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"we have to go... now."
yoongi nodded quickly then ran back inside to his room, jimin could see in since yoongi left the door open in a hurry. his eyes followed the running boy who was frantically collecting things, something caught his eye as he looked over to the sofa,  a person wrapped in a think blanket, was lying in the couch watching yoongi too. he then sat up and looked at jimin. "oh hey... jimin." hoseok said sleepily then smiled lazily. "just woke up?" jimin questioned while leaning against the open door. hoseok chuckled then nodded, "late night producing." hoseok said as his excuse. "least your working hard." jimin smiled back, his eyes trailed back to yoongi who was now checking his appearance in the mirror. "you look fine kid, go. have fun." hoseok smiled at yoongi then fell back against the soft sofa.

yoongi and jimin walked side by side awkwardly, as their hands occasionally brushed against each other making them both blush. yoongis hand brushed against jimins again and by this point yoongi had been tired wanting to hold his hand so he just slowly wrapped his pinky around jimins, this shocked the older not sure how to react he just decided to go for it and locked their hands together. jimin could practically hear yoongis squeals. making him want to squeal.

they arrived 20 minutes later at the café entering holding hands. jins head snapped up once he heard the jiggle of the entrance bells, he eyed them both before seeing the two hold hands he smiled softly at the two who were giggling with each other, his heart warming at the interactions. he approached them slowly, smile growing wider as he walked and got closer. "hey guys, welcome!" jin said enthusiastically, he watched as the skinny male with jimin eyes wander around the café, seokjin smiled at the cuteness. "hey, yoongi right?" jin asked softy not wanting to startle the boy. said boy nodded and held his hand out seokjin took his enthusiastically smiling widely. "i'm seokjin, husband of jimins best friend and owner of this café." jin said as his introduction. yoongi smiled brightly. "i love the cozy feel of the café, it must make the cats feel more secure." yoongi inquired. jin nodded repeatedly heart melting at the boy, "yes, it's designed based around the cats needs and what's best for them." jin said before continuing. "i'll show you to your table." jin smiled and stated waking away jimin and yoongi following closely, yoongi mesmerised by the beautiful interior then he saw one cat leap from a platform to a soft bed on a higher platform yoongi giggled and quietly clapped happily, jimin noticed and cooed at the excited boy.

once sat down jin left then be, but stared at them through a plant near the table, texting namjoon about what's going on. then decided - why not invite them all to come along, so in five minute intervals, one by one they slowly enter making it less obvious that they were coming.

jin, namjoon, their 2 children, jungkook and taehyung were now all hidden under the coffee bar, where they make the coffee and cake and ring up the customers. occasionally they pop their heads up, watching what was going on at the table. as of now, yoongi was fascinated with a cat that was lying beside their table his fluffy belly on show and eyes closed curtly, jimin was watching with fond eyes. so far... so good.

they took in turns to ask questions about one another, each time a question was asked a story was brought up, no dry conversation is sight. jimin was actually having a good time feeling relaxed and comfortable. yoongi the same feeling happy in a soft environment, soft like him.

a ginger cat had wandered over to the twos table, sitting down in front of it, yoongi noticed it first and started a staring contest with the cat. he lost when the cat leaped up onto the table making him jump and let out a little gasp in surprise. the cat came up and nuzzled it's head against yoongis chest, causing said boy to giggle and stroke the needy cat. jimin had silently taken his phone out of his pocket and was now taking photos. jin came over at this point and smirked at jimin, who put his phone away quickly to embarrassed to continue.

"ah, i see this cat has taken a liking to you." jin said and smiled softly. "what's his name?" yoongi asked. jin pondered for a while, then said "actually it doesn't have a name, it was left at our door step one night so i took it in the next morning, i took it to get the treatment they needed and made sure it was clean, i didn't want the other cats to get ill. once that was done which was a week ago he was introduced to the café and cats a few days ago. only today has he come out of his shell." jin explained while yoongi took in every detail, he looked down shyly at the cute cat and continued to pet it affectionately. jin hesitated before speaking up and said "you can name him if you want yoongi?" jin smiled. yoongi looked up half happy half in shock. "r-really? y-you'd let me?" he said trying to hide the excitement in his voice, scared for it to be a joke. "of course, tell me at the end of your visit what it's name is." with that jin left and went back to hide. while yoongi gushed about how cute the cat was while trying to pick a suiting name for the ginger cat.

the date ended successfully, they walked up to the cash register to pay, well for jimin to pay for himself and yoongi to be on the house. "decided on a name yet?" jin asked yoongi, however jimin had stopped paying attention he was distracted, he swore he could hear whispers and giggles and they definitely weren't coming from them other customers, he decided to peak over the counter and screamed once he saw all the guys and two cute children looking up at him guilty.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" he seethed shooting dirty glares at all of them, except the children they didn't have a choice. "jimin let me explain-." jin started trying to calm him down. "you knew?!" jimin shrieked. "well it's my café..." he sheepishly said rubbing his neck. "wow... can you guys not go a day with out poking your head in my love life?! i'm able to take care of myself!" jimin yelled at them all, the whole café had gone quiet. namjoon had covered the children's ears. jimin slammed some money down on the counter then grabbed yoongis hand, shooting jin one last glare they left.

the walk back was awkward to say the least. they walked hand in hand, yes but the tension was think. they could both feel it, jimin felt as if he had to apologise to the younger. "yoongi. look- i-i'm sorry." he said sincerely. "i had no idea they were going to be there..." he looked yoongi in the eyes, sorry was pooling from jimins while confusion over took yoongis eyes. "why are you apologising? you did nothing wrong, and i still had so much fun!" yoongi giddily said blush blotting his cheeks, he looked down to hide his face. jimin chuckled "i'm glad , yoongi. but i'm so sorry for yelling, i got angry." jimin sighed before smiling at the shy boy fondly before continuing to walk back to the apartment blocks.

once they arrived jimin escorted yoongi back to his apartment, they both stood outside said apartment door, not really wanting to say goodbye to one another. "yoongi?" jimin hesitates, yoongi nods staring at jimin expectedly. "um- i have to go now..." jimin awkwardly said, not meaning it he just wanted the other to say something. "oh... oh yeah..." yoongi sadly said. he dropped jimins hand then opened his door, turning to look at jimin one last time, giving him a smile that said 'i had fun and thank you'. then closed the door.

jimin groaned wishing he could of done something, but he was an idiot. he wanted yoongi back out. just then the door opened revealing the boy. "i know you don't have to go jiminie." yoongi said smiling. jimin chuckled nervously. "caught on, did you?" jimin asked causing a cute giggle out of yoongi as he stepped closer to jimin "well... you are still here." he smirked. "that i am." jimin replied. yoongi smiled before hugging jimin tightly, resting his head on jimins chest, while said male ran his hand through yoongis soft mint hair.

yoongi looked up at jimin, heart eyes on show. before letting the hug go, yoongi moved upwards connecting his lips with jimins, leaving the older in shock. yoongi pulled away sheepishly before blushing a bright red and trying to scramble out of jimins strong hold. jimin stoped him and laughed a little before...

reconnecting his lips with yoongis.
ahhh, finally done. :)
also i love cat cafés! i used to have one close to me that i went a lot too. but it sadly closed down. :(

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