Seven - You Strip Away My Pride

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"I'd better go." I told Brendon, who nodded, and I signed off and shut the laptop down.

My eyes fell on Mikey, who shrugged, rolling his eyes. "I've never liked Bert." He admitted quietly, and my eyebrows shot up.

"You what?"

"There aren't many people I don't like, because I'm a well-mannered person - unlike a certain brother I could mention - but Bert has always been one of them. He's a difficult guy to get along with. It probably didn't help that I was cold with him from the start, and I suggested to Gerard that he break up with him. I mean...I'm sure he's a very nice guy -" I scoffed, and he grinned. "You've never given him a chance."

"I never want to, after the way he's treated me." When his eyebrows rose in curiosity, I told him what Bert had said to me a few days ago, recounting how he'd pushed me against the wall and told me how much of a slut I was. I finished, and he frowned.

"Frank..." He took a deep breath. "You've got to understand that Bert is completely and utterly dependent on Gerard. And Gerard, well, he's letting it happen. He's always had a soft spot for Bert. From the day they met, I thought it was going to last between them. I actually thought they'd marry. And then you came along..." His eyebrows rose as he glanced at me, and I smirked.

"I couldn't help it. I didn't even know he had a boyfriend when I first met him. I wasn't intending anything to happen. It just...did."

"I knew you were trouble from the start, Frank Iero."

"Excuse you?" I feigned hurt. "I like to believe I've improved his life."

Mikey was silent for several seconds, and then he smiled. "Yeah, you probably have." There was the sound of something smashing upstairs, and both of us looked upwards. "Fucking hell." He muttered.

"Do you know why Bert's here?" I asked, and he looked at me before sighing.

"As far as I know...he's suicidal." The words shocked me, and for once I was silent. "Though after what Gerard's been through, he should be getting proper help, not unloading it all on his ex-boyfriend." He paused, licking his lips, his eyes on the window to his left. "I don't know the ins and outs of it, just that he phoned Gerard from the edge of a bridge about a month after he moved to New York,and then he went to collect the guy and bring him here. He's been here since. It doesn't look like he's ever going to leave."

My jaw clenched. "What, so no matter what Gerard and I are doing - even if it's baking a cake or fucking each other through the mattress - he's just going to be in the next room?"

He nodded. "Looks like it." He leaned his elbow on the arm of the couch and rested the side of his head in his hand. "Don't forget, Frank, Bert's very manipulative. He knows just how to get what he wants. I'm not saying that he's not really feeling that way - even if he is attention-seeking, I'm not gonna accuse him of it - but I think he's using the way he feels to wrap Gerard around his finger."

"Are you trying to plant doubts into my mind?" I said, and an edge I couldn't help rose to my voice. "Because Mr Manipulative has already done that."

"No, I'm not. Not at all. You know I prefer you to him. I taught you music for a few months, dude - I definitely think you're better for Gerard than Mr Manipulative." He licked his lips. "I'm just saying that Bert needs to go to a proper clinic. He needs proper help. He can't keep latching onto Gerard."

"Because Gerard might start to feel that way too?" He nodded, and I chewed at my lower lip. "I can't suggest something like that. Gerard will just think I'm being stupid. He'll think I want Bert out of here - which I do."

The Man I Know I'm Not [Frerard] (Sequel To Tell Me I'm A Bad Man)Where stories live. Discover now