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"you're cute yoongi." he smiled after.
they spent all night talking and laughing. growing fonder and fonder of each other as time passed.

it was around 1 AM and yoongi and jimin were still deep in conversation, the dim lights and soft voices of one another making them tired.

yoongi rubbed his heavy eyes, jimin noticed. "hey yoongi? i think it's time i got you home." jimin said softy, already standing up and holding his hand out for yoongi to take.

yoongi sleepily nodded but instead of taking jimins hand, he wanted to be picked up.

so he made grabby hands for jimin to lift him, so jimin did. he carried him bridal style yoongi taking this chance to rest his head agains jimins chest.

they made it to the car jimin carefully placing yoongi in the passenger seat. jimin started the car, then realised, he didn't know where he was going. he grumbled slightly before lightly shaking the half asleep boy. "yoongi, what's your address?" he softly questioned.

yoongi pouted from not getting sleep, the pout made jimin internally explode. "i'm sorry i woke you up. i didn't want to." he tried reasoning. yoongi whined before mumbling out his address, leaving jimin a little surprised.

"y-you live where?" he asked again for reassurance. he listened closer this time making sure he heard it right. "i live there too... wow." he chuckled slightly, yoongi said a quiet yay before drifting off again, jimin just stared in admiration.

they arrived at the lit up apartment block, jimin driving into his designated parking spot. he didn't have the heart to shake the cute boy sleeping awake, so he picked him up again, he shut the car door careful not to shut yoongis head in the door.

he kept repeating his address in his head to make sure he got the right apartment.

taking yoongi up was not easy, he really didn't want to kill the first guy he thinks he has a chance with. he finally made it - not with out sweating a little-. it was late, but he took the chance, he knocked on the door flinching at the loudness. it slowly creaked open revealing a tired looking man, still young but sleep was catching up with him.

he looked jimin up and down then looking at yoongi, eyes brighting a little. "ah you brought him!" the man said.

"yes, um.. did i wake you? if so i'm so sorry." jimin says anxiously. the man laughs, "no no , i was up working on my music." he smiled brightly.

"oh thank goodness." jimin let out a breath of relief. "i'm jimin by the way." he smiled.

"ah... so your the guy my brothers been going on about." jimin was surprised at that he even blushed slightly.

the man chuckled. "i'm hoseok by the way." he put his hand out for a hand shake then realised jimin was still holding yoongi. "oh! i'll show you to his room." jimin nodded at that, entering the apartment.

they walked to his room, hoseok leaving once they arrived. saying something about going back to his music. jimin placed yoongi on his soft bed, he tucked him into his silk sheets.

the blonde male watched for a little while, cooing at yoongis sleeping habits, he curled up into a cute ball his eyes closed tight and a pout on his lips.

he reached for a pillow and hugged it close. he was murmuring words, which jimin found too cute. a low cough was heard at the door, jimin stared a little longer, he smiled fondly at yoongi. then jimin turned seeing hoseok.

"you seem good for him, jimin." hoseok smiled genuinely. jimin nodded politely. "thank you, i was actually going to ask if i could take him out, like on a proper date..?" jimin shyly asked.

hoseok smiled even more. "of course. i see you mean no harm. and he really does like you jimin." said boy bowed and thanked him, taking one last glance at yoongi he left the apartment saying goodbye to hoseok.

he let out a breath, before heading to his apartment a floor above. once there he yelled out a happy 'yes' before yawning and going to bed.

he was happy, things were going well.

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