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Playlist: Confetti - Sia

We are all on a journey, both of us. A journey to self discovery and an unlocking of potentials - Erin

Philip woke up to chants, chants that could only be incantations by a priest. He opened his eyes slowly only to be blinded by the reflection of the light. Light!! he thought, he hadn't pass out for long, perhaps he missed the blood moon?. As shadows fell before him, he sought out the smile of his mother and weary face of Anna.

"How long was I out?" His voice was croaked, his throat still raw from concoctions the priest must have fed him.

"Not long enough to see the blood moon pass" Anna said with a stretched smile

Dion had still not said anything, how could she,not with the conflicted emotions she was feeling and the priest's declaration to her didn't help. It pronounced all efforts to protect her son vanity.

Philip with Anna's aid tried to sit upright from the now pain inflicting mat, he turned to take in his surrounding, the building was barely stable with the termite infested wall that staged the detrimental collapse of the building, a table full with herbs and seeming concoctions, webs glittered territorially like the owners of the house. This place was obviously unkept hence would explain the flimsy mat beneath him. He gaze finally landed on its Owner, of course a priest he thought,his mother should have known better than to bring him to the home of a Swindler.

As if reading his mind,the priest said
"I guess that would explain how all the money I obtain from swindling people go into beers I drink every now and then, What can I say, what's a man without his beer" The priest had said as he smiled smuggily .

"Mother what am I doing here?" Philip said while giving suspicious glaces at the priest, he could swear he saw the priest roll his eye ball.

Still not certain She told him what she could at the moment, she'd assure him everything would be fine that is if they succeed.
" He would explain everything to you, trust me on this OK"

She sounded so precarious and that alerted him. Something was wrong or whatever they wanted to tell him was all the wrong combined.

"How long have you been seeing her?" The priest asked as he stared into the eye of the Prince, the heir to the throne. He could see how startled he was of his knowledge of the maiden he saw in his dreams.
So he proceeded

"And before you think not to answer, probably because I'm a Swindler, you should know I know of something no one but you know and I don't think Swindlers this days have such ability"

Perhaps, the priest thought to himself he might not just have the ability of a seer also one to leave a Prince speechless.
Until he finally spoke
"How, how do you know about her" Philip had never told anyone, not a single soul but this man managed that by just staring at him. Understanding dawned and he realized he was no Swindler priest but a Seer. Before he could say anything, the priest beat him to it.

" Something much bigger is coming,if you think you experience War,a war that left kingdoms in absolute detriment, you should know what you experienced was a tip of the iceberg. A deranged would summon the Daemons again and would cleanse the kingdoms, breaking the strong and disposing the weak" As the priest spoke, mists had began to form in his eyes and around the hut like a raging storm's. And his hair turning white, his voice cause the hut to rattle and Philip knew he wasn't staring at the same man anymore.

The voice spoke with so much authority it commanded compliance.
"A Solomon, a western,an eastern, and moon medium. These are the children of prophecy and ye should seek. Failure to do so would result in the unlock of Gate Of Gothar, home for daemons and hell on your kingdoms. Take back your throne or the daemons would take it from you" The voice said repeatedly and with more urgency.
The fragile hut was shaking vigorously like it was about to collapse, he tried to stand up and flee the seeming danger . But he was too entranced to move, like a force was constantly pressing him down while he struggled internally for freedom.

Then it all stopped, the wind, the mist,everything back like it never happened and the priest stood like his never changed.
Philip heard whimpers and turned to see his mother,she must have heard everything.
"You have to go Philip,you don't have much time" she said conclusively.

Philip had know she was hiding so much from him, he had no time to react or act in any manner. That could explain his mother adamant push for his need for swordsmanship as a child. Pairing him with one of the most ruthless Knight of the West. Lord Fayon. Lord Fayon was the King's guard,his left hand. He was the most feared knight in the kingdom before he was suddenly out of the radia. He loyalty to his Mother was as questionable and if one didn't know better would think something treacherous was going on.
Lord Fayon made an excellent swordman of him and a stunning Mage.

Suddenly the responsibility he evaded for so long slammed on his shoulders so hard he thought it would be the last thing he'd feel not until he heard his mother scream while staring at the tiny open space which substituted to a window.

The Blood Moon was up.

Before he could act, the priest turned to him and smiled.
" Don't tell me you've also being poison by the town's theory of the blood moon?" Its absolutely harmless" The priest turned back to look at the moon with a a sour expression on his face before he said suddenly looking strained.

"The 7th blood moon might just be our death"

Philip knew the weight the statement held even his mother and Anna knew. If he didn't complete the mission before the 7th blood Moon the daemons would dominate and havoc would be unleashed.

The question now was how can he find them?
A southern, A western, an eastern and the moon medium..
Staring at the Moon the knew his journey to reclaim his kingdome had just begun. Six more blood Moons to go.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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