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1 year later...

"Dada, can I get this one, please?" Minhyuk asked, holding up a Superman action figure for Kihyun to see.

"Of course, honey, put it in the trolley," Kihyun smiled down at the boy, who grinned happily as he placed the toy - very carefully - into the trolley. "Daddy said we needed milk, didn't he?"

Minhyuk nodded, hair waving back and forth as he did so.

Pushing the trolley, Kihyun led Minhyuk towards the milk aisle, the boy holding onto the side of the trolley so he wouldn't get lost.

Turning the corner, Kihyun felt himself smile when he saw Jooheon and Hoseok standing at the end of the aisle, probably debating over which carton of milk was cheaper to get.

"Honey-seonsaengnim!" Minhyuk exclaimed, and Kihyun didn't even have the heart to tell him off for running off when Jooheon turned around with that dumb look on his face.

"Hey, Minhyuk!" The brunette replied, wrapping his arms around Minhyuk's shoulders when the boy hugged him.

"Hey, no hug for me?" Hoseok asked, and Minhyuk looked up at him nervously, hiding behind Jooheon slightly.

"He's not as scary as he looks, Minhyuk," Jooheon whispered, and Hoseok playfully slapped his friend's arm.

"You guys are traitors," Kihyun joked when he finally caught up to the three of them.

"Us?" Hoseok asks, an eyebrow raised. "You're the one who left us to go and play happy families!"

Kihyun rolled his eyes playfully, and Jooheon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You know we're just teasing you," the brunette laughed, and Kihyun nodded with a smile on his face.

"Dada's buying me an action figure!" Minhyuk exclaimed all of a sudden, and Hoseok cooed.

"He's so cute," the black-haired male said, and Kihyun ruffled his boy's hair.

"What are you guys even doing here? And why are you in the milk aisle of all places?" Kihyun asked with a snicker, and Jooheon pouted.

"Changkyun kicked me out for making fun of his new hair dye so I decided to tag along with Hoseok for a bit," he answered, and Minhyuk giggled.

"Not surprised," Kihyun muttered under his breath.

"Dada, I'm hungry," Minhyuk pouted, gripping onto the fabric of Kihyun's sweater.

The pink-haired male grabbed onto the boy's hand and squeezed it.

"Let's go home, then. I'm sure Daddy's made some yummy food for us," he smiled and Minhyuk grinned right back up at him. "I'll see you guys around."

"Bye, Minhyuk!" The two men said almost at the same time, completely ignoring Kihyun.


"Daddy!" Minhyuk squealed when Hyunwoo picked him up as soon as the two stepped through the door.

"Hi, baby!" He exclaimed, kissing all over his son's face.

"Save me, Dada!" Minhyuk giggled. "Daddy's crazy!"

Hyunwoo did eventually let up on the kisses, putting Minhyuk down on the floor and leaning in to kiss Kihyun.

"Hello, my other baby," he teased, and Kihyun playfully slapped his - broad - chest.

"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Minhyuk shouted with a giggle, and Hyunwoo shushed him gently.

"Inside voices now, bub," he scolded softly, and Minhyuk nodded, covering his mouth.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," he repeated, this time in a hushed whisper, and Kihyun couldn't help but coo at how cute his boy was.

The rest of the day flew by completely, and by eight o'clock, Kihyun had tucked Minhyuk in for bed, collapsing onto the couch with a loud sigh of relief.

"I'm so tired and I honestly have no idea why," the pink-haired male stated, and Hyunwoo chuckled.

"You'll get used to it, Minhyuk is a real handful," he reassured, and Kihyun smiled. "By the way, there's something I need to ask you."

"Hm?" Kihyun hummed, looking over at Hyunwoo as he took Kihyun's hands in his.

"I know this will probably sound really stupid and sudden, but if I don't ask this question now, I'll just ask it tomorrow and the day after and the day after that and then you'll just think I'm desperate," the brunette started. "Well, I am desperate. I love you so much, I'm so in love with you that my heart feels like it's about to burst. And if I don't make you mine right here right now I might actually die."

"Hyunwoo, what are you-" Kihyun started, but cut himself off when Hyunwoo got off of the couch and onto one knee.

"Yoo Kihyun: will you marry me?" He asked, pulling a box from the pocket of his hoodie and opening it to show the small ring for Kihyun's small finger.

Clasping his hands over his mouth, Kihyun felt his eyes well up with tears as he nodded dumbly, lunging forward to throw his arms around Hyunwoo's neck.



the end :)

answers to your questions shall be up same time next week!

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