Ticking Away

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Shota stood motionless in the airport, his hands shoved in his pockets and a bored look in his face as people surged around him, merging together into crowds and lines, all casting suspicious looks towards the black haired male. Although he looked collected, his hands were shaking as he held up a neatly written cardboard sign, standing in line at gate 14.

Loudmouthed Blond

He smirked at his sign in spite of himself, knowing that would get his friend's attention when he finally landed. That was in part why he was nervous.

He hadn't seen Hizashi since he left on his internship to America, which which was supposed to last only two years, but due to the success he had as a hero during his stay, he was asked to remain there two additional years and continue his training with one of the country's top heroes.

Plus, Hizashi hadn't finished his English lessons yet, and was determined to master the language.

So now here they were, Shota standing alone in the airport, sign in his hands, waiting for someone who by now may be a complete stranger. The only contact he's had with the now alien blond had been through phonecalls or letters, which always ended in lonely silence, wishing for someone who may not exist anymore. He didn't even know what Hizashi looked like now or how much he could have changed.

He didn't know what to expect as the crowd jolted his body back and forth, his heart racing as the flight gates opened, a flood of people emerging, chattering and loud, calls of reunion filling the air as he stood alone, waiting patiently, searching through the crowd, until a tall male dressed in black leather turned and caught his eye, a nervous look on his face and green eyes glinting behind gold tinted sunglasses, a surprised expression in place as whoever they were read the sign, approaching the untidy male cautiously.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and torn black jeans, untied and worn converse sneakers tapping the tile as he readjusted his leather jacket, pushing up his sunglasses and fidgeting with the headphones slung lazily around his neck, a black duffle bag in his hands. Shota's heart skipped a beat as the tall blond male came to a stop in front of him, twisting the hem of his shirt and pointing a finger at the sign with a nervous chuckle.

"Um.....h-hey ya A-Aizawa-Kun.....?"

Shota stared, looking over his friend with a bored expression to mask his surprise.

Well, one thing was for sure, Hizashi's sense of style hadn't changed, but the rest of him had.

Hizashi looked nervous and fidgeted anxiously with the hem of his shirt, the skin of his neck pale while the rest of him was tanned slightly, his long blond hair now reaching past his shoulders and almost halfway down his back, tied in a loose ponytail at the base of his skull, his emerald green eyes uncertain behind his gold tint glasses.

For a second, the two newfound strangers faced each other in silence, both anxiously awaiting the others words on their reunion, until Shota snorted, his eyes narrowing at the blond.

"Aizawa-Kun? Have you finally grown up enough to stop calling me 'Sho-Chan'?" The raven haired male questioned with a smirk, crossing his arms as the blond stared at him with a small blush on his face. "Well, I'm glad we've both matured since preschool now, huh Zashi-chan?"

Hizashi did a double take at the teasing tone in his friend's voice, a grin immediately spreading across his face as the tension faded, his body relaxing as he let a laugh slide past his lips, throwing his arms around Shota happily.

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