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She was powerful. Not because she wasn't scared, but because she went on so strongly despite the fear.



Everything looked white with closed eyes. I tried to open them but they were stuck together. After few moments of struggling with my eyes I finally opened them and tried to take in my surrounding. I wasn't familiar with the room. It was small as compared to the other rooms in the house but was warm and cosy.

I was about to step on the floor when the events of last night registered back in my mind. The memory of the man with that blurr face and a round scar on his head dripped in blood came back and I was suddenly alarmed.

He hit me. I checked my dress which was smeared in his blood last night. But I found no stain on it. Who removed it ? Most of all how did I reach home ? I scratched my head and stepped on the floor.

"Good Morning" I heard a manly voice and I froze on my place. It was not Eric. I looked up to find a young man dressed in a formal attire. He looked like he was going for his job then why was he here. Where was Eric ?

"I am Paul" He introduced himself but I couldn't register anything. I was beyond confused. I looked aroubd the room and then at him.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked and looked around but then I located a picture frame on the stand which included him and a girl. It was when I realised I was not at home. Did the man with scar brought me here ? I looked at him again but he did not have any scar on his forehead.

"I guess. I am at my home." He smiled and approched me. "Yesterday night I found you unconscious on the street. There was nothing with you from what I could contact your family so I brought you here." He filled me with the information.

"Oh..Okay..Thank You." I smiled at him and he nodded.

Why did the man with scar left me there ? That was the first question in my mind. He said that he had come for me. He wanted me to go with him then why didn't he took me with him ?

"So...Would you like to stay for breakfast Miss...?"  He stopped midways when he realised he did not know my name so I filled the blankspace he left.

"Mrs..Viona C-ullen" A lump struck on my throat as I was about to pronounce my matrimonial surname.

"Okay.." He stared down on my ring finger and the ring confirmed my being Mrs.

"I think I should leave. Thank you for whatever you did for me. I am really embarrassed you actually washed the blood on my dress." I spoke in a hurry and he frowned.

"Blood ? What blood ? Did you kill someone ?" He asked.

Something inside me tensed up and I was suddenly uncomfortable around him.

"No..No.No..I didn't kill anyone." I said rubbing my temple. "I was..was talking about the..the blood on my dress. I...Actually I bumped into a injured man...last night and my dress got smeared with his blood." I tried to prove my point and said whatever came in my mind and it was partly true.

"Sorry Mrs. Cullen but I don't think there was any blood on your dress and besides I didn't clean anything." He said with a frown but he actually made me worried.

What was he speaking ? I myself saw my dress staining with that man's blood last night. I saw it with my own eyes. He even slapped me. I was not lying. I even felt the stinging sensation on my cheek.

"I'm actually leaving for office. If you want I can drop you home." He offered and thought of Eric came in my mind. The way he called me ugly and left me at home to rot and went away to enjoy his night. How could he be so heartless. Did he knowingly do that to me ? May be yes.

The Girl Who Broke Me {CULLEN #2}✓Where stories live. Discover now