Chapter 5

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October 30th, 2018 1:32 P.M.

"So the house is down there?" Kyra asked, gesturing down the river gully. Charlie nodded.

"Yep. By the way, Brady and Raven said they'd meet us there."

"Hey Vera, I thought your parents didn't want you doing anything related to Fazbear's, how'd ya convince them to let you come?"

"Don't worry, they think I'm just hanging out with you guys. Which, isn't really a lie." Vera grinned slyly.

The group of girls slid down into the gully and crossed over the river, as they pressed through the trees, an old house was becoming visible.

"Here we are." Charlie grinned, giving the old door a light push to open it the rest of the way. She glanced down, Kyra and Vera noticed the same odd footprints from the pictures Charlie had shown them, adept faint. Charlie continued down to the basement,

"Yay, creepy basements." Kyra muttered as they walked down. The air grew musty and there was a faint scent of something else, but it was too faded to truly distinguish it. Charlie lead them into the room, turning on the flashlight on her phone.

'Through that door, the one with the dirt spilling out."

"Why is the floor of that room dirt?" Kyra asked, Charlie shrugged as they entered.


Before them was a large room, the floor was caked with dirt, as though it never had a proper floor to begin with. Within the rooms were multiple pits, almost resembling graves. There had to be at least 8 or 9.

"What the heck is this? What sort of weird stuff was going on in this house?" Kyra uttered. Charlie walked over towards the far corner of the room, where frenzied slash marks sliced through the dirt and it the dirt was swept around. Charlie had been right, it looked like a struggle. Shattered mechanical pieces, bits of fabric and of course, the aforementioned animatronic arm.

"Here it is!" Charlie called, gesturing them over.

"Alright, we can look at it later. But it in my backpack. This place is creeping me out." Kyra then commented, Charlie hesitantly grabbed it,

"This thing kinda smells a bit... wonder what's wrong with it." she commented as she placed it in the bag.

"L-let's get out of here." Vera suggested, looking around nervously. Charlie and Kyra agree and they exited the building,

"Let's check out the backyard, I actually don't know what's back there." So they three used the back door and entered the rather flooded and overgrown backyard. They began to curiously walk around.

"Charlie?! Kyra?! ANYONE!" they heard someone shout,

"Oh, RAVEN, BRADY! WE'RE IN THE BACKYARD!" Kyra jumps before shouting. The two other members of their team trot into the backyard.

"What'cha guys doin?" Brady asked,

"Explorin'!" Charlie responded with a grin. The five teens then turn their attention to the old shed pressed up against a hill, to the point that is looked half buried. Kyra approached it, noticing the door was slightly open, but as she opened it, she failed to notice the dried blood on the floor and doorknob.

"Oooooookay..." she trailed off, what was inside the shed was not something you'd see in an actual shed.

"Guys? You might wanna see this..." the inside of the shed was a rather large hallway, and at the end was an elevator.

"What is this..?" Kyra asked,

"These 'Aftons' are getting more and more suspicious as the time goes on..." Raven muttered as they walked to the elevator. When the entered, they were rather surprised,

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