Eight - At Night, Your Body Is A Symphony

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"There!" I pointed excitedly. "Go up there!"

Gerard shot me a look of exasperation, indicating left. "You are the worst navigator in the history of navigation."

"Excuse you? You haven't been anywhere with Brendon."

He simply rolled his eyes, driving up a small lane that led to a parking lot at the bottom of a hill. He stopped the car, and we both climbed out of it. I went to the trunk to collect the picnic basket and the blanket, and felt his arms slip around my waist from behind.

"Stop, you." I giggled as he kissed my neck, his arms tightening.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." He murmured. "C'mon."

He took the picnic and my hand, leading me up the hill to the top. The sun was just beginning to set, which meant that we could watch the stars come out...I hoped. I laid the blanket on the grass, flopping down on it as Gerard set the basket on the blanket. I rolled onto my side as he lay beside me, on his back, and I took his hand.

"We haven't done anything like this for ages." I said, resting our joined hands on his stomach.

"No, we haven't." He agreed, sounding almost distracted, staring up at the sky. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He turned his head, a smile gracing his lips, and then his free hand came up, holding the back of my head. His mouth landed on mine, and he kissed me softly. When he pulled away, he stayed where he was, his breath fanning across my lips.

"My moon," he whispered, kissing me again. "my stars," kiss. "my sun." He arranged our hands so my palm was over his heart, and I could feel it drumming against his chest. "This is what you do to me. You've done this to me since last September."

I grinned. "I do that to a lot of people." I rolled him over and straddled his waist, my hands either side of my head. "This, however -" I rocked my hips against his, earning a gasp. "- I can only do to certain people."

He leaned up and kissed me, and I sank into it, kissing him back just as lazily. It was my favorite kind of making-out - the kind that was slow, and sleepy, and careful, and it stirred things up in my stomach and made strange feelings travel lower and I wasn't even gonna lie, it was a turn-on.

I broke the kiss as his hands landed on my ass, and I smiled against his lips. "We're missing the sunset." I said, my voice barely audible.

"You're much prettier than a sunset."

I laughed, sitting up. "You are so corny, oh my God."

He shrugged, letting me climb off of him and sit between his legs, with my back against his chest. As the sun sank below the horizon, he took my left hand in his, raising it to his lips and kissing the silver band.

"One day," he murmured, his chin on my shoulder. "in a couple of years...maybe we could change this for one with a bigger meaning."

I managed to tear my eyes away from the sunset, staring at him in stunned disbelief. "What are you trying to say?"

He smiled. "And then some time after that - several months, maybe even a year or two - we can get another one, that has an even bigger meaning."

I opened my mouth and closed it again, at a loss as to what to say. "Really?" Was what I ended up blurting out. Good one, Frank.

"Well...yeah, I mean...if you want to." He suddenly looked unsure, almost embarrassed. "Why, don't you want to?"

The Man I Know I'm Not [Frerard] (Sequel To Tell Me I'm A Bad Man)Where stories live. Discover now