned with potions I became permanently drunk I was advised not to anymore.
But today's was slightly different not the same chain of dreams. But I saw a boy running in terror through the halls with his hands in a woman's before my dream spirit began its chain. Uncle Horton had tried to weave my dreams in hopes I'd be relieved but that only aggravated it.

"i really have to get myself together"

The sun was out and the mansion would be buzzing by now with activities. My Father,Lord Aryan is an ambassador for the West, the central kingdom, so he travelled a lot,more times I could ever count. I was one with the mansion and the mansion with me and I am not complaining. Riding in carriage was mentally and physically exhausting, and riding two weeks in the carriage was a death sentence.

As I skipped the flight of stairs I heard Father yell.
"Alisha come down like a proper lady not skip it like a deranged monkey".

I smirked at his remark,I knew he love me no less he made me this way.
Lady like my ass.
"Only if you become a gentle man"

He snorted
"How am I not a gentleman Alisha? Please do tell'

He is the most cheesy of all cheese, and sometimes his wits are misplaced.
" Last time I checked Gentlemen do not call people deranged monkeys"

I know father tried to hard to groom me into a proper lady with representable manner and etiquette but what can I say.?.  Like Father like Daughter.

"Alisha how have you been lately?" Any Nightmare of some sort?"

Father looked at me in question.
This was what I dreaded the most, I couldn't bare to tell him the truth but the truth would only bring forth gruesome experience for me which I am in no mood to undergo.

" I've never been better Father,seems the potions from the Solomons worked" I told without much of a blink.

He stared at me curiously but accepted my excuse.
So where you you off to?, I asked
Did the Famous Mistress of Lyland invite you over for a cup of tea?

The mischievous grin was enough details to make Father cringe.
" No the Mistress has not invited me over and  I have a meeting scheduled with the Prince this Morning."

He looked over at me with his eyebrow perked up, he knew of my liking toward the prince, a childish obsession perhaps but some people are too beautiful to be kept in the box.

"I saw that Father,it's all child's play,a distant emotion. The only emotion I feel toward him is respect."
I really hope he'd let it go. But I trust him not to. He's overly predictable.

"Sir Mr Horton is in the Mansion sir "

The poor maid didn't even finish her statement before being slammed from behind by the door.
Sir Horton in all his Glory strolled in like he owned the place. Sometimes I wonder how and my Father are best of friend. I cringe at the thought.
" Alisha come over here would you and stop staring at me like a lost pup, come give your Uncle a hug".

I couldn't miss that smirk in the grin. He didn't bring it. He totally forgot my request.
"You forgot it didn't you Uncle?"

Father coughed and he laughed
" Well that's one way to welcome your Uncle now. Cold.
Anyways I told your maid to drop it in your room,if it deem fit. You can go over and unbox while I and your Father proceed to the Palace."

With that being said I began to head towards my package. And
"Least i forgot, do say hi to Prince Adrian for me."

Someone else's POV

Sometimes I fear I might die in the shadows of my demise and rot out ,but sometimes the thrill to live is as intoxicating and the zeal and will to bring a kingdom to its knees is overpowering. A Mad king left to run a Kingdom.
An abomination
And the counsel he seeks are as deranged as he is. This kingdom might as well be purged from these demonic shadows that devour the land. The Very purpose of my existence.
I've being living in the darkness too long my sight has shifted to adapt.

The war of eighteen years had taken so much from me,a mother and a brother and poisoned a father. It didn't take enough
Some would say I am as pitiable and they flatter me. It was never a war it was Salvation,a piece of it the daemons simply offered and a failed attempt by the Kingdom to be saved.

What I would bring would be the Ultimate Salvation ,I would purify the counsel and cleanse a mad king of his misery. A King without a head would do. O yes I'd simply put the mad man out of his misery.

"Prince Adrian, Lord Aryan and Sir Horton presence has being sighted not far from the castle, shall we proceed?"

I turn to face a comrade,a man of his worth  who's sees what others choose not to. A man who would get the job done without haste or question.
"Do proceed, and clear all evidence will you"

He bowed before me and a surge of satisfaction and thrill filled me before he left to fulfill the task.
Finally a breath of fresh air,so its begun the Ultimate Salvation and a desire for my Father's head.


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