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reconnecting his lips with yoongis.

it was later in the day and jimin was still buzzing from the kiss, adrenaline still rushing around in his body as he danced embarrassingly around his kitchen only to be interrupted by his phone buzzing.

he looked at the caller ID and let out a groan, "hello." he stiffly said, no emotion evident. he waited for a reply, "hi... look i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to ruin your date-." jimin stopped the caller, "ruin? no... i wouldn't say you ruined it, just embarrassed me. i still enjoyed myself." jimin smiled thinking back to the kiss and the cute smile yoongi made anytime a cat came by. "oh thank goddess." the caller let out a relived sigh, "look, im sorry. they all got excited that you were on a date- i couldn't help but not think." jimin chuckled a little. "seokjin, it's fine. i was mad, very actually. but yoongi enjoyed himself and that's all i could of asked for." he smiled at the end his eyes showing fondness and joy. "okay, okay. good i- ugh, the twins are acting up. i gotta go, bye." and with that seokjin hung up before jimin could get another word in. the younger just shook his head and smiled before placing the phone back down.

it was saturday now the LA sky was shining while the sun beamed brightly down on the civilians and tourists of LA, jimin was buzzing with energy and joy while driving with the roof of his car down the cool breeze blowing his hair back as he moved his head to the beat of his favourite song. things were good.

he parked in his spot outside of the tattoo shop, got out the car and locked it then checked his watch, 11:32 AM. he walked to the front door of the shop smiling each step he took before reaching the door then unlocking it. he entered and brushed his blonde  locks back, closing the door behind him only to be re opened shortly after,  by namjoon who was surprised by jimins happy attitude as said male swayed around the tattoo parlour humming some tune, "well, someone woke up on the right side of the bed." namjoon laughed, dimples on show. jimin got a fright at the voice but only laughed after rolling his eyes. "well, i'm in a good mood? can't i be?" jimin smirked as he walked over to the cleaning supplies cupboard and rummaged through it picking up the things he needed. namjoon had made his way over to the reception desk to check the bookings for the day, seeing it was pretty full he smiled, he saw the soonest one was at twelve on the dot. "no, i'm just saying... you seem overly happy." namjoon smirked at jimin who was now sweeping the floor, head down.

namjoon walked over to the tattoo bed and started getting things ready for the first customer. "so tell me jimin, what happened after the date?" jimin froze temporarily then coughed, "n-nothing." he squeaked out, jimin literally face palmed. "oh ho ho. so something DID happen!" namjoon clapped excitedly. "do tell..."

"he kissed me..." jimin mumbled to himself still looking at the ground. "sorry what was that?" namjoon choked, cupping his ear for effect. "he kissed me, okay?!" jimin said loud and clear, eyes staring straight into namjoons.

namjoon was shocked, "woah.... woah! yoongi kissed, you?!" he repeated, looking dumbfounded. jimin sighed, "no, jungkook kissed me! of course it was fucking yoongi!" jimin snappily replied to witch joon raised his hands in defence, "sorry, didn't expect him to have the guts." jimin just rolled his eyes, then muttered. "good mood, ruined."

it was around lunch time, and everyone was at the shop, jungkook was sitting on the sofa where jimin would sit to sketch, with taehyung on his lap cuddled up to his chest. while namjoon, seokjin and the twins were at the counter, namjoon and jin being flirty while the twins sat on the reception counter, playing with an iPad jin had taken.

the front door opened and the bell went off, everyone went silent and starred at the door as it slowly opened further, jimin was peaking his head out of the staff area to watch who it was, as the shop was closed for lunch, no one should be at the door. but when yoongi shyly walked in, jimin stood up immediately and headed straight to the door bringing yoongi into a little hug. "what are you doing here?" he questioned yoongi, who bashfully looked down while playing with a scrunchy that he had on his wrist. "m'missed you..." yoongi admitted then looked up into jimin eyes, 'they sparkle' yoongi thought. 

jimin cooed at that, "i missed you too..." jimin smiled at yoongi, who gummy smiled back. "come on." jimin said and held his hand out for yoongi to take, yoongi happily obliged and they headed back to the staff area.

all eyes on them.
hiii, sorry. i know it's bad, it's kinda a filler?

i love my idea, but not sure where i'm going with this, so updates might be slow. :(

but, THANK YOU FOR 500 reads!!

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