The List

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[Toni's POV]

I have been worried all week. Literally. And I think it's starting to show. Tomorrow would be the day I find out if I made the team or not. I really hope I did. I also think it'd be pretty cool since, if I make it, I'd be the first female on the football team.

I paced around my trailer, back and forth... back and forth... until finally someone said something.

"You're going to get dizzy if you keep pacing like that." I heard a giggle, as if it was an angel.

I turned around. It was my angel. Cheryl. She was dressed in one of my long shirts, that was all. She leaned against the wall.

"Cheryl." I smiled. "You're up."

"Well, you know, I think you'd get up too if you heard footsteps walking back and forth." She teased and got closer to me. "What's eating you up, babe?" Cheryl asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Nothing at all. I just... missed you." I lied. Actually that wasn't a lie. I did miss her even though she was in the other room.

"Aw, TT. I missed you too but you know I was in the other room, right?" Cheryl nodded to the bedroom.

"Yeah I know." I smirked. "I just missed you."

Before I knew it, we were locked in a passionate kiss. I felt butterflies churning in my stomach and a pit of fire coursing through my entire body. The only noise that could be heard in my small trailer was the sound of our lips touching and our saliva mixing.

She let out a small whimper. But it was enough to get me hard. Or harder since I was already hard when we first kissed. I palmed her ass in my hand causing her to moan which caused me to groan. I could feel her smirk on my lips but that was soon erased when I lightly sucked on her tongue. She moaned again.

It was like we were each other's oxygen. We didn't need to pull apart because we weren't out of breath. I slammed her against the wall. She partly bit my lip, due to the shock. But once she realized what was happening, she wrapped her legs around mines.

Cheryl intertwined her hands with the locks of my brunette and pink hair. She pulled gently and that caused me to moan. She pulled back a little just to speak. "Guess I found your kink." She smirked.

At that moment I got the best idea. I squeezed her ass that caused her to moan. "Guess I found yours." I winked and we kissed once again. It was great and all, until... until my stupid phone rang.

We both pulled back with a groan and I almost whispered because I already missed her touch. I walked to grab my phone, but it was really hard with an erection. No pun intended.

I looked at the caller idea. It was Fangs.

"I have to take this." I said to Cheryl and stepped out.

[Cheryl's POV]

Okay, so now I'm sexually frustrated. I wonder what was so damn important that Toni had to leave me in her trailer after a very heated make out session. Like... what? To be honest I was kinda suspicious. It seems like for a couple of days, Toni has been... distant. Almost.

I can't help but think... maybe she's no longer in love with me. Maybe my mother was true. Maybe I really am loveless.

[Toni's POV]

"What?!" I whispered/yelled into the phone. I was beyond annoyed and pissed at Fangs for interrupting me and Cheryl.

"Damn, T!" Fangs' voice sounded through the phone. "Did I interrupt you're happy time with Cheryl?" I could hear that annoying smirk through the phone.

I clenched my fist. "What... do... you... want?!"

"Calm it. I was just gonna tell you something that coach told me to tell you but... since you're busy..." He sounded like he was gonna hang up but I could tell he was just putting on an act to piss me off even more.

"Wait!" I said. "What is it?!" I'm not gonna lie... I sounded desperate. But then again... I was.

"Well... Coach Clayton told me to tell you that... you made the team!" Fangs cheered and I gasped so loud, I could have woken up the entire population at Sunnyside Trailer Park.

"What?! No way!" I exclaimed. "This is amazing! I gotta go! Thanks, Fangs."

"No problem, Tiny. Good luck."

I smiled as I hung up. Jughead was right. Me and Cheryl were going to be the most cliche couple in the school.


[Cheryl's POV]

"I swear, something is up!" I stated as I walked alongside Betty and Veronica. We were all in our Vixen's cheerlead outfit.

"Calm down, Cheryl." My cousin, Betty said. "Maybe it's nothing. That girl is literally crazy about you."

"Yeah," Veronica agreed. "She is. She's not cheating on you."

"I don't like my odds." I said. "Maybe she's not but maybe, just maybe... she's not in love with me anymore." I was on the verge of tears. But I wasn't going to cry. I had to be strong.

"Don't say that, Cher." Betty comforted me.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled as we made our way to the gym. But a paper was on the door before we went in. It was the football team for this year.

"Oh! I almost forgot the new football players!" Veronica exclaimed. "Obviously my Archiekins is on it." She scanned the list, as did Betty. I could care less.

"Oh my god." Betty said. "Cheryl! Look!" She pointed to one of the names. I rolled my eyes and looked to where she was pointing at.

Toni Topaz... quarterback?

"What?!" I yelled. "What... What?"

"Well this must explain why she's been distant!" Veronica said. "This is good."

"Yeah..." I was unsure how to feel. "Why didn't she tell me?"

Betty shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe she wanted to keep it a surprise."

I nodded. "Yeah maybe." I was actually kinda excited and a little, scared to be honest. What if she got hurt while on the field. But I guess that's what I go through since I'm a cheerleader. I, too, could get seriously hurt.

I smiled. "Yeah, Maybe."

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