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wrapped in yoongis arms, face nuzzled between his hair and shoulder and he can't help but want to cry. cough his heart up for all to see his vulnerability; for all to see his love for his brother.
hoseok holds tighter, arms snaking around him with great might and slight fear. holding onto him now is maybe the last time he gets to do this.

"hobi?" yoongis voice squeaks out, constricted and weak.
"yes yoongi?" hoseok replies.

"i can't ... breathe,"

"oh!" hoseok leaps backwards worriedly. "i'm sorry," he says, hands pressed into yoongis cheeks, eyes glaring into yoongis but in a worrisome caring way.

yoongi only laughs, "it's okay hobi" he says with a smile, eyes lit up with a galaxy of stars.

"did you eat today?" hoseok asks as he shuffles to the kitchen, already knowing the answer was no.

yoongi doesn't need to reply but he does, a small whisper "no..." with a guilty trail, his muffled footsteps hitting seconds behind his brothers. "i was quite anxious, i kinda forgot,"

hobi shakes his head playfully, with a small hit to yoongis shoulder, he says "silly," he's laughing and it's jolly. "what do you want to eat then?" he asks.

yoongi doesn't need a single second to thing, his mind made up with the most comforting food to exist, "pizza!" he exclaims brightly, like a gust of wind hit his lungs and the air is fresh again.

and hoseok had all the ingredients laid out before yoongi could even mention his favourite food. although the two know each other inside out, hoseok made the effort to include yoongi in all questions, even if he already knew the answers.

he sits on a barstool as he watches his brother prepare the dough, busy hands making simple work. he never realised just how hungry he really was, the adrenaline feeding him through the day until he was back home safely where the actual hunger hit an now he felt drained.

hoseok side eyes him, worriedly. "yoongi? do you wanna go lie down?" he speaks softly as he continues to need the dough to perfection.

yoongi nods though and stumbles to his room feeling somewhat loopy and half asleep at the same time. he felt almost like a new born kitten taking its first few steps to find milk but his eyes are still shut tight, a big blank darkness surrounding his.

just like a flick of a light switch, the turn of the twinkling stars, he was fast asleep on his bed. the sound of a hungry stomach music to his sleeping ears.

hoseok makes busy work in the kitchen, quickly preparing his homemade dish. he sprinkles on what yoongi calls "glitter" and pops the pizza in the oven with quick success.

he moves through the home and knocks on his brothers door gently before he puts his head in only to see yoongi asleep. he smiles, "dinners ready in 10 minutes," he's met with no reply.

and ten minutes later a sleepy yoongi sits at the kitchen bar sloppily trying to make the pieces fit his mouth like a puzzle although with little effort on his behalf.

hoseok laughs as he eats what he's given, "i was going to ask about this guy but you seem quite sleepy," he sighs with dramatic flare.

"oh!" yoongi seems widely awake now, pitter patter blush forming, "well..." he giggles, "he's very kind, he held my hand and didn't force me to speak, he was patient with me and sweet," a small smile plays with the corners of his lips, two front teeth gripping tightly. "he's very excellent at drawing too, a real passion for him i think, yes, he's passionate about what he does and he has support from friends,"

hoseok is stunned silent, taking in these words from his younger brother with such a big heart. he stays silent but with a smile so bright it speaks words for him, all the most beautiful things about his brother form in his grin. "he sounds lovely, yoongi," is all he can say, it's all that comes to the front of his head as he stares at his younger brother while a sea of beauty gleams brightly behind his grin.


jimin throws a pair of black gloves in a near by bin, his hand sore from drawing on skin. it's late but the parlour only closes now, when the sun is setting over the open road. jungkook works quietly at his own station, organising his inks as he loves to do so. he's pondering though, unsure if what he would say is too vulnerable for jimin to express.

"jimin?" he speaks before he can stop himself, wincing almost at the sound of his voice carried in the room. jimin looks up and over, eyes meeting his.

jungkook looks away quickly and back to his beloved ink organisation. "um, how are you?" inwardly he cringes at his own fear. their friends yet it feels like walking on thin ice just to get a full sentence out of jimin.

he looks confused however, brows furrowed deeply. as if he was actually thinking about his answer, as if he was actually going to confide in jungkook, "i'm fine," he responds and jungkook shouldn't have got his hopes up.

"great," he says back, forced through his gritted teeth and frustration. "um, what about that guy you were texting? was it the customer who gave you his number?," he asks almost like a bold stroke over a shy painting.

and that's what broke the barrier, jimin looks down again, lips folding in as he feels a heat in his cheeks, "yeah... why?"

like a bunny from a burrow jungkook pops up excitedly although he tries to act calmly, "oh, cool! that's cool, he's cool too," he smiles with raised eyebrows and a sheepish look in his eyes, "um, so tell me about him...?" he asks it as a question instead of being direct which was an odd choice for anyone really. he glances anywhere but at jimin, thinking through his brain dictionary at what not to say.

"i don't know much, jungkook, we only just met," he laughs as he walks over to check the booking for tomorrow. "he's shy but he i think he means well, cute too, i suppose," he's scrambling to keep his distance composure, to act like he's cold and doesn't care but his insides feel warm, thawing away at the icy heart.

"would you wanna see him again?"

"yes, i think i would," jimin says, finally letting his small smile show.

they go back to silence, both somewhat processing the past conversation, it's quiet but busy all at the same time. like overshared information was clouding the room and both had a part to play in making that.

jimin had to get out though, with an abrupt movement to get his jacket, he startles jungkook who's deep in thought. "um, it's late jungkook, you should head home too," he says before he says goodbye and leaves jungkook all alone to sit in the cloud of overshared information.

but now he grins bold.

jk: tae

tata: awe ur so cute when u try to blow my phone up, what's up bunny?

jk: i think, jimin actually likes someone?? or could like someone? someone is making him all goopy.

tata: omg,, really??  what's he like?

jk: kinda the same but different!! he actually spoke to me with out sounding annoyed and he smiLED!! :D

tata: wow. he's in deep.
pls come home though, i'm lonely :((

jk: omw.


[edited: 27/03/2021]

edits are taking so long, i'm so sorry.

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