Chapter 3 Freakish

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Going back to freshman year in my thoughts I remember what got me stuck in this lifestyle. Filled with fear and curiosity, I followed the feeling down the hallway. Warm bodies of students filled up the area. I pushed and shoved until I finally laid eyes on him. At first glance, he looked normal. He was still wearing the hoodie and baggy clothing. With the exception of towering over everyone he probably wouldn't have stood out at all.

The way he stood so impossibly still made him seem frozen in time. He turned unexpectedly in my direction and caught me staring. My first reaction was to drop my head and pretend I wasn't staring, but between the deer caught in the headlights look on my face and the fact that I was the only person not moving in the crowded hallway. Well let's just say I couldn't have been more obvious; especially since everyone kept bumping into me like a human roadblock.

I would've moved to avoid being trampled, but I was too focused on the nearly seven-foot tall hulking figure looming threateningly in front of me to bother with getting out of the way. His continuous stare stilled my limbs. There was something about his darkened face that sent another round of chills down my spine. I swept my gaze hesitantly over the passing students who were going peacefully about their business, oblivious to any danger.

Returning his stare, it became clear from the way he never broke eye contact that this stranger was the predator and I was his prey. My body filled with heat as a rush of electric tension flowed through my veins like an adrenaline pump. The abrupt slamming of the metal locker doors sounded more like gunshots. For some reason, I wasn't afraid of him, but I know I should, and that's what scared the hell out of me.

I had to get a grip. Shaking off the nerves, I tried to think. He was probably just playing around. Halloween wasn't that far away and if that was the case, he was going to wish he hadn't. Lowering my chin I narrowed my eyes and waited. Within a matter of seconds, every student in the bustling hallway disappeared. I was already so pissed that I didn't care if I insulted the intruder before discovering why he invaded my turf.

"Hey there, Freakzilla! Did you dress up for a special occasion or are you hiding under that hood because you're just that ugly?" As I waited for his reply I didn't attempt to hide my humor, I should've.

His answer was a low growl and his hot breath smelt like a sewer. My stomach twisted into a knot, I had to fight to keep from puking. I tried to remain upright, but the lingering smell grew in sickening waves until it burned my eyes. I opened my mouth to make another biting comment, but froze. With a defiant movement, he raised a powerful arm and tore off his hood. The face he revealed was beyond disturbing. The best I could describe his face was sunken in like a zombie, but it wasn't special effects making his skin or what was left of it, seems as if it could slip right off his face at any moment. My first reaction was to pinch my nose and yell at him about the smell, but I couldn't make my mouth form the words. Instead, I went with a breathy, "What happened to you?"

This time he didn't respond. I couldn't stop staring at his skin, it was a gray-olive green color. Standing slightly hunched over he looked animistic, especially when he drew back his lips in a menacing snarl. It exposed uneven edges of jagged teeth that looked purposefully sharpened. This creature returned my naked stare with what could only be described as bloodlust. The urge to kill. He spoke in a high pitch grown.

"Master sent me to find you."

"I didn't know I was lost", I replied automatically.

I was trying to use humor like a shield that will somehow protect me, but in truth it was arrogance. When he showed no sign of response. I knew my inappropriate attempt at being funny was lost to him. I should've known better, monsters don't do funny and in my book, the thing in front of me definitely resembled a monster. All he did was stare at my throat. It raised one arm, muscles clearly showing under his thick hoodie and made a slow purposeful motion with his index finger.

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