coffee date

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Jisung walks in Changbin's recording room. "Hey sis if you want some dick why don't you try getting some? If you don't I will take all yo fuckin banana milk away." "FINE SIS!" Changbin yells. "Now let me finish writing out rap for District 9, I think the fans will love it."

Changbin finishes the finishing touches on the lyrics. Chan and Jisung already had a chance to work on the lyrics but Changbin wanted to make sure it was perfect.

*Felix walks in*

"Hey loser I'm a better rapper lmao" but meanwhile on the inside when Felix saw Changbin trying to make his rap lyrics perfect, he found himself smiling from ear to ear, but the reason for it was unknown even to Felix himself.

Felix lets out a phat breath. "Felix fuck off" says Changbin. Felix walks over to Changbin and hugs him backwards while he is sitting in his chair. Felix whispers in Changbins ears, "Wanna get coffee hyung?" Changbin gets SHOOK to the core and says "y-yes." His shaky voice left a certain feeling deep down in Felix's heart.

The two drive over to a the nearest cafe that Changbin really likes. They sit down with their large Americano and medium Macchiato. Changbin can't stop staring into Felix's eyes. It just felt like an endless void he wanted to jump into. "What are you looking at?" Felix smirks. "Your freckles are really cute and y-your e-eyes.." Before Changbin could even finish Felix giggles. Changbin can't stop smiling back at the cutest baby boi to ever exist. "Excuse me a sec I have a text from a fugly ass squirrel." "ASGHASDHJFDHJVFDHJ CHANGBIN" Felix bursts out.

bisexual bois united


Soooo hows the date?


I can't stop staring at him, he's just

too perfect to even imagine. It just

sucks that he's straight and has a gf

even though it seems like he's a bit gay


lee know

why am I in this chat if i'm the only gay one




Anyway, hope yall fuck!



The "date" went surprisingly well. Except Changbin's feelings towards Felix grow bigger and bigger. Felix seems to still be straight as a dick but still gives everyone mixed signals. He's risking his career to date Shuhua so his straight-ness must be serious.

"FELIX IM GOING TO SLEEP SHUT UP!" Changbin yells. "Sorry hyungggieeee." Felix waits 30 mins until Changbin can fall asleep. He walks slowly to his room because everyone is asleep. He pulls the blanket over the sleeping Changbin and whispers, "goodnight." 

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