Weekend Plans

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"hey, Sho-chan...?"

"Yeah, Zashi-chan?"

"C-can I walk home wth you today...?"

"O-Oh....why would you want to w-walk with me...? I though you always walked with Nemuri-chan and Nori-kun...?"

"I usually do, b-but you always walk home alone....so I thought I could keep you company, Sho-chan!"

"Um, o-okay. You can walk home with me if you want..."

The blond boy smiles, green eyes behind glasses reflecting the feathery black hair before him as he reached out and grabbed the small, pale hand in his reach, fixing his pale yellow backpack. the raven haired friend blushed, staring at their intertwined fingers uncertainly. The blond grinned as the two started walking down the street, getting further away from the elementary school grounds...

"Shota? Hey, Shota!"

The previously unconscious Shota Aizawa jolted awake with a grunt of tired surprise and confusion, bleary black eyes searching around his long deserted classroom wildly for who had called him, the sleep clouded haze fading slowly from his mind as he narrowed his bloodshot black eyes with a tired groan, his still bleary vision coming to a halt on a tall man standing in the doorway of his classroom, a wide grin on his face as he took in his newly roused coworker.

He was dressed from head to toe in sleek black leather, a spiked red belt fitted tight around his boney hips to match the scarlet padding on his elbows and the white cuffs on his shoulders, the high, studded collar of his black leather jacket flipped up over the heavy metal speaker clasped snuggly around his thin neck, noise dampening blue headphones settled over his ears and a pair of gold rimmed sunglasses worn over his neon green eyes, the orange tint lenses catching the light. He had long, golden-blond hair that was gelled back into a tall, stiff tower, reminiscent to that of a cockatoo, and a tiny, but neatly trimmed blond mustache, a huge, dopey grin on his face that revealed a small gap in his front teeth, waving one leather gloved hand at the exhausted hero behind the desk, who yawned as he stretched himself against the back of his chair, hands clasped above his head.

"What is it, Mic....?" The raven haired man asked nonchalantly, turning to fix Hizashi Yamada, better known as Voice Hero: Present Mic, with his usual, deadened expression, tired and bloodshot black eyes narrowed skeptically. The blond hero grinned wider, shrugging his black leather shoulders as he strode into the classroom, stopping in front of Aizawa's neatly organized desk and pushing his gold tinted sunglasses up into position, taking a second to assess his friend's currently disheveled state.

Aizawa was outfitted in his usual, baggy black jumpsuit, arms crossed comfortably over his chest, the only contrast to his dark appearance being the off-white utility belt strapped loosely to his waist and the many layers of durable, grey white fabric wrapped around his broad shoulders, hiding the bronze-gold goggles that hung around his neck. The man stared up at the tall blond hero through narrowed black eyes, hidden slightly by his long, raven black hair, the feathery strands reaching a little ways past his shoulder blades, the pale skin of his face roughened by a dusting of fine black stubble along his jaw and upper lip, a deep, ragged scar peeking out from under his left eye.

"I was wondering if you had any plans for this weekend. Ya see, I rented a movie and I was hoping you'd swing by sometime and watch it with me...?" Hizashi asked hopefully when he had finished his assessment of his tired friend, a grin on his face that instantly faded when as he watched Aizawa bite his lip and drop his eyes to the floor, scratching the back of his head with a hiss through his teeth, his chest suddenly feeling tight at his friend's already crestfallen look.

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