Chapter 16

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December 24th, 2018 12:00 P.M.

Christmas Eve...

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Michael awoke to that. Tattletail, with the flashlight in its' face, screaming at the top of its lungs (voicebox?) Michael sat up and rubbed his black eyes, his glowing pupils falling irritably onto the toy.

"By jove, what do you want now?"

"Your up! We're having a party for Mama! Come help us!" Tattletail responded.

"Will it get you to shut up?"


Michael was taken aback by the fact that the toy actually responded.

"Alright, what do I need to do?"

"Find my friends!" Tattletail responded, Michael gave a tired nod and left the room. He found two other Tattletail's in the main room of the basement standing next to each other. One yellow (Butternut) and a one blue (He'd later find that its' name is Dewdrop).

"Great. More of you."

Where are these things coming from? He crept upstairs and immediately found one. This one was white, and on the kitchen table.

"Alright, let's take you to your friends." he commented as he picked up the toy.

"Hi! I'm Snowglobe, can you feed me?" it asked in a voice similar to Tattletail's, but was higher in pitch, making it sound more feminine.

"Sure, what the heck. Not like I'm doing anything important like hoping to go to sleep or anything." he grumbled as he went back downstairs and gave the toy a few of the maraschino cherries that he'd been used to feed Tattletail when the toy demanded it.

"Thanks!" Snowglobe grinned when he placed it (her?) down next to the other two.

Well atleast that one's polite... he thought as he went to look for the other one. The lights flickered out and the odd grinding from Mama Tattletail.

"Oh lordy." Michael groaned, he spotted something moving out of the corner of his eye. Unsure if it was Mama, a Tattletail, or heck, one of the Nightshades, he backed up slightly. He heard a familiar childish giggle. Underneath one of the living room chairs was a black Tattletail.

"Oh, hi there." he said quietly, grabbing the Tattletail.

"Brush me!" the Tattletail shouted loudly, in a voice slightly deeper than Tattletail's (It was actually a bit jarring...)

"Okay bloody-no need to get snappy." Michael hissed back. He grabbed the brush and sorta multi-tasked down the steps. Placing the black Tattletail next to Snowglobe.

"Hi Night-Night!" Snowglobe greeted, the latter simply growled.

"More, more!" Tattletail grinned,


"We need some food. Got any cupcakes?" Snowglobe asked,

"Probably... wait- how come you talk kinda normally?"

"I'm the literate one in this dysfunctional family." Michael simply blinked, a bit confused before walking upstairs quietly, seeing Mama's eyes out of the corner of his own. As luck would have it, there was a box of cupcakes in the cupboard, he took them downstairs. Stepping lightly to avoid getting Mama's attention. He placed them in front of the Tattletail,

"More, more!" Tattletail said again,

"Translation?" Michael deadpanned to Snowglobe, she responded with,

"Christmas lights please."

"Got it." Michael responded with little argument. At this point he justed wanted to go to sleep. There was still a box down from the attic with some lights and decorations in them from when they were setting up, he grabbed a red string of lights and brought them down as well.

"Now what?"

"Candles." Snowglobe responded before her more annoying purple brother could shout "more".

When Michael got back upstairs, he was greeted by Charlie.

"You're up again. I'm going to guess the Tattletails."

"Yep. They're setting up some form of party? I dunno. Do we have candles?"

"Yeah," Charlie responded, both walked into the living room and Charlie handed him five red candles.

"We're not really going to be using them. Open flame and the Nightshades don't really... mix well."

"Yeah. I know. I'm sorta glad Molten Freddy recovered from that." They both went downstairs, Charlie first. She stopped at the main room, with a shocked look. The 5 tattletails stood in a circle. They were standing around a pentagram created from the christmas lights.

"Michael..." she scowled at the zombified man when the extremely tired Michael entered the basement he didn't notice at first. But when he did he almost dropped the candles,

"I swear on my father's springlocked grave I did not put them up to this." Charlie paused for a moment to give a slight giggle at the line,

Really? A voice sniped rather irritably at her,

"Nice to know." Charlie shook her head.

"Oh god. I think I know what you want me to do..." Michael shook his head,

"Why am I doing this?" Michael then groaned as he placed the 5 candles in front of the Tattletails.

"Light the candles~!" Tattletail sang.

"I don't have a lighter."

"I've got this Michael." Charlie said, stepping forward.


"I've found that I have some... interesting abilities." Charlie raised her exposed endoskeleton hand (her right hand) and did a sweeping motion, the 5 candles lit up with a pale-blue flame. Michael blinked.

"Woah." Charlie grinned with a small bow,

"Thank you."

"No more Mama!" the 5 Tattletail began to chant loudly.

"Rewind the tape!" one of the Tattletails shouted. Michael obeyed and stepped out of the pentagram as the chanting continued in increasing volume.

"If the neighbors, or god forbid, the police, ask, we were playing a video game." Michael commented, both of them stared with shock as the tape began to play backwards the Tattletail commercial song backwards, glow with a white light, and float up slowly.

"Oh my god." Michael uttered. Eventually, the tape had nothing left to rewind it began to make a glitching sound.

"DESTROY IT!" one of the Tattletails then shouted loudly. The grinding noise from Mama began to grow in increasing volume, her red eyes were seen. She was getting closer. Michael pulled his switchblade from his pocket and dashed to the VHS, raising it above his head and striking down just as Mama came into the candlelight, jaws unhinged and lunging straight for him. There was a bright flash of light and a small black that blew Michael from his feet. When the light faded Mama was gone. So were the Tattletails.


He stared with disappointment at the befuzzled and confused toy, who's head spun around comically.

"You failed. The task I gave was simple and you failed." he snarled, the toy visably flinched,

"Mama's sorry... the children helped him. They banished Mama from the house..."

"Well, luckily, I know someone more competent than a toy that can get rid of the last of the Aftons... "

"Despite the fact he's been trying for a while now..."

A/N: Whelp, this mini-arc is done. Tomorrow is Christmas, and will come with a mini-chapter plus a piece of artwork! :D

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