Chapter 27

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January 7th, 2019 11:02 P.M.

"I was bored so I marked down the locations of all the attacks, there is a pattern." Michael commented, pointing at the small map on the table.

"That'ss... unusual. They've never done that either."

"Huh." Henry examined the map,

"I wonder what they're looking for..."

"Or hunting for." William added darkly. Both Michael and Henry looked at him,

"What? It's a clear possibility sssince they've been killing."

"Well, we need to find them before they kill more people then." Henry said,

"We won't need to..." William then growled darkly, examining the map,

"Why?" Elizabeth narrowed her green eyes.

"They're coming to usss."


We should've never had split up, Kyra thought as she snuck through the mansion, hearing the echoing of her footfalls and the clicking claws of the strange animatronic monsters. They'd been sneaking around the mansion, attempting to leave without being seen or heard by anything. After a hours of all of them separated and waiting, when the sun began to rise. Kyra quietly walked around, her eyes scanning through the dark when she bumped into something. She let out a scream, and so did what she bumped into.

"Oh my god, it's just you Kyra. I thought it was one of those Twisted things..." it was Charlie. Kyra put a hand on her chest and leaned against the wall,

"Jesus, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Kyra hissed,

"Sorry." Charlie whispered back,

"The sun, it's rising! I think we made it through." Kyra let out a relieved sigh,

"Are you sure?" she then asked, Charlie nodded.

"I stopped hearing and seeing those things about an hour ago, we need to find Vera, Raven and Brady." The two of them set out to find the other three members of the group, as Charlie attempted to contact them via phone.

"Yes?" a voice whispered on the other end.

"Vera, it's Charlie. Those things are gone, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm with Raven and Brady but..."


"Not everyone is fine."


The TISA team stood in the indoor garden, above the bloody remains of the butler. In an attempt to lighten the uncomfortable mood as Kyra contacted Hillard Charlie said,

"Well, at least they can't say the butler did it." Kyra snorted, while Raven simply facepalmed.

"While I'm talking to him, you guys should retrieve the trail cams and what's left of the Nighthawk." they nodded, and left the garden.

"Mr. Hillard? Kyra Bussinger, we've got a problem..."


They sat in the treehouse as Charlie uploaded the pictures from the trailcam.

"Alright, let's see what we got..." she muttered as the entire group gathered around the laptop. They began to scroll through the images.

The first few were simply empty besides the Nighthawk flying above, but then figures became visible. The first two where ones the team had come face-to-face with. Twisted Mangle and Bonnie. The mangled monster's spider like legs (almost tentacles in a way) allowed it to clamber up the gate and out of frame. Twisted Bonnie appeared to have simply sliced the metal bars with its' claws.

"How did we not hear that thing do that?" Vera mumbled as Twisted Bonnie vanished from the pictures. The next few pictures contained other figures, one was recognized as the bird-like figure they saw cross the courtyard, one had a dog like stance, the other 2 figures were too far from the camera to see.

"So there are six of these. A Mangle, Bonnie, probably Chica too... what else? Maybe a Freddy or Foxy?" Kyra suggested,

"Also that wolf from the tapes, so, yeah." Vera answered.

"7." Charlie then said,


"There are seven..." the next few pictures were different, the pictures had interference and covered with static. A figure stood before the camera, staring at it. This thing had long, slim limbs and fingers, it's face was to heavily staticked to be seen as they advanced through the pictures until it entirely cut to nothing. The final few pictures returned to normal and showed nothing.

"That's some slenderman crap right there." Brady joked,

"These creatures are what have been killing people, and they're obviously connected to Freddy's... but how? And why?" Kyra said, everyone else shrugged.

"Not sure, maybe Schmidt's journal has some info?" Vera went to go get the journal, she paged through it quietly.

"I think I would've noticed a mention bunch of scary-beyond-all-reason mutantronics..."

"Mutantronics has a good ring to it." Kyra chuckled.

"Can we call them that? Twisted sounds weird."


"Why not."

"It's fun to say, so sure."

"Then it's unanimous! Mutantronics it is!" Kyra grinned.

"Yeah, there's no mention of the mutantronics in here... these things are fairly new. How are we going to figure out what they are and where they came from if we don't even know where to start?" Vera asked,

"Maryland gave us some contacts, perhaps one of them can help." Raven shrugged,

"Alright, who do we talk to?"

"My bet, Henry Emily. He'd probably know more." she responded.

Kyra picked up her phone and dialed the number Kyra gave to her, it rang for a bit until someone picked up the phone.

"Hello, Emily residence how many I help you?" a tired voice spoke on the other end.

"Um, hi. Is this Henry Emily?"

"Yes, this is he. Who is this?"

"My name is Kyra Bussinger, and I'm part of the Teenagers Investigating Spiritual Anomalies." there was a sigh.

"Is this about the restaurant?" he asked.

"Yes and no. It mainly about the deaths, we've seen what's been causing them and..." before she finished there was the sound of the phone being dropped, and a small curse as it sounded like the one on the other end almost fell over.

"S-sorry about that... what?" Henry then asked,

"We've just had a face-to-face encounter with what's been killing people, and they look like the animatronics from Fazbear's." there was silence,

"N-nobody's hurt r-right?" he then said nervously.

"Uh... one dead butler but that's about it." there was a sad sigh on the other end.

"My god..." he whispered quietly.

"We were wondering if you'd help us." Kyra continued.

"With what?"

"Stopping them."

A/N: Huh... the TISA team comes to Henry, who went to William in regards to getting rid of the Twisted (or mutantronics XD) help-seption! 

Also, bout diddly-dang time the TISA team made contact with the main cast (or at least one of them) besides that awkward scenario at the Café 20-ish chapters ago. 

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